� �
<br /> not extend or postpone thc due date oi rlic iuonthl}� in �i :� ILnent < r��f��rred to iu para�rapl�s 1 nnd 'l hereof or
<br /> change the aroount of such installine��ts ,
<br /> 10. BosrowerNotR�l�as�d. L'sxtensiou of the tinte fw• � uayiuent or modification of ii�nortization ot the sums
<br /> secuted by this '_�3ortgage granted bv I .ender to uu�• succesaor in incerest of Borrower shall not operate to release,
<br /> in any manner, the liability of tl�e origi��al Hm•rower nnd }iorroH•f�r'� �i�rcessor: in interest . i.ender shall not be
<br /> � required to commence proceedings against such euccessor or retuae to cxteud time for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> airiottization of the sums secured by thi. \Iortgage i �}• reason oi .u»� deman�i mxde hy the original Borrower and
<br /> Borrower's succeseors in intereet .
<br /> 11. Forb�asaau by L�ader Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exereising any right or remedy
<br /> � hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable la�c , sl�all not be a «•aiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxee or other liens or chargea by Lender
<br /> � ahall not be a waiver of Lender 's right to acceterate the maturity of tlie indebtedness , secured by this A4ortgage.
<br /> � 12. R�m�di�sCumulative. All remedies provided in tl� i, �longage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> 0 right or remedy under this �lortgage m• affurdc�� i hy la�r or ��qui � ��, aud uia�� I .�� exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> � ently or succeesively .
<br /> � 19. Sueee�son and Aasigas Bound: Joint and Several Liability; Captions. 'I'he co��en:int� and agreements
<br /> ^ herein contained shall bind , and the rights l �ereuudei• .,hall inur�• � u. t hc re.pectivo niiccessors ;ind a�signs of T.ender
<br /> (� and Borrower. subject to the provision. of paraKr:�� ,h 1 ; hert�of . .111 cuacnaiu � .uri agreementn of Borrower ehall
<br /> be joint and se� eral . 1'he csptioc�. and lie�iding, of tlie � �aragrn� , l �.� of thi. \ lort �ake� ar�� fur con �•rnience only and
<br /> are not to be used t.o inu-rpret a• defin�� the � n•ovi�iun.. liereoi.
<br /> 14. Notieo. Any notice io BorroHer � �ro � ided f'or in tl � i= \ lurt �;:i��• ..Iiall hi� �;i � ��n b�� u�uilin�; .uch notiee b}�
<br /> rertified mait xddre�sed to Borro«•e�r .it th �� Yrupert � Ad� fre.�.� .tute� i hi�lo�+ . �•a ���•pt fur cuiy� uoti�•e reyuired under
<br /> paragruph 18 hereof to lu• givi•n to Borro�ci�r in th�• iu.u� n��r � � rc..eriLed h}� :�� q�lirciblc lu�r . :1ny notiee pro�•ided
<br /> for in this \Iortgagc .lissll hi� deruie� i to ha �•c t �rcn �;i � cu t � I�OI'I'U\5'P7' \1' I1C11 � iccn iu IIIC II ]lAilill'1' t�P�IY.,I38CG'(� I10I@l(l .
<br /> 15. Uailornt Mortgage; Gov�rtiiag Law; Severability. '1'lii� �orn � uf inortgage� �•on�bine� unifor�n ro��enants
<br /> for national use and non -uuiform covenxuts witL lirnite� i � xriatiun� I�c jm•isdietion to constitute a uniform aeeu-
<br /> rity instrument covering real }�ro�>ei•ty. '1'his \lortgage shull I ��• guverurd bp the la��� of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located . In the e��ent that :iny pr��•ieim� m� rlausc o[ this \1m•tgagc m• the Note conHicte with
<br /> applicable law, such conflict .hall not afTect other � �ro� isiun� of thi� .Uortguge or the !�ote which can be given
<br /> eHect without the conflicting � �ro��ision , snd to thi.� end thc� � �ro��ision, ol the \lurtgage and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. aoitow�r's Copy. Borro��•er shall be furni�l�ed a ��onfm•med copy of this \lortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> 17. Trasubr of the Prop�rty; Aerumption. lf all or anv � �art o( the Property- or an interest therein is sold
