<br /> � �
<br /> 77-0�7342
<br /> MORTGAGE Subject to L 21 ,757
<br /> � MORTCAGf'LOAN NO. �_ 22,943
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Mi chael E. Cochran and Janet A. Cochran, each 1 n hi s dlld
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Murt�agor,whether one ur mure,in considera[iun of[he sum of
<br /> Four Thnusand Six HundrPd and Noj100---------------------------•------------------ UpLLARs
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equiteble Building and L�nn Aswcw[iun oY Grxnd Island,Nebruska,Murtgaget,upun 4G shares of stock uf
<br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certifica�e Nu.L22,943 ,a�,hereby grant, convey and murtgage umu [he said qSSO('IATIUN the following
<br /> described real estate,situaced in Hall Counry,Nebraska:
<br /> TENTHS (32.5) FEET OF LOT TWENTV NI�JE (29) , IN
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> Sub,ject to the unpaid balance of a �iortgage to the Mortgagee herein, in the
<br /> Principal Amount of $7,350.00, dated August 11, 1975.
<br /> togeihcr with all the teneme��ts,hrrcditaments ;�nd appunenances thercumu belonging, m��luding ettaclied tloor cuvermgs,xll winduw xroens,
<br /> winJow shades,blmds,sturm winJows,�wnings,henting,air cundiGun�ng,nnd plu�nbing nnd wairr rywpment and accessones theretu,pumps,stovec,
<br /> rcfrigerators,and uther fixturcs and eywpmrnt nuw ur hereafter attached tu ui used In eunneruun with said real esta�e.
<br /> And whereas�he snid mortgagur has agreeJ and dues hrrrby agree tha� thr murtE.agor shall and wlll pay nll tazrs xnd asussments Irned ur
<br /> assessed upun sxid premisrs and upun this mortgage nnd thr bond ucyrr J�j{re}� br(�>re the snme shail becume delinquent;tu furnish appruved
<br /> insur�nce upun the buildings un sa�d prcmises s�wated in the sum u(5 4 e�Vu•v� peyable tu said .45S0C'IATION xnd tu 1e6ver to syid
<br /> ASS(K IATION the policies£or said insuraner:and nut tu commit or permrt any wustr un ur abuut uid prenuses:
<br /> 1 n case of default in the performance of any uf the terms and condrtiuns ol this murtgage or the bund secured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> un demund, be entnled to immediate pussessiun uf the mungagrd premrses and �hr murtgagm hrrcby a�signs, [ranslers' and seu uver w the
<br /> mortgagee all ihe rrnts,revrnues und incume tu br derived frum the mungxgrd prenuses during sueh t�me as the murtgage indebtedness shall rrmam
<br /> unpaid:and thr murtgagee shall have the puwer w appuint any a�ent ur agrnts it maq desire f�r thr purpuse uf repuinng said premises and renting
<br /> the sarru and cullecting the rents,rcvenurs and income,and it�ney pay out uf seid incomr all exprnses ut repauing said pr�mises and necxssxry
<br /> commissiuns and rxpenses mcutrrd in renting and managing the same und uf cullrcting rrn�als ihemfru�n: the balancr rerrwining, if yny,tu be
<br /> applied toward thr dlaclin�ge uf said murtgage Indrbtedness;these rlghts.d chr murigagee may br rxerc�sed at any ti�ne during the ex�stam;e uf such
<br /> default,irrespective uf any temporery waiver of the snme.
