� r �
<br /> : � i7-00'7�44
<br /> _
<br /> � � 58-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Gorp.)—With Tax Ctau�e(Ravised 1962) 7te HuEm.n^ ---•Supply Huu.e,Lincwn, xuer.
<br /> ��_�—.��.__._»._---
<br /> . _...__._. .___._._.. ._ ...__.__ _ .._.__.
<br /> . . .--...__ .....____ _ ,..._....... ._
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That Mld Continent Enterprises, IriC. •
<br /> a corporation organized and exi�tin� under und by viriue o[the lawa of thr Slute of Nebraska ��� �
<br /> r conQideration of the eum ot Seven hundred eighty-five thousand and ISO/100---- DOI,LAR3 i
<br /> � in hand paid, doea hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br /> Commercial National Bank 6 Trust Company
<br /> of 1'I8�.1 Cuunty,State ol Nebraska the following dercr�bed premises situewd�'
<br /> ! �n Hall County,and State of Nebraska ,to-W�c:
<br /> Lot Two (2) , Block Nine (9) , Continental Gardens, an Addition �
<br /> to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> IIn the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted
<br /> to be transferred, from the undersaid for any reason or by any method
<br /> � whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once
<br /> I become due and payable at the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this
<br /> i option because of transfer of title as above stated in one instance shalli
<br /> � not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event o$
<br /> � any subsequent transfer.
<br /> �
<br /> � The intention beinK<<�convey herrby un atreudute^ t.illr in fer simple. �� �
<br /> . 'IY) HAVF. ANll TO HOLD the premii:e•�alwv��de�u�ritxd. with all thr eppurtenancee therrunlo belonging unto the aatd!.
<br /> Mid Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br /> � ynd to l t.8 hrira and axi+igner furever, providc� alway e, and thexe prexenW are uE�n the eYptexa awndition Ihet. if the.
<br /> � Mid Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br /> ; � or exrignx ahall pay or cauae tu be paid W the suid ��,
<br /> Commercial National Bank & Trust Company �R� N���ry
<br /> i heieu, execuwrs, vclminibtrat�rs ur :uaigna, the sum uf Seven hundred eighty-five t.hOUSDdt18'+e.�ay-i�le�"�
<br /> I fallo..�.w-W�c:Seven hundred eighty-five thousand and No/100 ($785,000.00)-------i
<br /> � ------------------------------------noiiarB on che lst d8r � December . is 78
<br /> Dollars on the day ot , 19 ;
<br /> � Ik�llaro on the dey uf , 19
<br /> � 7bllarn on the day ot . 19 ��
<br /> � ( Ilollare un the day of , 19 .
<br /> with intereat thezron at 10.0 Iirr crnt Fx�r annum. ��ayable DeC. ,1 j97�a}!�• ao�rording to the tenur und rHc+cl;
<br /> i
<br /> j of the promiaiexiry note with intrreet cou{x�nx attachrd of uaid �
<br /> �
<br /> � 6earing even date with theae prearnta and erhall pay all taxee and axreeisments tevied upun aaid real ertate and atl nther taxee,�
<br /> .� ' levier and aseeosments levied upon thiu mortgage or the note w hich this mortqage ix givea W a�r�ure, before the wune brcumer'
<br /> � ! delinquent,and keep Lhe buildingx on said pre�nisec irwured for the xum �e a785�Q00.Q� . ��. �f any, payable W the��
<br /> reid mortgagee, then theue prnerenW to be wid, othrrwieie lu kw and rem++in in full forve. '
<br /> IT IS FUR'THER AGREED. (1) That if the suid mortgagor ert�all [ail W pay ruch taxcw ur pr«•ure euch innuranc�r, thr'
<br /> � I oaid mortgagee may pay ouch laxex and prucure �uch inYurance; and the eutn ew advanced, with intereat at j0.0 per�.
<br /> � � cent ohall be repaid by e�aid mortgagur, and thie murtgnK�' efiall xtand as e�cxurity (or rame. (2) Thxt a taiture tu pay rury o[�
<br /> �. oaid mnney, either prittcipal or intere�;t whrn thr ewmr bea�me due,ur a tailure to comply with rny of the foregoing agriw-�
<br /> � mentt,ahall cauoe the whole xum uf money hrrein nra�urrd W b�xx�me due und collectiWe at once at the option ot thr mott�ager.:
<br /> iIN WITNESS WHEHEOF, thr xxid Mid COAt171E+rit Enterprises, I7lC .
<br /> has hereunto cauead its cwr{wrate reel to be affixnd u+ul thexe Nreeenlxr to be aign.�d by itr president
<br /> i chu -1SthFaypt December , ia 77 .
<br /> �. � Si�iaA:eealnd�wd delivered in preaetuxe of.. .. .. . . . . ..
<br /> Mid Co ti �nt Ente;�rifses, Inc.
<br /> _. _ . __. _ _. _
<br /> �
<br /> i . __._.. ., . :...... ._ By l �
<br /> Nli T �5: -B" e
<br /> I STATE OF ___. ....N��?.�A$�Cd.. .. .___ _ , County of _F13.�.1 "��'� ,
<br /> � Be[ore me'n�noLry pubtic uali5rd in said cuunt a' � - r0 e� 0C .
<br /> 1 p Y.ix�rewnally came
<br /> Milan D. Bish }'�����aF,,,+"t-
<br /> i Ronald Vonde ,of Mid Co� inent gnterpr ises , Inc. a�Y,n,��a���
<br /> kears W meto t ard idee� rran�v}-io e� neQ the fureeoing �noteumen4 and acknowledged the exec-uGon- �
<br /> -. therea[to b!'!R� act as n��ie voluntsry act arul deed of raid coRwratiun And that itas cY�r� �
<br /> �: ponla real war tberoto aHis�d by sutF� T � �. .. .
<br /> " Witee�s my iund aed �-�.����eY' 15.r:,'. _.._ ,,,�-_.___ .___ . ls.._�?.
<br /> ; MY ee�im �Pisw.'- • ---w E�Yr __�-tC. .,,�,d.c ./�.� '.
<br /> :. �Nl31 .. .. ...:j-._ . _.. ._. ._. __.___. Notary PuNic �' �. •4,;.
<br /> L �! �'1'ATE OF................................. ........ ._ . l Eateeed an nuanerical i�ei aed filr.d for rcrord I * �"w`�%
<br /> ,.
<br /> („�ty 1 Y in the Re�i�ter of Deodr O�ice of eaid C:ounty the' '.�'.Y.
<br /> , ..........._................................... .... ......._.. .
<br /> '; � ..._._................dty L/....__........._.__......_...._._...._. 19 . ., at._ ._. .. .o'clock and minaf«w M
<br /> � �ed irOD�dd fa BOOk... ....... ............. .. ......ot.. .. _ _at pa�e __.. . __. ._..... _ _ ,w
<br /> .__.._._ ........_ .ReR. ot IA+eda
<br /> __ _
<br /> ;�-- � BY-__. ._....._ . ._ . ... .. ._. . . . . I�puty .
<br /> �
<br /> . ._.:*... + . . /
<br /> � J
<br />