<br /> ortrsasferred by Borrower �vithout Lender :� � �rior w�ritten consent , excluding Isi the creation of n lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this \lortgage. Ibl the ereutiun uf a � nir�•hasi• tnone}• security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances , ( c ) s transfer by de��ise , descent m• t,}� uperution uf I .rn u� �on the death of u joint tenant oi• Id ) the grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of t6ree year� or len� not containiuR :,u o� ,tiuu tu � ,urchusc , Lender may . :�t Lender's option ,
<br /> declare s!! t�he nums secured by tliis hlortgage w b�� iiuiucdiatel�� � lu�• ;in� i puyable. I .ender shall have waived such
<br /> option to accelerate if , prior to tl�e sale ur tran.fer. Le���ler a� id tl �c � x•r�on to �cho��i the Yroperty ic to be sold or
<br /> trs�sferred reach agreement, in writing that tlie credit ui � ucl � � �ei:,on i� ,atisfactory� to Lender und that tlie interest
<br /> ps►yable on the eums srcured by this WortKuge .hull h�• at �ucli rate ds L��nder shall reyuest . It l.endix has waived
<br /> the option co accelerate provided in tl�is parngrapli 1 i and if }3orrower '. .u��c��Fsor in interest l�as executed a writ-
<br /> ten assuruption agreemenc accepted in ���riting b}� l .ender . L�•nder rliall releasr: Burrower iruro ssl ! obligations under
<br /> thia Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Leader exercises sucli option to uccelerate , l.ender shxll � usil Bm•rower notice o1 acceleration in accordance
<br /> wit6 �iaragraph 14 I�ercoi. �ucl � uoucc ,hull � �ro��i�lr u � ��•riod ui nut li•., t6un 3l1 da}�, from th�• datc• tlie notice is
<br /> mailed w•ithin whicli t3orrower ma�� � �x�� tLr �um, declure•d du�• . I1 Eiurru�c�• r tail, tu � i;�y ..u�•h �ums prior to the
<br /> expiration of tuch periai , Lender niay . �� ithuut fortlu� r notie�• or � i�•mumi on 13i�rro�ser, imokc :sny remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 Yiereof.
<br /> �UN -I � NINONM � �UVf: NA \ 'CN. }�OI' 1'UN'1' r au�.l L��nder 1'urtl � er �•u��i� ntitit and a��r��i� a . follo�c. :
<br /> li. Aec�bration: R�mediss. }�:xi•r� ,t a� � �ru� i� l�•� 1 in � �:u•u�; ra � , li 17 horeof . u� �un Rorru« �•r '.. hreacli of ant•
<br /> covenant oragree�nent o1 Hon•o���i•r in tlii� \t � � rt �;x �;� . inrlu� linR tlu• ro����nant . tu pay ul �rn du�• a�n- .•m� �� ..ecurrd
<br /> by this \lortgage. I,enricr � u•�ur tu :iri•i•I�v:� tiuii .hall n �ail nutu�� to 13urru�cor a • � n•o�•�� 1i�� i � n � r,u•akr.�� ili 14 liereof
<br /> epeci(yiug : � 11 the breaoh : i2 � thr s��uun r.•yuim� l tu �• � u��• .uvh I � rc•zirl � : � 3i :� dut�• . not lo.. tlian thirtv davs
<br /> Irom the date t6c noticc i. uiailtvi tu liurru�� i � r . I ��� ��� Inoh �urL hrcn�• li iu��.t 1 ��� rurr�l . �an� i i4i thut fviluro to i•urc
<br /> nuch breach on ur Lrfur�• tl�e da�e . E�erifie�i n� ilu• nuuc�• uut}� r��. ult in ae�•elrrxuun oi thr ..w�i� n.�cure�i by this
<br /> 13ortgagc: and �sir uf the Propertc . i1' tho brt�ucl , i.< nut �• urrvi nu ur heforc tli � � lat �• .� �r�• ifi �ri in tlir nutf��r . Len�lrr
<br /> at I.ender's option �uay declare all uf thi• >wu. .�•i•ured li� � hi. \1urt �;aKi• tu be in� uiediatch• �lui• iind ��ayable
<br /> w•ithout further demxnd an�i may fbrerlo.c thi� A1ort �;,i�;�• hy iu� ii��iul ��roi•ecdink - Lrn� icr shall hc ��utitled to collect
<br /> in nueh procecding all expense. uf' (ur�•clu.un• . inrlwlin � . Init nut lin � itnl tc� . ru.,t � uf docwu���ntxr� c�•idencr .
<br /> abatracte� and title reF�rt �. �
<br /> 1�. sote'or►�['s Riq�t to R�ioatab. \ otwrtL.tan�l � u�; l .��u� ier '. xcoeleruUuu of the .uui� .ecurrd bv thin
<br /> Mortgage, