r �
<br /> not extend or postpone che due dutc oi thi• montlih• iueralln�rnt � n•ferre�i to in j�s�a�raph.� 1 und '1 hereol or
<br /> change the amuunt of sucL installments .
<br /> '' 10. Borzo�ver Not R�l�assd. F:xtension oi tlie tin�e for ��apment or modificatiou uf a�uortization ot the �ums
<br /> �` �ecured by this '�tohgage granted b}� I .euder to an�• � urcee�or iu interest of Borro«�er ;hull not operate to release ,
<br /> p' i� any manner, the liability of tl �e origin3l liorro���cv and 13orru�+ ��r'� tuece„or� in iuterest_ I.ender shall not be
<br /> � C reyuired to commence proceedingr: against sucli suacesFor or refuse to extc:ud time for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> � amortiaation of the sun�s secured by t6ir \ fortgage I ,�� rc:arwn ul' an}� demand m�de try thc original Borrower and
<br /> Borrower's euccesaors in interest.
<br /> Q 11. Forb�ar�a►e� by I.�ader Not a Waiver. Any forbeurance by Lender in exercisin� any right or remedy
<br /> � hereunder, or otherwise afforded b�� applicable lu�� , shall not I ,e a wai;�er of or pi•eclude the exercise of any right
<br /> 1� or remedy hereunder. The procuremenc af insuran��e or ttic+ � �ss�• meni of tr�xes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> h ehall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtednc:ss secured by this 34ortgage.
<br /> 12. 8�m�di�s Cumula6ve. All remedies }�ro��ide�1 in tl� i� \Sortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> right or remedy w�der tl� is .11ortgaga• or ;al�orde� l In• la�c ur oquit �• . an�i ma�� I ��� exerci�ed eoncurrently , independ-
<br /> ently orsuccessively .
<br /> 19. Suec��on �d Jlaaigns Bound: Joint aad Several Liability: Captions. "Chc i•o�•enant. And agreements
<br /> herein containeci shalt bind , and t6e rights liercuncicr .^Lull inun � to , thi• re.� �e��tiv�� �uccessor, :uid assigns ot Lender
<br /> and Borrower, �ubject xo the ��ro��ision.� o( � �uragi^i� �h 17 lirn•uf. All ��o����na�ii � un� i :ign•cmentn ot Borrower shall
<br /> be joint and ����erul . 1'hc oaptioo. und lu�ading.� oi tlic � �ar;s�;ra � ,h., uf thi� \ lort �;:��;�� :ir�� tor oon ��enience only and
<br /> are aot to be usecl to interprek or• defin�� th<• � �rovi��iun� 1�erc•of .
<br /> 14. Notiea. �1ny noti�•�� � u 13orrotirr � �ro�•i� ic� i ior in tl � i� \ ( urtRa�;� .6ull I �i� �;i� �•u hy ivailing .uch notice b}•
<br /> certified mail uddreesed to liurru�c ��r at tlio 1'rup��rt }� :1 � 1� 1ro.�. �tnt �•� I h.� lu�c . �•�riq ,� fnr uny nutice required under
<br /> parsgruph 18 h�•irof to bc ki�•rn tu Borrow��• r In tln� � uxnurr � � rc•.cril���� i In• ;i � � � �lirabl�• la�c . � nt� uotic�� � �ro�•ided
<br /> forin thi� \fortguge .•}iall h�• �l�•ru �r� l tu liz.� � L�•ou Ri � �•u tu liurru�+ er �� 1 ��•u �;i � ��n in � lu� ivann��r dr.i�;��ated hereiu .
<br /> 15. Uaifoias Morigage: Govemiag Law: Severability. "l'I � i� iurn � u1' niortqa{;�• � umbine. uniforin covenantb
<br /> for national use and non-unifor�n covenaut� �sitli liwitc� i � uriutiuu. by juriadiction tu constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrwuent coverin�; real prupert��. '1'his \ [ ortgu�;e nli�ll lu� go�•i•rne, t b�� the la��• of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> t6e Property ie located . ln the e��ent that :un� �� roeision or rlause oi il , is Vortgage or thr Note conHicts with
<br /> applioable Iaw� , aucl� conHict shall not afTect otlier � n•o��isiun= oi this \ IortK� ge or t6c� Note w6ich cun be given
<br /> effect without tLe conftictix�g pro��ision , und to ihi. ��n�i tl�e � �rovision. of' tlu� \ 1ortKage and the Not 'r, are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 1& Becraw�ra Copy. BorroHcr �hall be furnislued u � •unforrue�l �•o���� uf this Jlortgagr+ at thc time oi execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation hereuf.
