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<br /> p ORDINANCE N0. 6233 '
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<br />��*; ` M osdinance oreating Street Improvement Distziet No. 937: defining the boundariea of
<br /> F
<br /> the diatriet; psoviding for the impsovemenG of a strect within thc dietriet by paving,
<br /> � earbing, guttering, and all ineideatal work in conneetion therewith; and Co provide for an
<br /> ��a' effeetiva date of this ordinance.
<br /> ,,k'�", SECTION l. Street Improvement Dietrict No. 937 in the City of Grand Islaad, Nebra�ka,
<br /> sz.�, ;
<br /> i� hereby crceted.
<br /> SECTION 2. Ttre boundaries of the dietrict shall be as follovs:
<br /> ar
<br /> Beginrting at a point on thc south line of llth S[reet, bcing 60 feet, or 18.288
<br /> �, metcra, south of the south line of Block 4 in Pleasant Hill Addicion, and 204.75
<br /> ,�;; feet, or 62,408 meters, easc of the west line of Saint Paul Road; thence running
<br /> weat on tlie aouth •line of llth Strcet for n distance of 204.75 feet, or 62.408
<br /> meters, to the west line of Sain� Paul Road; thence running nor[h on ehe wes[
<br /> line of Saint Paul Raad for a diFtance of 20 feet, or 6.096 meters, more or lese,
<br /> to the scutherly line of llth Street lyinF westerly of S�int Paul Ro�d; �hence
<br /> 1— runt�in& southwestcrly on the southerly line of llth Strecr for n distance oi
<br /> a W 40 feet, or 12.192 metcrs, morc or less, co thc )unetion of the vest prolonp;ation
<br /> � � � of the south lin¢ of llth Strect lyinP cast of Sain[ Yaul XoaJ; chencc rum�ing
<br /> o r' � vest on the wes[ prolonFa[ion of the eouch linc of llth Street lying east of
<br /> \ ¢ Saint Paul Road, for a distance o[ 70.6 fcet, or 21.519 meters; thence running
<br /> `a .-+ w aorthvesterly on a line for a Jist�nce of 920 feet, or 280.41G meters, more or
<br /> :�s« �� � � p lees, to a point 300 fcet, or 91.G4 meCcrs, west of the ac�[ line oi Saint Paul
<br /> "� � Road, and 90 Eeet, or 27.G32 metcrs, south oE che north linc of Lot One (1) in
<br /> • � c.'
<br /> W Carreti's Subdivision; thence run��ing north on a line parallel to and 300 feet,
<br /> .� ad � or 91.44 metecs, west ef the vesc line of Sninc P�ul Road for a dieranee oF 90
<br /> feet, or 27.A32 metcrs, to the north linc of I.oe One (1) i.n Garrett'� Subdivision;
<br /> thence running west on the norch line of I.ot One (1) in G�rrett'e Subdivision fot'
<br /> a distnnce of 7 fect, or 2.114 meCcrs; thencc running norch on a linc parallel
<br /> to nod 300 fect, or 91.44 me[crs, west of the west line oE Saint Pau� Aoad for
<br /> a distance of 205 fect, or 62.484 metcrs; chence running easc on a linc p�rallel
<br /> to and 205 fecc, or 62.��84 metcrs, norch of the noreh line of Lor. One (1) in
<br /> Garrctt's Subdivision for a discnnce of 7 feet, or 2.134 me[crs; thence running
<br /> nortl� on a linc p3rnllel co and 300 Fcec, or 91.44 meters, west of the wesc lina
<br /> ot Snint Yaul Road for a dise�nce of 784 teec, or 238.9G3 meters, to tlie souch
<br /> 11nc of 18th 5trcet; thence running east on the south linc of 18th Strcet and
<br /> iCe caFt prolongation for a distancc of 234 tcet, or 71.�23 meters, to a point ,
<br /> Sb feeC, or 20.117 mcrers, wcst of the west line of Saint Paul Road; [hence
<br /> rumiinE nOrth on a line parallcl to and 66 feel•, or 20.117 metcrs, west of the
<br /> west line of Saint Faul Raad for a distance of 223.5 feet, or 68.123 mecers, [o
<br /> thc north line af 18Ch Streec lyin� cast of Indiana Avenue; [hencc running east
<br /> o� the north line of 18Lh Street and ite east prolonsaCion for a discance of 432
<br /> feet, or 131.67G meters, to a point 300 fect, or 91.44 meccrs, east of the east
<br /> line of SainC Paul Roacl; [hencc runnin� sou�h on a line pzrallel to and 300 feet,
<br /> or 91.44 meters,enst of the east line of Saint Paul Road for a disCance of 688.8
<br /> feet, or 209.946 meters, more or less, to the norrh line of 15th S[recC; Chencs
<br /> runnin� west on the norch iine of 15[h SCYfPC for a distance of 175 feet, or
<br /> 53.34 meters; thence running south on a line parallel to and 125 fect, or 38.1
<br /> meters, esat of the eas[ linc of Saint Paul Road for a distanee of 352 feet, or
<br /> 107.29 metezs, to thc eouth linc oE 14th Street; ehence running east on the south
<br /> line of 14th Street for a distance of 7 fee� , or 2.134 meters, to a point 132 feet,
<br /> or 40.234 metera, eaet of the easc line of Saint Paul Road; thence running souch
<br /> on a lir+e parallel Co and 132 feet, oz 40.234 metcrs, east of the eas[ line of
<br /> Saint Paul Road for a distancc+ of 620 feet, or 188.976 mecers, to the norch iine
<br /> � of 12th Street; thence running east on the north line of 12t1i Strect for a distance
<br /> of 6.75 feet, or 2.057 meters, to a point 138.75 fcet, or 42,291 meters, east of
<br /> the eaat line of Saint Paul Road; thence running souKh o� a line para�lel co and
<br /> 138.75 £eet, or 42.291 meters, east of the e�st line of Saint Paul Road for a
<br /> diitaoce of 549.1 fect, or 167.366 metera, to the point of beginning, all as
<br /> ahown on th. plat awrkad Exhibit "A" atcached her�to and ineorporated herein by
<br /> seterence.
<br /> SECTYO�i+I 3. The folloviag stzeet in the district shall b� ispsoved by paving, curbing,
<br /> � �uttaring. and all incidental work in connceCion therevith:
<br /> ;� �. Saint Paul Road from the aouth line of llth Street lying eaat of Saint Yaul 0.
<br /> Roed to tha north lint o£ 18th Strset at its �uncCion vith tha west line of
<br /> S�int P�ul Road. '
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