<br /> Thesc Presents,huwever,air upun thr Cundiuun,"1'hat�f thr ssid Mongagor shall repxy uid loan on.�r befure the maturity u!'w�d shares bq
<br /> payment;pay munthly to said ASS(X'IATION uf the sum spec�t7eJ in ihe Bund secwrd hereby as intercst �nd pnncipal on wid toxn,un u�befure
<br /> the TwenGeth dny uf each and ever}�inunth,until uid luan u fully pa�d;pay all tezrs and sssessmrn�s levird against seid prcmires and on this Mor[g�tge
<br /> and�ht Bond secured thercby,brforc del�nquency:turmsh approved insu�ancr upon�hr build�n�es thrreun�n the sum of 54 s6�0.�� payable
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION:rrpap tu said qSSO('IATION upon drrrwnd nll muney by �t paid iur such taxes,essesamrnts and insurxnce wlth mterrst at
<br /> [he maximum legal rate thereun frum datr uf paymen�ali u(which Murtgngur herchy agrees tu p•sy:pr�mrt no wnste un sa�3 premius:ke�p and eumply
<br /> wlthall the agreementsand conditiunsuf the 13und(ui 54,60�.�0 ihis day Eyven by the aa�d Murtgagu� tu sa�d .4SS(x7AT10N,and cumply
<br /> with all ihe reqwrcments uf�the Cunstitut�on and By-Laws of srid ASS(X'IATION; then these presenta shall becuine null und vuid,u[herwfse chey
<br /> shull remain m (ull lorce and rney bt fureclus�ed et the optiun u!thr seid ASS(X'IA770N after fnilu�r ti�r throe munths W meke any uf uid
<br /> payments or be thrre munths�n arrears in making said munthly peyments,��r tu keep and rumply w�nh thr agrezmrnts and cundiuuns.�I wid B�ind;
<br /> and Mortgagur agrees w have a recervrr appuintrd(urthwl�h in surh 1'ureclusure proceedings.
<br /> If therr is any chenge in uwnership u(the real estate murtgaged hrrcin,by sstle ur otherwisr,then [he rneire remaining mdebtedness herebp
<br /> secu�ed shall,at the uption uf The Eywtable duilding and Luan Aswc�atiun of Grand Island,Nrbraska,becume immedia[ely due and pyyable withuut
<br /> further nulice,and the amount remam�ng due under syid bond, and any uther bond for any additiunal adwnces made[herrunder,ahall,from the
<br /> dale of'exercise uf suid aption,bear inirrest a�the maximum legal rate,and this murtgage trwy then be(orcclu�ed to sxtisfy the amuunt due on uid
<br /> bond,and any uther bond for additiunal advancrs,together with nll sums pxid by said The Equitable Building and Loan Assuciatiun uf Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska for insurance,taxes ar�d nssessments,and abstractmg rxten�iun charges, with interest thereon, from datr ol payment at the�nxximum
<br /> legalrate.
<br /> As provided in the 13ond securrd hercby,while �}us mortgage remains in effect the mungager may he�eal'ter advrnce adl�uunal sums[o the
<br /> makers uf mid Hond,their assigns or successurs m interest,which sums shall br wrthm[hr security uf this murc�e the sart�as ihe fundn urypiruilly
<br /> secured thereby,the total umount af principal debt nut iu exceed at any time the origmal amuunt ol this mortgage.
<br /> ���a�n�� 20th �„y�r December � , n � ,iv 77�
<br /> Gl�sd�' L . f.i"��- '���" �"� st_...'.��.__�(4.:t"�'.�ri�/
<br /> � c e1 . oc ran ---- � anet A. Cochran
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, � On this Z�th day ot December Iv]) ,bcfbre me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� `
<br /> � tpe rsigned a uqry Public ip for n Count rxinall �^ ��
<br /> Mic E. Cochran and Janet A. Cochran, each in"Fi�s and �ier own rig"�i4 an� as s�d�use o��''m`
<br /> �
<br /> Q Wn� are v�rM,nat�rk�u,wnio ,�,'�•�.
<br /> r ��lqe�jyb�'tl�i� cson 5 whou namt 5 a� aff`ixe1 w tl�e abu�c i�uuun�ci�:m wwt�u�5 au� thev ,%ve�uiy
<br /> �wbJy��Yrul trwnnnt w be tfie i r �lunnry rc�rna daed.
<br /> i., : Nr1TA1tYON � my lwfd and otanal Seal the dne domswd. . �r� �•.
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