<br /> � �
<br /> �7.(�7301 �
<br /> � ORDINANCE N0. 6234 .
<br /> M ordln�nc• cseating Stseet Improvement Distziet No. 940; defining tt►e boundaries of
<br /> the distriet; providing for the improvement of atreet• vithin che discriet by paving, euzbing,
<br /> guttesing, �nd all incidental vork in eonnection charevith; and vroviding £or an effectivs
<br /> d�t• oF thi• ordinance.
<br /> 8ECYION 1. Stseet Impsovement Discricc No. 940 in cha City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> 1• hereby ereatad.
<br /> SgCTION 2, The boundaries of the distriec shall be as follova:
<br /> Beginning at a point on the wesc line of .Saint Paul Road, beinq 33 feet, or 10.058
<br /> meters, west of the sec[ion line in Saint Paul Road and 245.25 feet, or 74.752
<br /> meters, north of thc noreh line of 18th Streec at[ached [o and r�nnin� vest of Saint
<br /> Paul Road; [hence cunnin� south on the west lina of Saint Paul Road for a discance
<br /> of 605.25 feet, or 184.430 meters, to a point 300 fee[, or 91.44 mecers, south of
<br /> the south line of eaid 18ch Streec: thence running w•esc on a line parallel to and
<br /> 300 fect, or 91.44 meters, soueh o£ the south line of said 18Ch Street for a dis-
<br /> tanee oE 132 feet, oz 40.234 mecers, to che south prolongation of the easc :ine
<br /> of Indiana Avenue; [hence running souch on the soueh prolon�;acion of [he east line
<br /> of Indiana Avenue for a dis[ance of 161 feet, or 49.073 mc�[ers, south of the souch
<br /> line oE 81ain AJdition: thence running vest on a line par�llel co and 161 fee:, or
<br /> 49.073 r•ie[ers, sou[h oE Che south line of B:ain Addition for a dis�ance of 50 feet,
<br /> or 15.24 meters, to the south prolonFa[ion of the wesc linc oi Indiana .�v�nue to a
<br /> point bcing 182 fec�, or 55.474 meters, wesc of �he west linc of Saint Yaul Road:
<br /> Chcnee running north on che south prolon�;ation of [he Wcac line ot Indiana :�venue
<br /> for a distanee of 300 Eeet, or 91.44 metcrs, �o che south line of lBth Strce�
<br /> a[tached to and runninr aest of Indian� A�•enue; chencc runninr west on the sou[h
<br /> line oE sa3d 18th Stree[ for a discane� of 300 feec, or 91.44 meters, to a �oinc
<br /> 350 feet, or 106.68 meters, vest of the east line of InAinna Avenue; thcnce running
<br /> north on a line 350 feet, or lOG.63 mecers, ves[ of thc ea�t line of Indi�na Avenue
<br /> for • dis[anee of 376 fcet, or 114.605 mcters, to thc north line of 19th Scrcet;
<br /> thence zunninF east on the tiozth line of 19:h Sc:cec for a distancc of S00 fc�t,
<br /> or 91.44 me[cra, [o a point 50 fec[, or 15.24 meccrs, �.•esc of Che east line of
<br /> Indiana Avenue; thence running nor[h on the norch prolonr�cion of the kesc line of
<br /> Indiana Avenue For a dist�nce of 169 fce[, or 51.511 met�rs, co a poinc nor[h of
<br /> the north line of 19th Screet; [hence runninS e�st on a li.ne parallel co and 169
<br /> feet, or 51.511 mecers, north of che north line of 19ch Streec for a distance of
<br /> SO fcet, or 15.24 meters, [o n point on the north prolonration of che eas� line of
<br /> • 2ndiana Avenue; [hence runninp, soucn on the north prolonF��ion of ehe e�sc line of
<br /> Indiana Avenue foz a discaiice of 76.25 feec, or 21.241 mecers. [o a point 9?.75 feet,
<br /> or 28.27 meters, nor[h of the north line of 19[h Strcet: thence running eas[ on a
<br /> line parallel to and 245.25 feee, or 74.752 meters, north of the north line oi lBch
<br /> Street for a distance oP 1J2 fect, or 40.23» mecers, to [he wes� line of Sainc P�ul
<br /> Road, being the point of beginning, all as shown on che plac mazked Exhibit "A"
<br /> attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.'
<br /> SECTION 3. The folloving atreets in �he dis�rlec shall be iwproved by paving, curbing,
<br /> suttering, and all incidencal work in connection therevich:
<br /> Eigt�teenth Streat from the vest line of Saint Paul Road to the east line of
<br /> Indiana Avenue, and Zndisna Avenue from the aouch line of Eighteench Street,
<br /> bei�g vest of Indiana Avenue to the norch line of Nineteenth Street, being
<br /> we�t of Zndiana Avenue.
<br /> Said improvements ahall be made in secordanee with plans and •pecificationa prepared by the
<br /> Engineer for tha City and approved by the Hayor and Council.
<br /> SECTION 6. Tha impsovement� ahall be made at public cost, but the cost thcreof,
<br /> � excluding inter��ction�, ah�ll b� •�a�saad upon ths lots and lands in the distriet apecially
<br /> benefit�d •• providsd by l�v. � W'F'RO�ED fS"TO FORM (
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