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- � � <br /> not extend v1• j�ostpone the due date oi thc wonthh� iu=t ;illiur�nt � referred to iu { �arsgraph� 1 und 2 hereof or <br /> � change the amount ot such installments . <br /> � 10. Soerower Not R�l�as�d. Eztensim� of the time for � �aymeut or inodification of amartization of the eums <br /> M eecured by this '_�lortgsge granted 1��� I .ender to any <urcrssor iu interest oi Borrower shall not operate to release , <br /> � in any inanner, the liabilit}� oi tlie original 13orrower an�i liorrow'or '� succe,sorr in interest. Lender shall not be <br /> � required to comn�ence proceeclings against. Fuch �uccc�nor or rrfu�c to extend time for pavment or otherwise modify <br /> r � emortieetion of the sums secured by tl �is 1lortgage 1 ��• reaswi of :im' demaud made by the original Borrower snd <br /> � Borroaer's sueoessotr, in interest. <br /> � 11. Forb�asane� by Lnder Not a Waiv�r. Any forbesrance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> 1`� hereunder, or otherwise afforded by u��Plicable Iac� , shstl not he a waiver of or preelude the exercise of any right <br /> or remedy hereunder. Tlie procuremeuc of insurance or the � �apment of taxes or otl�er liens or charges by Lender <br /> ahall not be a waiver ot Lender's right to acceleratc the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br /> 12. $�m�di�sCumulativ�. All remedies procided in thi� \9ortgage are distinct ai�d cumulative to any other <br /> right or remedy under thiE \Iortgage or aftbrderi h}• I:tw or �vauit }• . isnd may I �o cxercised concurrently , independ- <br /> ently orsucceasively . <br /> 1S. Suee�on m►d Aasigns Bound: Joint aad Several Liability: Captions. "I'I�e� co�•en:ints and agreements <br /> heroin contained shall bind . und tlie rights Lereu�ider �Ldll inur�• tu , thc res�iertivr �uccessors ;ind assigns of T.ender <br /> and Borrower, eu6ject� to the pro��ieions ol � iaraKr:y �l� 17 hcreof . All covc^naut . :ln� { aKmc�ne��ta o( Borrower ahall <br /> be joint and se�•eral . The i•a� �tiona an� l li��adii�g• of th�• � �arxKrs � rh. oi thi• AIurtgaK�- are 1'or cum�enience onl}' and <br /> ate not to be usect to int,erpret or deftnr tl�c provis� un� Lera•ol. <br /> 14. Notiev. Any notirt� to Lion•ow �•r pro� idi•. i fm in thi.� \ lurt �;u�;�• • hall h�� �i� i•n b}• iuuiling aueh notice by <br /> certi6ed ivail :iddressed to Burruwi�r :xt tlu� Yro� �crt }� .a�1�ir���� ,tnt ��� t L�• lu�c . �•a��i•� �t iw• uu�� noticc re�auired iiuder <br /> paragruph IS hrreof to bc Ri� �•n tu Borru�crr in thc � u:inu�• r � � rc.,�•r� l �c� l hc x� yilli•:tbli• Ix« . � n)' notit�e provided <br /> [or in thi� Alongage •liall br decuunl w ha��r V ,eru Ricou tu Hurru���or ��� li��u Ri ����n m th�• nn+uner d��tiiRnxtc�d hereiu . <br /> 15. Uailora+ Mortgage: Gov�rniaq Law: Sewrability. I'lii� lorm uf iuort �u�;c rmnbinrs uniforin covenants <br /> for national use and non-uniform ��ueenant� �eitli limitr� l ��ariatiunx h�� ,Iw'i�dickiou to ��onetitute a uniform secu- <br /> rity instrument covering resl ��ropertp . '1'hi� Vortgagc shull h�• gu� ernr� i by the Iaw ot the jurisdictiun in which <br /> the Yroperty is located . ln thu e�'ent ti�at am� � n•u� isiou or � isu�c oi tl � i� \lortgage o�• thc Note ca�flicts with <br /> applicable lsw , sucl� conflict �hall not uf3'ect otlier � �ro�' i �iuu � uf tlii� \ lurtKage or the Notc which can be