�- �
<br /> 6TATE UF NFBRASS.A, County of ..................
<br /> ......................................:
<br /> Filed Por record and eatered in Numerical Indez
<br /> on ............................................................ at ................ o'clock ................ M.,
<br /> and recorded in Deed S�eQord ............................... Page ..............................
<br /> ......................_.................................... By ............................................................
<br /> County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or
<br /> � $egvter of Deeds Deputy Regieter of Deeds
<br /> 77-0 0 7 3 29 W��NTY DEED
<br /> �
<br /> Mary Lou Sureon and Earaest Buraon, Husband and Wife, each in Her and Hie
<br /> owa right and ae epouse of each other and William Meyer and Martha Meyer, Hueband and
<br /> Wife, each ia Hie and Her own right and as spouse of each other by William Meyer, Jr.,their
<br /> son, who is their attoraey in fact , herein called the Srantoe whether ons os ta�r�,
<br /> in coneideration ot Four Thouaand, One Hundred Fifty and No/!00 ($4, 150.00) Dollara
<br /> recelved trom grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and conYirm unto
<br /> Dennie V. Wojahn aad Julie A. Wojahn, Husband and Wife, and Charlee E. DeLarm and
<br /> Linda S. DeLarm, Huaband and Wife, and Norman T. Antonaon and Dorothy E. Antoneon
<br /> Huebzn,d ax�d Wife,all as joint tenanta
<br /> herein cailed the grantee whether one or more, the following dereribed real property in
<br /> .Hall ,,.,,,, County, Nebraska:
<br /> ................. ............................................
<br /> STAMP TAX The South Sixty-Six Feet (66') of Lot Four Block
<br /> Thirty-Four(34) Original Town of Grand Island,
<br /> �ECi �� �9�7 Hall County, Nebraeka.
<br /> ' �� BY
<br /> �.,.,.i_,_. :i„ ,, .il
<br /> To liave and to hold the above deseribe3 premises together with all tenemeaLe, hereditameata
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee'g heirs and assigas Yorever.
<br /> And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heira and arsi�
<br /> that grantor is lawfully seiaed of esid premisea; that they are free from encumbrance
<br /> except easemeate aad restrictione of record
<br /> that grantor haB good rig4t and lawful nuthority to convey ttie same; aad that Qrantor warrsaU and will
<br /> defead the title to �aid premises against the lawlul claime of all pereons whomsoever.
<br /> Dated ��� � 19 �%
<br /> i
<br /> ....�arQ..::.:.. ...B��:..��4:�..:�:;�sx�.. . ../\A►illia/ . .-� ../ .... �
<br /> / L
<br /> � . . .... -L . . �............... ..`� .
<br /> Y � m Meyer, Jr. �
<br /> .......��....��?��,.�.�..� .................................................................................
<br /> Earaest Bureon
<br /> r � _
<br /> 6TATE OF 1�'�, County of ..,�..tg..N........L..l../...�...�..G....:
<br /> ���F,
<br /> Before me, a notary publi�• ��uulified for said county, pereonally eame
<br /> ��7 CL� ��-c,'� ��[,.t/l�.�r��+--� 6=-�---�;'
<br /> �i�--rl-�� �r--1-�e•--y✓
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<br /> � 'i fcr ....EA�
<br /> *��;., GCiND�NE HOO�
<br /> .,� i{. %,G� �.di!C t�tii�<�IIN11
<br /> � �� �+� oonr.t,,, � knoµ�n to me to be the identical pereon or peraoas who eigned the
<br /> + � �t••c o�uNry fore in inetrument an3 seknowled d the ezecution tkereof to be his, � , ,
<br /> t °`v i �.i�-�c�n � t� �.F`. �. ;978 a B� 8 8"e . . ��.
<br /> '^^'^""'"�-" ^-�.,..,.n: � her or their voluntary act and deed. �, ,
<br /> _ _
<br /> �� � OFFICIAL SEAI �j/ ^�_ � � � .�... /,�j ry7 � .
<br /> ��.� G t4JDINE NOOP�S Witnese my hand �otarial seal on �SF�::::�c�+.:K:.�:r,.c�,�i„�: l.1.,!/
<br /> ` [�." � ..a.�C CAl•r0lN�► �d
<br /> ... . i ,�i �ifi.f 1Y 1•'L,.� , �� '."
<br /> _„�a�:, .. �l.�`::._......�.:........:....�C!-[.. L}+Gi� Notar� Public
<br /> W Gommi��::�n t.�,. � n K :97+9 + �7 (� • � .� .
<br /> .,'r++�wwu, My comrsiiesion ezpires .-.��,�f._. O "
<br /> . ........................... 19 ..../••.....
<br /> l��xm i.Z /I,pptoved bq Nebra�lca Btate Bar Aesocistlon �a.a w.0 o,.,u.r.,sw..
<br /> - _ � �
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