r �
<br /> } 77.U07334
<br /> .,. ;
<br /> E 52-A—REAI EBTATE MORTGAGE—(Witb Tax Clau�e) (Revised 19621 Itw HuHmm c n.r•1 iupyly Hwwe. Linmin.Nebr. ;
<br /> �__;, � -Au�.uadi�cido.d--'¢..iuterert..io__Iim.D_.I9axbex..aad.._.Dnuu;..�_._._
<br /> �__...-�_.___._�._._-�_—_____----_-.- Narber, husband & wife, as joint tenanta, with right of
<br /> ; KNOW ALL MF.N BY THESE PRF.SENTS: That survivorahip, and an undivided '� intetest to Rex
<br /> � Carpeater and Jonadyne A. Ca�enter, husband S wife, as �oint tenants, with right of suryivor-
<br /> '�� y �� H811 County, State o[ Nebrask.a ,in coneideration of the�rum of 61'�ip.
<br /> r ; I THI&TY-FO[?R THOUSAND AND NO/100-------------------------------------------------DOLLARS
<br /> � � in 1,and paid, du hereby SELL and CONVE:Y unw The First National Bank of Grand Island,
<br /> � �:
<br /> of H811 Cuunty, State of NEbTaSk3 the folluwing dc:scribed premises aituatud } �
<br /> in H811 County, and State of Nebraska .to-wit: !
<br /> I
<br /> A tract of land in the N'� of the NW;y of Sectlon 10, T-11-N, R-10-W of the 6th P.M. �
<br /> � in Hall County, Nebraska, more accurately described as follows: Commencing at the
<br /> j NW corner of said Section 10, thence in an easterly direction along the north line �
<br /> � of esid Section 10, a distance of 1981.11 ft. to the point of beginning, thence in ;
<br /> I a southerly dlrection parallel to the vest line of sald Section 10, a distance of
<br /> f 1327.21 ft. to a point on the East/West 1/16 line to the NW'Z, thence in an easterly
<br /> i direction along said East/Weat 1/16 Line, a distance of 656.24 feet to a point on
<br /> 1 the east line of said NW3y of Section 10, thence in a northerly direction along said
<br /> � east line of the NW'-� a distance of 1329.83 ft. to the N3y corner of said Section 10, ,
<br /> � thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said Section 10, a distance
<br /> i of 659.29 ft. to the polnt of beginning and containing 20.06 acres more or less
<br /> � vhich includes 0.50 acres of county road right-of-way.
<br /> I
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> � i The intentinn brin�; t4� convoy herrby an ab+ulW�o lid�� In fe.• simple. including xll the righ[a uf home�trad and dowrr. '
<br /> � f 1'(1 HAVL:AN17 1V/ HOI.II thv prv•mi.sr. nfnrvo drsrrilxKl, with all thr appurten:�nct�s thrre�unlu lx�longinx. unto the xaid ;
<br /> � mortgagve(sl and t.0 his, hvr ur th�•ir hrin and atisi�;n:t furuvrr, pruvid��d �Iwayti, and thesr prf:.enta are upon thr esprexs �
<br /> `; a.rid�tiun that d th� �id znurtgagurl�), his, hc:r ur thrin c�.irs, executura, admmi.cl.raturs ur a+t;iKna shail pey ur cuuete W kre ';
<br /> jpaid Lu lhr sa�d murtgagec-ls),h�n, hrr ur thctir hrirs, exei.ulurr, adminiatra[ora ur:�.vgns,the principal sum u[$ 34����.�0 �
<br /> � � PaY�blc as foll.,wa.tu wit: i .
<br /> � i
<br /> I $34.000.00 principal amount, plus interest, on the /J'�day of December, 1978.
