� �
<br /> i %- 007336
<br /> KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESEN'I'S:Ttwt Kenneth G. Essink and Marjorie L. Essink, each tf1 h15
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagnr,whether une or more,in consideration uf the sum uf
<br /> Fifty Five Thousand Eiaht Hundred and No/100-------____-----------------------_�L�A�
<br /> loaned tu said murtgrgor by The Equitable Building and Luan Asx�ciatiun of Grand Island,1Vebraska,Murtgagee,upon 558 shnros of stock of
<br /> sxid ASSOCIATION,Certificate No. L 22,921 MGIC .�� hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foA�wing
<br /> described real estate,sftuated in Hall Cuunry, Nebrxska:
<br /> NEBRASY.A.
<br /> tc�{Hher with all Qie tenements, heredi�aments nnd appurtenances thereunw brlonging, including attached tluor coverings,all window screrns,
<br /> window shades,blmds,s�o�m windows,awnings,heating,atr conditioning,and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stuves,
<br /> refngeraturs,and wher fixtures and equipmen�nuw ur hzreafter attached to ur used in connrcGun with said rexl estetr.
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has a�rerd nnd does hereby agree thei the nn�rtg.,gor shall and will pay all tazes and assessments levied or
<br /> assessed upon said prrinises and upun ihis nwrtgagr and thr bund secgred theieb beturc U�e snme iliell bewme delinyueut:W furnish appruved
<br /> incurance upon the buildings un said premises situated m the sum uf$b�J�$�U.�� pay�ble w uid ASSOC'IATtON and to deliver to seid
<br /> ASSO('IATION the poticies fur suid insurance;and not to commit or permit nny weste un or abuut sa�d premises:
<br /> In cxse uf deCault m the performxnce uC any uf the terms and conditiuns of this murtgnge ur the bond secured hereby,the murtgagee shall,
<br /> on dertwnd,br entitled w immediate pussession uf the mortgaged premises and �hr murtgngor hereby assigns, transfers end sets over to the
<br /> mortgagee all the ronts,revenues and incume to be derived(rum the mortgxged premises during such timr as the murtgage indebtedness shrtll remein
<br /> unpaiJ:and the murtgagee shall have[hr puwrr tu appuint euy agent ur ngants it may desi�r Ibr the purpuu u(repuring said premixs and ronting
<br /> the same and cullect�ng the rents,revenues and incume,and n may pay uut of said incume all expenses u( repairing said premises and na:essary
<br /> wmmisgions and exprnses incurred in renting and menaging the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining,i(any, to be
<br /> apptied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebttdness;these rights uf the mortgagze may be exercised at any nme Juring the existence of such
<br /> default,irrespective of aay tempurary waiver of the same.
<br /> These Presen�s,however,a�e upun ihe Cundition,That if the srid Murtgagor shall rcpay snid loen on or before the maturity uf said shures by
<br /> paymrnt;pay munthly tu said ASSOCIATION u(thr sum spe�ified in[he Bund�ecured hereby as fnterest end principal un uid loan,on or before
<br /> the Twentieth day u(each and rvery month,until said loan is fully paid:pay ell taxes and assessments leviedngainst said premises and un this Mortgage
<br /> and the Bond srcured thereby,befure delinquency;Curn�sh eppruved insurancr upon the buildings thereun in the sum uf 5 55�$0�.0� payeble
<br /> to said ASSO('IATION:repay to seid ASSO('IATION upcm demand all muney by h paid fur such taxes,assesaments and insurence with interesi at
<br /> the maximum legal rate thereun from dete of payment all of which Mortgagur hereby agrees tu pay:permit nu waste on said premists:keep and wmply
<br /> with all the agreements end wnJiuuns uf ihe Bund tbr 555 HOO.00 �his dxy given by the said Murtgagur tu said ASSO('IATION,and wmply
<br /> with all lhe reyuiremrnts of tht Constitution and By-Laws o�'said ASSOCIA'TION; then these presents shall become null and void,otherwise they
<br /> shall remain in full lorce and may be furcclosed at thr up[ion u(the snid ASSOCIATION after failure f'or three monchs [o make any uf said
<br /> payments ur be three months in arrrars in making said munthly paymrnts,ur tu keep and cumply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br /> and Mortgagor agrees to hnvr n receiver appointed furthwnh in surh foreclusure pruceedings.
<br /> If there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortguged herein,by sale ur utherwise, thm the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured shall,ai the uptiun uf Thr Lyuitable Building and Luan Assuciatiun uf Grand Islnnd,tiebr�ska,brcume immedia[ely due and payablr withuut
<br /> � further nut�ce,and the amuunt remaining due under said bond,and any other bund for any additional advam:es made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> dale ut exerc�se of sa�d option,bear interest et the maximum legxl rate,and this mortgage may then be forecloud w satisfy the amuunt due on said
<br /> Iwnd,and any uther bund fur additional advances,together with all sums paid by said The Equitablr Bullding xnd Loun Aswciatiun of Grxnd Island,
<br /> Nebraska(or insurance,taxes and assessmeNs,and abstracting extension charges, with interest thereon, (rum date u1 payment at the rtuwmum
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> As provided in the Bund secured hereby,while this mortga�{e rcmams in effect the murtgagee may heroafcer advxnc:e additional:ums to the
<br /> mrlcers uf srid Bond,the'v aaxigns or successors in interest,which sums shall br within the security oC this murtgage the same as the funds originally
<br /> secured thereby,the total amount of principal debt not to exceed at any time[he uriginal amount of this mortgage.
<br /> ed this 6th dayof December �.[�..ly 77
<br /> r
<br /> _�. �.,;_... ,;�_ y','�.9�-x��. .n`� ` .� ��,,�-
<br /> et'Ti� F�f rr _ .:
<br /> jo ie L. Essink
<br /> STATE OF NEBItASiCA,� 6t h. De cembe r 7 7 x
<br /> as. On this day of 19 ,before me,
<br /> CWNTY OF HALL �}"��
<br /> the undersigned,a Notary Pubtic in and for said Cuunty,personylly I t. �z L
<br /> � Kenneth G. Essink and Marjorie L. Essink, each in his and her own right and as spouse o�
<br /> each pt�llP `"'hO are P�raonslly known to �;.
<br /> . ,�.
<br /> me to be t6e ide�tica!pernns whuoe name5 gre affixed w the above instrummt asm�ort�gor 5 and they ����Y �
<br /> W{CROWIO�MI(IfE Yid iftYtfU01OlIt W be thQ{�^ voluntarv act and deed.
<br /> WI'lNESS my hand and NoUrial Seal the date aForeaid. r
<br /> My Commisiwn ezprea � ' ^ ,
<br /> —' � . // .
<br /> �. •
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