<br /> � �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> Filed for recor3 ou ................................. 19........ at............................ o'clock ........................ M.
<br /> and recorded in the veed Record ................................. Puge ...........................,.
<br /> � ......................:............................................................. By .......................................................................................... '
<br /> $egirter of Deeds Deputy Regieter of Deedo
<br /> F. E. Ellington and Betty L. Ellington, Husband & Wife. each in
<br /> his and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> , herein eslled the grantor w6ether one or moee,
<br /> in cons;deratson of $31.350.00 (Thi rty one thousand three hundred fi fty and no/100-)
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey snd coniirm unto
<br /> James M. Roop and Donna K. Roop. Husband & Wife
<br /> as joint tennnts with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following dawribed real
<br /> property in .................Ha,l 1..................................... County,Ivebraeka:
<br /> A certain parceZ of real estate Iocated in the Southwest puarter of the
<br /> Southwest puarter (SW�rSW�r) of Section 2wenty-one (22), in Township Eleven
<br /> (ZZ) North, Range Nine (9! West of the Sixth P.M., more particuZarly
<br /> described as foZZows: Comnencing at a point Z63.6 feet West of the
<br /> Southeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Soathwest Quarter (SwirSwir)
<br /> of said Sectio» 2t.enty-one (21), running thence North and in a line ParaZZe1 with the
<br /> East Boundary 3ine of said Southwest puarter of the Soutl�west Quarter (SWdrS!✓t)
<br /> a distancae of 240.7 feet; thenoe at right angles and in a Westerly direction
<br /> Z20 feetj thence at right angles and in a Southerly direction, 240.7 feet; thence
<br /> at right angles and in an Easterly direction, 120 feet, to the plaee of
<br /> beginning, subject, howevier, to t1�e highway right-of-way over the Southerly
<br /> 33 feet thereof.
<br /> To have and to hold the above deecrited premisex toget6er with all teuementa, hereditament�
<br /> and appurtenancea Lhereto belonging unto the grantees and to their aasigns, or to t6e heirs and �wsiga�
<br /> of the survivor o4 them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their arrigas and with the hein
<br /> and asaigns of the survi��or of them that grantor ia lawfully seised of seid premieea; that they are free from
<br /> eaonmbrance except easements and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawFul authority to cunve}� the �rxwe; an3 thxt grantor warrante and will
<br /> defead the title to said premises against the lawful claims of ull p��r�;ons �slio�nsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all partiea hereto that in the evevt of the death of either of the gnnteea,
<br /> thc entire fee title to this rrdl prop�•rtp �hall ei•�t in the� �urvieing grantee.
<br /> Dated4�<•� rr.'l�Y �/ J� y 19 J J ,
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<br /> �e't'�"y'.�"L'':'"El'1'i'ri g t�ri
<br /> STATE OF Ne b r a s k a ............... �ouncy oP ........H a 1 1 �
<br /> ............................................. ......................................_.......:
<br /> Before me, a notury puLlio quulified For ouid uuuuty, },erronally came
<br /> F. E. Ellington and Betty L. Ellington, Husband & Wife, each in his
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> M . _ . ,a
<br /> knowa to me to be the identical per�nn or perrons who signed t6e foregoing instrnment and acknowledged p� '
<br /> � the ezeeution thereo!to be 6is, Ler or their volunta t and deed i a��
<br /> � -�, ,� ��.
<br /> Witness my hsnd and notarial aeal oa ...., ...._.....�:!_:?:'.?.:l�::t!:„..��...y., 19..,1..i....
<br /> / ,
<br /> ! . .i ra;c>:-.-�� ,. %�.. ....r.:' A�. l� .F�K+..:....`..c_..:�.I�oLary I'ublic
<br /> c nNF.�iAL P OTIiRIM. ..J..�..� ......'•`�'�J,
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