<br /> �
<br /> ; i
<br /> '
<br /> `
<br /> I j
<br /> i
<br /> �. . with intvn��:l ac�+,rdinK <<> [he tenor a.nd elTect of th�• murtgagura written promissory neite tx•aring even dute with thexe preeenta '�; -
<br /> � ! and shal) pay all taxea and unsa•+sm�•nts levird u�wn said rr:il rstate,and all other taz�•s,I�•vii•e and asne:nsmentei levied upun thia i �
<br /> ! mortgnKr ��r the nutv�which lhiw mortgagr ier Ki�en to sea.ure, befure the +anu tnroumrb delinyuenl, and krrp the buildings on i �
<br /> .� iraid preminc+s �nyured tur th.��swu uf $jQ�OOO.OO . I�w�s,if any, payable w thc said mortgagra, Lhen thesse presi nW �
<br /> � W be void, utherwier t�� M• end n•main �n full furcr.
<br /> � IT 16 F1'H'fHEH AG}2(?EI) (ll 'I'hal if the �ruid murtgagor shall fail tu pey such tnxes or prucurr such insurancr, the �
<br /> �
<br /> ! caul murtga€��c:may� �iay su��h txx�s and ��nKure such in�:urancr: and the 4u�n n., aelvai�i•.vl, with inlrrrst al 11 per :�
<br /> � � wnt,ehall !x• repuid by yaicl murtgagur,and thin murtgaK�'shal! atarul a+wr.urity tur the �rune. (2) That a failure W psy any ; .
<br /> � ot rrid money. either P��nci��al ur intrrrst, when thr +ame becomex due. ur a failure to comply with any uf Lhe furegoing ��
<br /> ia�rrements, .hall causc lhr wholr sum u[munry herein uK•ured tu Mromr du.• and coll.��tibly �t once.,at the opt n uf the �,
<br /> i mortgaKre. L, ,:,7 �/
<br /> 1 Siened this IY� day of December �y 77 f f�4.!0-L,/ ,
<br /> � j /� m D. arber`
<br /> : � In prrnrncr of . . ._� ._ .. �
<br /> 1 �-� /G� " na li. I7arbei'
<br /> - 6 __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ��' � � , .
<br /> � /
<br /> __ w�'�__Car���
<br /> s . ........__ _ _._ _._ _ _ � 1 !<L�TM :7�-.G L4... _ • •
<br /> y:t":_„�r."
<br /> j s� �ria vne Ay uenteT
<br /> �
<br /> ' y ��e _Hall
<br /> , Neb.raska....__._ _ ____ . u.�����
<br /> -• � �� a awGary puLlic yuatiE�� fur said �ounty, pers.�n�lly c:unc Jlm D. Narber dcld iX�nna �2. Narbe; .
<br /> t,.•''4,N=��.�� . Car�enter aad Jonadyne A. Carpenter
<br /> C+i��o�rw elfF to the �dentical peroon or pereon� whu eignrd Lhe (uregoinR inetrument and acknowledged the ezecutiun !
<br /> rYil'fi�y� 6�6ip, r ur their votuntsary act and deucf.
<br /> ?'�.�CC)larw�S�t�N . i.7 . � _.- � : .
<br /> {'�,� LXP�w OtY and noterial oeal on...._ _......./�. rf" �.�.. f19. �7. ;
<br /> � 1 .
<br /> ��
<br /> Q� �..c,,.:. .
<br /> 'i •..r4�A'�^y� Ptwr:.. _._. . �oC�JO..__... , lg� . . ...:�?'�f-/.�, ./,.. . . z?-�-.:+�:.^�...._.Notary PuWic. ! ; .. �'�~`
<br /> , ' •' . ' . , % . �, .. .�.
<br /> / . ,
<br /> � � �. . ........�f.�l�;ikd.......... .................... Entered m numerical indes and 61ed [or reaxd� • �•;
<br /> �I �, }�' in the Regirter of Dc�uda O@ice of eaid County the� ,�
<br /> { -..........Hall...__........... . _ �
<br /> � _.......drY af .......---.. ...___. 1�J ...___.. at.__.._.. _._....-._cidock and..__ . _.....-.minutea _ .
<br /> M.,,
<br /> { ari reooeti�l is Book...._... ..._..................d........ .......... . . ......._.at pag�e ..... -... _.......__. ......_
<br /> ,�.
<br /> ,; ; ..........._._....---�--....__...._......... __....._..._.._ _.._ ReB. ot Dc+ede�
<br /> PBy___ ___....._ ..__.._.__ __ _.. .._ DePuty
<br /> :�:_:# . �
<br />