<br /> 17. Trm�d�r oI tbe Prop�dy; Arsumption. If all or anp pr�rt of the Property or an iuterest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower without Lender'. prior writte�n cunseut . �xcludin� is � the creation ot a lien or encum-
<br /> brancesubordinate to ttus \fortgaKe . ibi thi� crr:�[ ion uf :� Fiurc•hx��• iuon��}• .ecuritti• interest for household appli-
<br /> ances , (c ) a transfer by devise, dr�cent ur b}� o� �eration ui la �a u� wn th�� � leath uf a joint tenant or ldl the grant of
<br /> any leasehold incerest of 2t�ree yenre or 1�•a� � iuc �•untuiuin�; uu u� �tiuu t �, � �un•tian�� . I ,ender mxv . ut I.ender's option ,
<br /> declare all Che sums eeeured by this \Sortgagr to I��• iuuiic�liatrh � luo um1 � �nydblr . Lender ahall have �csived such
<br /> option to aecelerate il , priur to tl�e aale or 2rsnsier , Len.l��r uud tli�� � u�r.uu to �chuui the Yi•operty is to be sold or
<br /> trane3ferred reach agreemeni in writ.mg t6at the cre�lit uf �u�• li � �er�ou i, .atistactun� to Lender and that the interest
<br /> payable on the sums �rrured by thi� \turtKxKe �hxll I ��• at �urli reite ua I ,� nder �L:ill rcyuest . If I .ender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerace provided in this paragrapli 1 i an� i ii liorro�� er :� �ur�•,•>hor in i�uer�•.t k �us executed u writ -
<br /> ten assumption sgreement accepted �i� wrinu�; h}� l .tndcv. Li•n�ter .hall rclen�c Aorro�+�rr lrom :sll obligations under
<br /> thie Mortgage snd the Note.
<br /> If I.ender exercises nucL option tu accelerute , Lender shaill � iiuil 13orrower ��oticr u[ acceleratio❑ in accordsnee
<br /> ��•itL paragraph 14 herroi. �uel� uouc�� .lu� ll � �ro� ldr a � �er�u� l ��i nut Ic�� tluin 30 �dxp., frow the datr tlie nutice in
<br /> mailed within which 13orroH�er may � �u�� t6�• tuu�. d�•rlarr�i �lu� . li li�rrrow�•r iail� tu pii�� �urh .unis Eirior to the
<br /> eYpiration of sueh periocl , Lender u �a�• . �ritliuut fuitil ��� r nu� io� • or � i��� nau� l nn lii�rruwcr. iu � ok�• :ln�� remedies per-
<br /> mitted by pnrsgraph 18 hereot.
<br /> \uN - [ ' xiFOHM ( �U�' FNANT� . }iUl' PUN'ol' NII/ I I .��u�l�� r furiLor ru� ��n .i �u un�l a�; r�•� • a . f'oll�i ���� :
<br /> 19. Aee�l�ration: Remedios. I :sr�•� �t a� � � roci� l� •� i � n � �:uu�;ru � �l � 17 h� rouf . u � iuu liorru�+���r ', brex<• h of xn�•
<br /> covenant or agreetnrnt uf Borruu� �• r i� i ihi� �turtRs �;r . iu�• lu� i � u�, tliv �•o��� • n ;�ut . tu � �a}� ��� lii•n �1u�• ;am� .itnis ..�•curr�i
<br /> b}• thie AlurtRage . Li•m {�.r � niur tu :ti•r�J��i:itiun > h:ill nu� il uut �m tu liorru�ci•r a� � � �v�� i� i�•� { iu � �ttira�;r;xpli 14 I�ereof
<br /> .��e�•if,yinq : I11 the breart � : i '� i tlu� urnuu n•ywn•� I tu �• un • .w�•li Lrru<• li , i3i :t � iat � . not le., tl � au thiiY �• dav�
<br /> fruui the �1xtc tL�• noUcc i� inuilivl tu liurru�� or. I , c �cluoli .•u� l � Ino;u li iuii,t I �.� rw•o� { . :ui� i i9 i thut [xiluro tu curc
<br /> .ueh breach uu m' br�or<� the dxU• •�ir��i�ie� i �n tlic nuui�c � ux� n•..ult in arrel�� ratiun ui � lu� .iiw• .e�• uro� i b�' this
<br /> \lortgage� Snd +al�• uf th� Yro� irrtt' 1f thr hivn� li i� nu� run•� I nr. ur { �i•lurc iho � iati � >E �oc•ttii•� i � n � Iu� �wnce• . Lt:ndcr
<br /> at Lrnder'e option n�ay � ie�•lur�� all oi tho .uiu.. .�•cun•ii I ��' tlu , \Iort �;;�Ri• tu h�• imm�•� liately dn�• �tu� 1 ��ayable
<br /> w•ithout further deniund an�1 ma}' iure�• Iw�� tlii� \ ] urtRa� �• li� iudioial � u•oi•��i•diu�. Len� lcr �luill I �e �•ntitled tu cullect
<br /> in �ucii pruceeciing all exprnst•r ��i fnmclu>un� - � n �• lu� lin� . Lut nut li � un �•� 1 to . �vst , of � luowucntur�• rvidence ,
<br /> abetracte and tiUr reports.
