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<br /> MORTGAGF:
<br /> --------------------._ .._ —=._.._..—_-- .. :–,__. ...___ ...__ �—
<br /> --
<br /> Muttrc �ci icinntici _ � 22.444_ ____
<br /> rKNOW ALL MEN BY rttrst Ntttst-:Nrs.rndi Phi 1 D. Hsrri s and Jean Harri s, each i n hi s and her own
<br /> right and as spouse of each other
<br /> __--__ Muitgagur,whethe�une ur m-�re in cunsiJeratiun of the sum�f
<br /> Twelve Thousand and No/100----- ---- --- ix��La,Ks
<br /> ------------- --- ---.. ___ - ___ _..._ ____-- --- ----
<br /> loened to said mortgagur by The F'.yuitable Building anJ Lueu A�u>ciatiun ut Grend 1�laud.Nrbruaf.a,M��rtgagce,upon 12� shares of s[ock of
<br /> said ASS(XIATION, Certitica�e Nu. L ZZ,944 ,d.�hrreby grant, �.,n.ry and rnurtgege unw [he ia�J ASS(K'IAT10N the foltuwing
<br /> described real astate, situated in Hall Cuunty.Nebraska:
<br /> tc�gethrr wlth atl the tenemen�s,herednxments and nppurtenances ihereuntu belungmg,including at�ached tlour wvenngs,all window scrcens,
<br /> winduw shaSes,bGnds,sturm wmdows,awnmgs,hentm�.,uu c�mditluning,and plurnbmg and water eyuipment and axeswries thereto,pumps,stuves,
<br /> rcfngerators,and uther fiztures end eyuipmrnt n�w ur lirreatier attached tu or used�n��,nnec�iun wuh seid rrsl astatr.
<br /> And whereas�hr sa�d murtgagor has ug�red end duea hercby ngrer ttia� ihr inui�gag�r shall ena will pay efl taxrs and aaxssmenu lev�ed or
<br /> assessed upun said prrmisrs and upun this murt�gr and the bund srcured �hercbi bcl„re che same shall become delinquent�.to furn�sh�pproved
<br /> insurance upim the buildmgs un said pmmises suuated m the sum uf$ LZ����.0� payeble �u sx�d ASSOCIATION and tu deliver to said
<br /> ASSCX'lATION the policirs fur sxid msurance:and nut w a�mmit or permu any waste on or about said prcmises:
<br /> In case ut Se(ault in the pertiarmance of any�f thr ierms und conditiuns uf this mungage ur die bond se�•ured hereby,the mortgagee shxll,
<br /> un demand, be entitlyd iu im�nedirte pussession uf the mortgaged prrmius nnd �he mungagur hereby ass�gns, translers and sets over tu the
<br /> rtu�rtgagee all the rrn�s,revenues and incumr tu be denved(wm thr mortgxged premises Juring such time us thn murtgage mdebtedness shall re�nain
<br /> unpaid;and thr nwrtgagec shall have the puwer to xppwnc anq egent ur agents rt mey desve (ur the purpuse ol repxiring said premises and ronting
<br /> the sxme and collecting ihe rents,revenurs and mcume,and�t may pay uut ��f suld lncume all rzpenses uf rcpairing said premises and naxecary
<br /> cummissiuns and expenses incurred in rcniing and managing ihe same and uf cullrctlng rcntals therefrom: the bxlance remaining, If any, to be
<br /> applied tuward the diuharge of said murtgaKe mdebtedness:the�e nghts of the murtgegec may be rxcrclsed at any tinre dunng t}��existena of such
<br /> default,irrespectrve of any trmpur�ry waivrr uf the same.
<br /> Thrse Presents,however,arr up�n the Conditiun,That if the said Murtgugur shell repay� �e�d luen on ur bcfure che maeunty uf'sa�d shares by
<br /> payment:pay mon[hly tu sa�d ASS(X'IATION uf ihr sum specrfied in the Bund x��ured hr�rby ns mterest and pnnc�pal un uid loan,un u[beture
<br /> �he TwonUeth day uf each end every month,until said luan�s fully paid�,pay ull taxrs and assessmrnis Irvird agamst sald premises and un thu Mortgage
<br /> and the&>nd srcured ihrreby,brtbre delinyuenry�,turniah uppruved insurance upun t hr huJSing,thrreun in the sum uf'$ 12�0�0.0� payablr
<br /> to said ASSO('IATION:repay to sa�d A55(K'lATION upun dernand ell money by it pa�d�i>r such taxrs,essessments and insurance with interest at
<br /> the mazimum Irgal rnir thereun frum datr of payment ell uf which Murtgagur hrrrby agrces to pay�.perm�t nu wasie on said pmmisrs;keep and wmply
<br /> with all�he ngreemen�s and ca>ndiuuns of the Bund(ur S 12�QQQ.QQ �his da�� giv�n b� the said Mungugur w sa�d qSSCK'IA770N,and cumply
<br /> with all the re�uiremrnts uf[he Ccrostitution and By-Lews ut sa�d ASSOC�IAi'ION: then thexe presenis shall bacume �wll and vuid,utherw�se they
<br /> shall renuin in full fbrcr and may br Rxeclosed ar the optlun of'the said ASSO('IATIOh aftrr failure lur three months w msJca zny uf sald
<br /> payments ur be �hrer munihs m arrrars�n makmg said munthly payments,w tu kerp and cumply� with the agrcemen[s and condttiuns uf said Bund;
<br /> and Murtgagur ugrrel!u huve n recri�•rr eppointrd funhw�th m such tiuerluswe proceedings.
<br /> If there is any chyngr m uwnership uf the reel rslate mur��rd herem,by salr ui utherwix.then the en�irr rrmaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> securrd shall,ai thr uptiun uf 1�he I:ywtrble Bu�ldmg and Luan qsswciatiun uf Grand lilxnd,Nrbrxska.becumt unmedwtely due and payable without
<br /> furthec nutice, and the amount remaining due under said bund, and anq othe� bund}or any additiunal advencrs madr thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> date uf exercise of srid optiun,bear interrst et the maximum IeQul ra�r,and dus mortgage may then be f'orecloud to sxGsfy the amount due un said
<br /> bund,Ynd any uther bond for additiunal advancex,tugether wiih all sums pxid by wid 1'he Fqu�table Building and L�an Assoc�atiun ul Gnnd Island,
<br /> Nebraslca for insuranax,taxes and assessimnts,and ybstraciing ex�rns�on chxrgrs, w�th interest thereon, frum date uf payment at the maximum
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> As provid�d in the Bvnd secured hereby,whik this murtgage remams m effec[ thr mortgagee nwy hereafter ndvxncr addi[iunal sums to the
<br /> makers uf wid&>nd,their assigns ur successors in intercst,which sums skall be within ihe secunry u(this mort�ye the same as the funds oryytwlly
<br /> secured thereby,the totyl amoum of principal debt not tu ezcxed at eny time thr origmal amuunt of this inurtgage.
<br /> ��qa Rt�y Oth aay�i December n.i�..iv 77
<br /> �7; � „� �� ,
<br /> - �N ,�7 �yC:a�- i''�.i...___.
<br /> _ .._
<br /> D.Harris -
<br /> ':,Cs�s ��G��k2c>
<br /> '"Jean Harris
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,�� On this ZOth dxy uf December �q �� ,�f����.
<br /> COUN7Y OF HALL .
<br /> the undera�gned.a Notary Pub�c in and for said County,personally came q �
<br /> L Phil D. Harris and Jean Harris, each in his and her own right and a�s spouse of ea h other
<br /> w � drEa perw�y known w �c
<br /> me te Me tiie 9dea�icsl rx+n whoee neene a�xed!•••he a�>rr�nstr,. m�•rt :u:� srvera:t ;:;`�...`
<br /> � F� S S dP'e ya+�*t+� F.�S�: S they 3
<br /> ac7caou•kdoed the Lid ittsu uu�eni t�b� Lhei r v.rdu+�t�uy�,;t ruS 3ec�. j "
<br /> W1ITJFSS my hand�nd Notarial Seal[he date dore�aid. •. ;' :' �`%/ � �)
<br /> aid
<br /> �//' �7 ..�
<br /> My Commifsion e�s i'�,/{��/."� r y t�,.�—�-1–
<br /> � _,_t� a ;�-•�.�rv �.,r.�,.,�r;,�..� �.� "`.--s� t ....___�'�_.sc.
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