r -�
<br /> !1�OQ'7338 t`
<br /> 52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Cliuse) (Reviced 1962) 77,u}fuAv,.n Gao.nl 9uppty tiouec, I.awwtr,. ?ani.� i
<br /> i
<br /> � _ _..._.�____. .._�..__. .."_.__._______.�_ '___.�_.__...._.. _.__._ _ _.___..._... . .. ........_..__._ . �.._'__..._ . _____.�..____.__.�,.__'...
<br /> ' husband and wife--------------- ------- ------------- ------- ------------- I
<br /> �f Hall Cuunty,nnd Stale of Nebraska ,in cunsideraGun o1 the s�irn of �
<br /> � EIGHTY THOUSAND and no/100------($80,000.00) ------- ------- -------- Dut•i.wxs �
<br /> in hend paid, do hereby SEI.L and CONVEY unto KENNETH J. KOTINF.K and EL�NA bt. KOTINEK I
<br /> 1
<br /> o� Hall G��ntY. Sta1r ot Nebraska thefollowingdeecribod�:rumixesaituated �
<br /> in Hall County, and State ut Nebraska .to-wit: '
<br /> +
<br /> All of Lots Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Two (?) in
<br /> Nagy's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> excepting the Northerly Forty-four Feet (N44') of said
<br /> Lot Five (S) , all tenements, hereditaments and appur- �
<br /> tenances thereto.
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> t
<br /> !
<br /> �
<br /> F
<br /> i
<br /> T'hr iM.�nGun be�ng to canvey h�•reby an abtwlutn tide an fee rimple, including all the righfa o[ homestead and dower. �
<br /> "I'O HAVE ANI) T(1 HOLL) thr premires aFxrve de�cribed, wilh all the appurtenanc¢a thereuntu belonging, unW the said �
<br /> murtgagcr(s) and a�� A�s, hrr or their hein and ese�gna (orever, pruvided always, end these presenfs are u�wn the ezprew �
<br /> � evndition that i[the sraid mortgagur�si, h�a, hrr ur thrir heire, executors, adminietratore ur aseigne xhali pay ur caure to be �
<br /> : paid W the uaid murtgagee(x), hi�,her or t}�eir heira, exvcuWrr, adminietraWrs or assignv,the principal eum of�0����.�� j
<br /> ppYable us tuUowe.to rdt:
<br /> i
<br /> , on a monthly basis commencing January 15, 1978 and j
<br /> I ending January 15, 1993, as per the attached �
<br /> Schedule of Payments. There is no penalty for �i `k �w�`� �
<br /> Mort�ayeent at anytime during the term of the 54,�J'� �Y�N r f
<br /> g S , �� ts ;
<br /> �� �
<br /> ^.`!�� i
<br /> ( �
<br /> with interest a�cairding k�the 6enor aiul eHect of the mortgagon written promiawry note beering even date with theee pre�ento i
<br /> , and shali pay all taxex and asaessmente levied upun aaid reel estate, apd a!!uther tez�,levies and aeaeaemenis►evied upon thu j
<br /> mortgage or the nute'which thie mortgage in given to sei.vre, before the xame becomee delinquent, and keep the buddin�s on '
<br /> . �aid premises insurr.d fur the sum ot$ , loer,if any,payable to the eaid mortgagee, then theee pre�eab ',
<br /> . to be void, otherwise tu !w and rrmain in tull force. �
<br /> �.. IT IS F'[.7R'fHEf2 AGREED (!) That it the eaid mortgegor shall tail to pey wch ta:e� or procure wach insurance, the i
<br /> � �aid murtgagee may pay auch taxex anA procure auch insurance; and the eum oo advanced, with intereat at per ';
<br /> cent,nhall be repaid by +a�d murtKa�or,end this mo�tgage rhall etarul av recurity [or the�ame. (2) That a failure to pay aay '
<br /> " o( aaid money, either princi�l or interest, when the oame bocomer due, or a failure W comply with eny of the foreQoin� i
<br /> agreementa, xhall cause thr whole aum of muney herein eecured to become due �td coltectible at once rt the option of the �
<br /> � mortgag�.
<br /> - Signed thix i'7 T—s' dey of DP<'o---,br�— , 19 7 7 i
<br /> �/ �
<br /> � In presence of ...__.. . ..... ..... . .. .��f....... .... �
<br /> .....
<br /> �rome G Bpltz , �
<br /> . .
<br /> .._._..___._... ...______........._......._.._._... .._.__... .... __. ......s.w...a ,.!: ' �,..+..�.r.. .`.l.;~ .._. . . j
<br /> . .. _ .... . . .
<br /> lanet E. Bolti a' I
<br /> ... .............. _______.. .....____.._ __ _...
<br /> _.._ _._ _._ _. .._._. ......__._.
<br /> _._._..... . _..........__ _............_.. I
<br /> i
<br /> sz�'rE oF__ .-.N�BRASKA....... ...._..._.... c«�,�ey or___ .tiALl __ _..........___: '
<br /> , ! He[oee me, a notary publie qualified for oaid county, per000allycame JEP.(�T1E (;. BOLT� and �
<br /> i J.4NET E. BOLTZ, husUand an�l wife---- --- --- ----- -- ------ ---- --- ----
<br /> ; knorvn to me to 6e the identical peraon or perwns w!w �iQned tlae [oregoinQ imWmmt �4�-rkiYYtledeed 46e e:ecvtion �
<br /> d►eroat W be hi�. her or their volunfary act sad deed. .Ei 6FN�^a, ti..--"--'"—"'�
<br /> w;c,� my �,.aa .,ra��+r.t.a.i � L2s.,e.. •.L.� ........... ... �' '�.,, � �►.
<br /> �: M?ooa�mirsias�e:aire�:... .._�s..C.>...I.'f�.. ..... ., 19_:�.'4 . . .... . ...��� .�..•••---Nnfarx.� .., ��
<br /> .. _ ,�,., rr
<br /> 'i �'!'A2E OF. . .........._................................ ........_ � Enlered on numerial index and 81ed for rxod � ���,
<br /> � �3� Caanty .....--....................._..._.....-- .--.-...___} in t6e Re�ister ot Deede O�ce ot�id Couaty the ; � ,.;��
<br /> .. _.._.._.......�...._.daY of._-----......._..._._._.......-'--........ 19._.__._... at..__._...____ ._...o'dock aed . minute� M, � �
<br /> i' � ted recorded in Sook._................................._....ut............--��-�--............._......s yr�u....-- --................................. �
<br /> ,' � � ,,.
<br /> ; ........... __.. .._ ...._Ret. oE Deed� i
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<br /> ; IIy...... . ...__ _Depucy :
<br /> .... -.q.. � . . ' J
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