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: a`i�. <br /> e'.,i�='q�.. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . . ... ,�.,y,;,mdd„�+:v„V�+�.n,..... .,» <br /> 77- 007293 <br /> togrther with all tenements, hareditaments and appurtenrnees belunging thereiu <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe abuve desrribed premisrs wi � h all thr privlleKes �nd nppurtenances thereunto belonging incluJing <br /> xll rentx, issues and proti � s thereuf umo MurtgeFee , liuever . And Mori�;u�,�, r hrreby cuvenants that Murtga��r is well and truly seized of <br /> a goud title tu the premises above r� mveyed in rhe Liw , in Iec simplr , and h�s �„ud riKhl and law(ul authonty to convey the same, and <br /> [hai the tiUe su runveyed is cleur , trer and uninrwnhr � rJ r +: rrpt a: � �therwise n ,,ted �nd iha � Murtgagur will forever warrant and de- <br /> tend the sarne iu Murtgegee against all claims wha �,never . <br /> This M�rtgagr is � aen by Murtgagurs t � � ,ecwe the perfurmance uf each agreem�nt �untainrd herein . and tosecure the payment <br /> uf a lwn in the amuunt ul t}ir T�� tal ��( Pxymeni , shuwn abuve , whlch I� �an beiug cvidenced by a promissury note bearing even date <br /> herrwith and which is further desc ribed abuve. <br /> PROVIDED AL.WAYS , ;�nd ihese presents are up� �n the expressr.l r� .ndiuun , that i ( the Murtgagors shall pay in full tu the Mor[- <br /> gxgee a promissury nute bearinE even date herewit h in the am��unt ,et tirrih ahove , payable in in,tallments according ro the terms there- <br /> uf tugether with intere+ l ati srt liutl � Ilierrin . :uiJ .hall pa� u il iu� e. :�n�! aa.exsme�us Ievied upon said real estate hefure the �me be- <br /> rume, delinyuent , an �l Arr�, il � e buil�linK. � ,n s:� id � ,reiui ,c. in ,urrd t� ,� :i ,u �n cyu ;il ! � � ihe indrbtedness secured hereby , loss , if any . paY - <br /> able tu the said Murtg:�gee, then these prrsrntn i � � hr null and � o� d , utherwisr tu he anci remain in full force. <br /> THIS MORTG.4GE IS ALSO TU t3E , ANll COM1i1tiUE TU BE, FROM T'IME TO T'IME , SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT <br /> OF SUCH SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FRUM TIME TU TIME IN THE FUTURE AUVANCE TO THE <br /> MORTGAGOR, ANU EVIDENCED BY A SUPPI.EMEN7'AL NOTE OR NOTES , BUP NOT 7'O EXCEEll 'CHE TOTAL OF <br /> S . . **. *ZQ . � �$ , QO** * * . . . EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THA'f MAY BE MAllE 7'O PROTECT THE SECURITY IN AC- <br /> CORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF TNIS MORTGAGE . <br /> Additiunal 7 erma � n� (' unditi� �ns un thc reverse � � f Ihis �grermen � � re madr a purt hereuf and iururpurnted herein . <br /> fN WITNESS WF� EREOF, the ,�id Murtgagun have executed these presents the day and year first a(wve written. <br /> ,-� " , �,�i,/" <br /> —L�c���_ 1 ,��r..`'� �'l�"�� �i -- <br /> � Mort�gor <br /> '�l � � ) " '�, <br /> �.�-, n�ti� , ' �- �-C� "� -- <br /> ��i�g�� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) SS <br /> COUNTY OF Hall � <br /> On this_Q,� 11ay of ---_- DP� vmhPr ___ __ _ _.._.__ . 1 '1 77_ , h� fi� re me , the undersiRned a Nut :�rv F'ublic. duly <br /> commie� and yualitied fur and in said s[ate and .ruunty , pers�mally camr _ Eugene Paul _ Wicht _ and _ Sandra Jo W1cht <br /> __.. ..-- --- _ - ---- - __ - _ _ _ . _ _--- - _ . _..---- <br /> b me knowm to be the �dentical prrson u� persons whusr uarne is ur ua�nes arc � ftixed tu thr furegomg instrument and arknuwledged <br /> !fie execuliun thereof to be his, hrr nr thrir v��luntnry act and deed . <br /> N�itness my hand and Notari• � Ihe day end year Iest abuve written . _ � <br /> K!RK G. ARNOLD ,r / � <br /> (:L1� tsREtA; ,` '. AHY __..__���a`,�� . _.._�1��LL�� <br /> . . __ _ _ ____. . <br /> D . � I C Ur �+4. c.,�. a �KA � Nl7T Y PURLI(' <br /> �.. x '. r ' � v - .rt En� . rrr <br /> lily commicsion ezpires No ' t , i of _ . 19� . <br /> NC7l(' E SEt�: O7'HER SIDE f OK Al)l)17lONAL TERMS AVU ( 'UNUIIIONti <br /> Hee. a .e . - � � +� ��• <br /> ORIGINAL �" �:'' <br /> L � � � � �� <br /> � � <br /> L � <br />