given <br /> ePfect without tlie conftictiug provision , and to tliis en�i r t�e � � rucision� ui t he � iurt.kage an� l the Note am declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> li. Doirow�ri Copy. 13orrower shall be furnislir� l a � orilor�n�•�l �•o{�}� uf thi� Alortqage at the time of execu- <br /> tion or sfter recordatiai Lereof. <br /> 17. Trms4er ot ths Prop�rty; Aseumption. ] f :�11 ur anc � �art of t he Propert}• or sn interebt therein ie eoid <br /> or transferred by Borrow�er withuuc l.erider's prioi• writ � .•n �•unsent . excludiu�; � xJ tLe creation of a lien or encum- <br /> brance subordinate to this �lortgage . � �� � thc creation ui s { >urrha.�• muucy securit }• intereEt for household appli- <br /> ances , ( c ) a transfer by devire , descent ur h�� operatiun uf Is��� upun the d�atl � of � joint tenant or ( dl the grant of <br /> any le�sehold interest of thrae year� oi' le.� i �ot cuutuiniii � an ul �tiun tu j �urchase , Lender mav . at Lender's option , <br /> declare sll the sums eecured b�� tl�ie '�lortgsge to Lo iwwediatch• � iu�• au�l � �ayabl�• . l .ender aliall ha�•e �•un'ed such <br /> option to accelerate ii , prior fo thr sale or u•xnsfer, Lend��r :sini tl �e �x•r.wn tu �chuui the Yi•o�ierty is to tx� sold or <br /> transferred reacli agreenienc in ��•ritin�; thdt tl �e credit ui .ucli � �e�:,ou i� .�ati�taccor�� iu Lende�r 3ud tl �at the interest <br /> payable on the eume sec•ure�l Uy thir �lortKage shall h�• ut �u � • 6 rato s� Londer ,1» I1 rcyuesc . If Lender haE waived <br /> the option to accelerate provided in t6ie � �aragrnF� li 17 uu� i ii 13orrowr•i•'. �ur�•ecnor in iuterest hus executecl x writ - <br /> ten aseumption agreeinent accepted in writiug b�• Len�ier . Lender .hull relea:e BurroHrr from ssll obligations under <br /> this Mortgsge and the Note . <br /> If I.ender exercises euch option tu accelerute . Leuder sliall � nuii 13orrower noticr. oi acceleration in accordsnce <br /> ���it6 paragraph 14 herrui , tiucl� uot �cc ,•Yu� ll }nv� id� u � �i•riu�i ui � wt 1�•.• tliau 3U � t:�� • fro�n thc datr tl�e notiee is <br /> inailed within wLicti k3orroHrr wxy � �x>' thr .wu� �lcclur�•d � iu� . li liurruH �•r fa� l� tu � �y}• •uc• h .wn. prior to the <br /> rxpiration of such period , l.ender ma>� , ��� �thuut imKlier nuti��� ���r � 1�•nuu �d un liorro�cer, iu ��oka• any remedies per- <br /> mitted by Paragraph 18 liereof . <br /> Nuti - [ ' xiso�� nt l '�iveae � TN. Kurruw�� r vud Lt�i�d� r ftn•t-li��r �•���•eu��ut :iud aiK' r�•o x . follu�e� : <br /> 18. Ace�Lration: R�mediss. f�a����� �i :�� � � ru� i� lr� i iu � �:u:i�;i:i � , h l7 h�•rroL u � �uu RurruNer'. br�•ac6 ut am' <br /> covennnt� or agreetuent of Borro�ce�r in tl � i� Alurtk;x�;�� . iu �• Iwl � n�; tlio <•o��.�nxut � tu � ,.tt� �rli�•n �lui� an�� .um• •ecured <br /> by thie \1ortKa�Se. Lrnd��r � � riur tu :u i •�•Iri:�uun � hull � uuil u� �u ���� to Rurru�crr u� � � ru� iiii�� l � u F �ara�;�:� � �li 14 hrreof <br /> �:�iecif)'inK : 111 the brexeli , i2 � t6e :��•Uuu royuim� l � u �� un � .,urli I � n�xrl � . i3 � u � iutc , not Ic,. � li:in Ihirlt� days <br /> Prom the datc t1 �i nc�t �cc 1� uinili•� I to fiorrun� cr. L �� �clurli ,u� � l � Ln•a�• h iuu�t li� � � �iu�� �. l . au�! i � � tliat fsilur�� tu rurc <br /> sueh breaeh on or beiore tlie dace ,� �.-cifir�i iu � I �e• ❑uuc� iu:+� r.�, ult in u� c� 1�•rnuuu ui tl �r ,iuu• .ecurrd h}� this <br /> '.