<br /> ls. �ORo�►�ds 1Riqht to A�itfslab. \ utN� nli..tau� lw�; Lrn�lrr '. :�ccrlrratluu uf tho ,uui. a��cured by chis
<br /> Mol't��ge, Borrower shall ha��e the right tu ht���e any �irocee.iin�;. I �e�;un bt� Londi• r � u i•nforrc thi. \1ortKage din-
<br /> eontinued at any time prior to entry oi a judk�ui•nt �miWr�•iuR tiu. \lort �;ukr if : � xi Borruwcr pay, Lender all
<br /> eu[uc which would I�r theu due und�-r tlii.� �lurt {;uR� • rh� • \ote• :imi nor ��, ,rrur� n � hlnun > �Iv,tnr�•. , if' an�' , hxd no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; Ibl Borrower �ure� xll bre:u•lir� ut ;� u� uthrr rov�•nant . ur aFr�•ecn�•nts uf $orrower con-
<br /> 4Yiuetl in bk�ui A4olty�u,ge ; Icl Borrower paya nll ra>x�unalde• oc � x�n..e. in��urrr� l t��� Lend�-r � u ��ufurv�inK thr c•o�•en�sut.n
<br /> sud agreements uf Borrower cuntatn� in this \lurtk.��i� und iu �•ntorrin�; L�•n� li•r '. rru�edie. u� � iro��i�ird in pant-
<br /> �'aptf IB hereof, including, but not limited tu, rrasonahl�• ;xtcurne} '� fee� : :sn� 1 idi I;orruwi•r tak��n ..u�h action x�
<br /> 7.[rnder msy rearonably require to astiure that Ihe hen ot � hi� \ IortKxK�• . L�•udrr '� i��terert iu thc Yropertp and
<br /> Botrover'o o1�li�tion W puy the esuins eecurc�ci bv thi� \Iu�KKaqr .iiall runt �nu�• unuupa �red . [ � puu ,uch payrnent �`�
<br /> and cute by Boerow�er, this Mortgsge and tl�r obligatiun. .rcured hi•ri�b} .•lutll rc� naiu in full fori•c an� 3 v}�ect as if ' „Y, �;:
<br /> ao aoeelaation had occurred. � .
<br /> � ���t aE 1rd: Ai�eisharet ot 11�c�iv�r: I.�ad�r en Pone�aion. A. udditional nrcurity here- ��r,�,
<br /> ueder, Burrow�er hefeby aeaiene to I.ender the renta of the Pro�:�ert}• . � �ro�•ided t liat Borroaer shall , prior to acceler- � �
<br /> at�os undet pata�eaph 18 hereof or abandcfnmeni of tl�e Pro��eM �• , ha� c� the riRht to co11�M and retain auc6 rentr �"..;
<br /> ar L6�y b�eome due anal paqsble.
<br /> LJpen �ebelerstion under para�78��l� 18 hcreof a• uhandontuvnt uf tl �e F'ru� �• rt � . I.ru� irr in i ��•r�on . Iry xKrnt
<br /> er by )Md�eulty appo�eted teoeiver ahall he rMitled to enter u�wn . take �rosteti,:ion �f and wanxKc th�� Yropert :� .�
<br /> ae�d t,� aolleet tlre ren4 of �fie Pe�opeRy , includin� thoere �iasst due . All r.•nts collerti�i hy l,ender or the rr�•��iver
<br /> �hal! be ap�plied Blr�t to pay4tent of the cost$ of nls4agement of thr Yropert � un� i ru� lcctiun of ri•rit . , in�� ludinK. Irut
<br /> uut liaui6wl /u, ��iver 'e fee.. lirenuuu+e uu receivrr s ixNuia auu rexM�uatilr xttornry . � ret . uu< 1 th��n to ttu• .uiu�
<br /> ebtured by thu Mort,ga6e. I.ender and t,hr rc�cei ���r �I�all IK� liable to ac���ount unh t�>r thu.�• rent . urhisll}• ro�i�i � e�i . �
<br />�
<br />