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:�__ <br />;;:;,� <br /> I � <br /> 77�07316 <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> � MORTGAGt LOAN NO._ 22.942 <br /> KNOW ALL AlEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Lucei 1 /�, Bachman, d s i ng 1 e person <br /> _____—Mortgagor-whethe=one ur murc,in cc�nuderation uf the sum of <br /> Twenty Five Thousand and No/100-------------- ---------------m��A� <br /> loaned to said irwrt�rgor by The Equitabk Building and Luan Associatiun of Grand�Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 250 shues oF stock of <br /> eaid ASSOCIATION,CertiCu:atc Nu.L 22,942 ,a�hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOC:IATtON the full�wing <br /> dencribad rea!es[ate,titusted in Hall County,Nebraska�. � <br /> LOT FIVE (5), RIVERSIDE ESTATES UNIT 1, AN <br /> ADDITION TO THE CITV OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY <br /> NEBRASKA. <br /> togethc� with alI the tenements,herednaments and uppurtenances thereuntu belanging, including attached tluor covenngs,al!window scrotns, <br /> window shades,blinds,storm wmduws,awnings,heaGng,air cunditiuning,and plumbing end wxter eyuipment and accessuries thercto,pumps,stovee, <br /> rcfrigeraturs,and othrr fixtures and ryuipmrnt nuw ur hereafter attached[o ur used in�unnecilun with said real estate. <br /> And whereas the said�ru�rtgagor h•as ag�e�d and dues hereby agrce that thr mo�tgagor shall and will pay al( taxes and assessments levied or <br /> usessed upon srid premises and upun this mungage and the bond sec qrgd 41�errb� trrfou �he same shxll become delinquent;to furnich approved <br /> insurance upun the buildings un said prrmises si�uated in the sum of$Lb�UO�.�� payeble to said ASSOC7A7'ION anJ to deliver to sard <br /> ASSOCIA770N the policies(or said insur�nce:�nd not tu commit or pe�mit any was�e.�n ur abuut said premises: <br /> ►n case uf default in thr per(ormance of any of the[erms and conditions of this murtgage or the bund secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, <br /> on demynd,be entiNed to immedia[e poseess�on o(the mortgxged premiars and the mun�ugor hereby xsslgns, transfers and sets uver to [he <br /> rtwrt�ee yll the rents,revenues rnd income tu be derived from the mortgxged premises dunng such time as[he murtga�e indebtedness chall remain <br /> unpaid:and che mong�gee shall have the puwer to appoint any agrnt ur agents it may desirc fur the purpuu of repairing said premises and mnting <br /> the mm�and wllecting the rents,revenurs and income,and it may pey uut of said income all expenses of repairing said premises and neceserry <br /> cumm�ssiuns and ezpenses�ncwred m renung and managing the same and ol collecung rentals therctrom; the balance remaining,if any,to be <br /> ypp!ied wwrrd the dixha�ge of'sai�1 mortgage indebted�ess:thesc rights of thr murtgagee may be ezercised at any time during the existence uf such <br /> de�ault,�rrecpertive uf any tempurary wyiver of the srme. <br /> Thess Prcsenu.however,err upon the Condiuon,That ff the said Mungagor shall repay said luan un ur befure the maturiry of said shares by <br /> paymen�;pay monthly tu sa�d ASSO('IATIOK uf the sum specified in the Bund secured hereby as utterest an1 principal on wid loan,un or befure <br /> the Twentieth day uf each and every month,until said loan is fully paid;pyy all taxrs and�ssessments levied ageinst said premises and on this Mortgage <br /> and tht Bond securcd thereby,betbre delinyuency:furnish appruved insurance upon the buildings thereun in the sum of'S 25�QOQ.QQ Payable <br /> to said ASSOCIATION;repay to uid ASSOCIATION u{wn dema�d all muney by it paid tor such taxes,assexsmrnts and insurance with intemst at <br /> the maximum legal rate thereon frum date uf payment all oi which Mortp,a�ur hereby agrnes to puy:permit no wasu on sa�d premises;keep and comply <br /> wi�h y!!the a�reements and u>nditwns ut rhe fh�nd fur$ 2�j.���.0�th�s dxy grven by[he sald Murtgugor tu said qSSO('1ATION,and wmply <br /> with all the requirtments of[ht Cunstitutiun and By•Laws of said ASSO('IATION;then these presents shall become null and void,otherwi�e they <br /> sha0 reiruin in full furce and may be}oroclosed at �he uptWn of the said ASSOCIATIUN after ta8urc tor thrce munths w make any of said <br /> pryments or br three munths m arrears m ma�mg said munthly payu�rnu,or to keep and comply wuh the agreements and conditions of said Bond: <br /> xnd Mong�yor agrces to havr a receiver rppuinced tbrthwnh in such ti�racluwre proceedings. <br /> . tf there u any chxnge�n uwnersFup uf the rerl estytr rtwrtgaged herem,by siJe ur utherw�se, thrn the entue remam�ng indebtedness hereby <br /> oecwed shall,at the uption of The E:quitYble Building and Luan Aswciatiun u(Crand lsland,Nrbraska,becume immediately due and payable wilhout <br /> further nulice,rnd the rmount remxming due under sriJ bond,and any other bond(or any rdditional adwnces made thereunder,shall,frum the <br /> dale of ezerci�e of said optuin,bear interect at the maximum legal ntr,and this murtgage mry then be forecluaed to satisfy the amount due on said <br /> bond,and any other bond for additional ydvanuec,togrther with all sums paid by said The Equitable Building and L,oan Assocution of Crand lslrnd, <br /> Nebrrska for insurance,taxes and aseessments.ynd�bstracting extension charges, with interest thereun, from date uf payment at the mazimum <br /> bwl rate. <br /> As rovided in [he Bund securod hereby,while this mortgoge remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafur advance additional sums to the <br /> 86 <br /> mdcers u eaid Bond,their aeeisns or succesuxs in interest,which sums shxll be wlthin the recurity uf tha murtg�e[he same xs[he f'unds originally <br /> �u`ed thercby,the lotai atnnunt uf principrl debt nu�to rxixed ai any umr the ori�ynal amount ol th�s mortgage. <br /> .rreud�n�s 19th - n.��,r December A Il.I'777 <br /> c�S Lu�� �'L .•��•fi h�a.,c-. <br /> uce . ac n <br /> srw�oF��.s�u,( �. on�f�s 19th a.y�r December i977 .�r�„x. � ��.' �', <br /> co�n+mr oF�.i.j <br /> � the undersigned,a Nohry Public in md for said County,personaUy came <br /> LYCl�� a. BiGtiiR� d S(J3Q�l.,�EY'SOII whu 15 {+erwnolly known tu <br /> . ;;: <br /> me to be the idMtio�l per�q ��V�W'�s��wM� ����:- 1 S rFtlacud w thr rbove inNrumen�rs nwrywgur xnd Sh2 sNMrN� <br /> .dc.o.deApA a�e oiie lmtwYree W be �' ���o�ueury act ana aaea. <br /> a d � rr <br /> ORTNE�dY luad�ed'Neacid Seal tl�t date doratid. �r d <br /> , .. ' ,�._.; , , , ,, � <br /> hfy cw,�;uY r,.pirasL��L. /,, �y���— .�.jT. ,'s—�'�t�� --- -�".� •_,..i�-i-- <br /> . hotrry Public <br /> L�.�� .. -� „ � <br />