�lortgagr nnd nxlr of tlir 1'ru� �ort }� - If tL. br�a� 1 � is uu1 � � t� rr � { � �r. ur l �i•�i�r�• tl � i � � 1at �• .� �cc•iti ���i iti [ h�• notfoe . I,rnder <br /> at LAnder's optiuu may drrlar�� all u1 ttn •wu. •r� ure� i h�' thi � \1urtK3tii� tu I �e nwui•�1i;itcl �' dui• ;tu� i ��ayable <br /> without further demand und mx�� iurc.du��• tl � i� \lurt �;a�;� • h� iu�lir�:il � �ro��e�•d � n�, Lrndrr shxll bi• i�ntitle� l to collect <br /> in nuch proce�vling :ill �•x{ K�ns�•• oi inroclu�uro _ � nrlu� fu�R . but noc I � iu �t �vi t � � . �•u.t , ut , i„�� �����t�� �, H��.� ��.- ��i�•r��t• , <br /> abstracts and tiUe rcports. <br /> IY. loee�dw�r's 8iyht to 6�lab. \ utwitli,t :uaiw�; Lrudrr '� :.��� � fi• raiiuu ui tlir .u �u� ..rcumd by lhir <br /> Mortgage, Borrower ethall have the right tu ha��i• a�n� � �rw•rr.lin�;� br�;un Ly Lrn�ii� r tu �•nfurc� • thir �1oRgagr dis- <br /> eontinued at any tin�e prior to entry of a judKuien� �•niWeinR rhi� \ lor� �;a�,r 1f : � ui Borro�'i�r � �np. Lender all <br /> aumr whieh would t�e Lhet� due under t hit �luitKa �;� . th�• \utr :ui� i uoti�t .ecunn�; Fu� un Ad �'auc�•. , if an �', had no <br /> acoeleration Occurttrl : Ibl Burrower curr. ull lire:�rh��� ui :� m� uthrr ru���•naint � ur a�,rr�•n �rut :: of fiurrower ��.on- <br /> tsmed in this 4lortga�e : � c: 1 Burrower E�ap � :sll frifnulult � l � v� � i� ' u�i . � u�' ui r�'� 1 i � \ i .� � ui� 1 iii � I � lui � iI1F; ( ii� ' . v � ctl:Ll:Ln <br /> and sgreeenente ot Burrower containrd in tl � i� \Iurt �;:�Ro auii iu .�ufurrinR L� �u� lcr'. mnu�di�•., :�.• � rco��ided in par:�- <br /> grsph I$ hereof, including, but not limited to , reasonabl�• attorur�� '� fec�- : +�u� l id i liorruwrr takes suoh aMiun a� <br /> L,tpde! may rearonsbly requim to uusure t1�at tLc liru ul t hl.• \ lurt �;�kr . L��u�liv' '� iuterr�t iu thc PruEmrt}' und <br /> Borl�ower's obligation to {wy the sume �rcurr�l } w tLir \1urtRx�� -1� u11 ouutiuuc iiuiiupairi•ii l�pon surh payment <br /> and oure by Botmver, this !13ortgage and thr obl �gatiou� �eeurrd lu•mb} •h:ill rt•nixiu iu full fori��• :snd rt'frct xs it .``� <br /> ,«,, , <br /> no aeoelee'aEioa had oecurred . <br /> � m. ��i�sert a! ��la: Appoinleuat a! 1��e�i+�r: Iwnd�r ia Pwserion. A� additionxl srcuritv herr- }• � , <br /> ppdes, Bo�ro�ver ltereby a�sisns to I.ender the rents of the Pro��e�t �- . � �rovid�Yi that BorroNer shnll . �irior to acceler- <br /> . aEioe uoder p�t�raph 18 hereof ot abandonment of thr Yro��erty , I�are thc riglu to collect and retain rucl� rents :� <br /> as ther bseeee due and pavable. <br /> Upoa seeeleratioa uader para�ts�i� 18 hereof or AhniKionmrnt ot thr t'ru��e�Ky . I .ender . m ��rn;on , by uKrnt <br /> or bY J��tY �PPasted reoeivK aAail be rnt �elcd to [�nter u�wn , talcr �rt�r�.�uu a auu u�uunKr ti �.• Nrupert � <br /> a�d tp eolleet t.�+e nnta of the Prq�eety. including those past due. AII r�•m � eolleetcri by Iw�uder ur thr receivrr "' <br /> s6a1! be apQl'ted fiftit W payesewt c+f tlse ooW,s of �uad�ement o( thr Pro� x•rtt ;iu� i oull�•��tion uf ri�nt . , inc� ludinK . Inrt <br /> not linuLed W. rooeivcr'e� fa+ee� I�rauiuu�� uu �.•c.•i . r� 'r 1..,.�.1.. .,i,.l � � .,..oi:a! ; l� .�t ; :; ri:, t '. fcc. . :i : :� ! t }; et: • �, i1, �. „ �•nr <br /> secured by this Viortgage. I.rnder and thr recti�•er �liall ho liable to xc•counf unl�� for � h� �.e n•nt = si•tuxih• m��r� � i��i <br /> � <br />� <br />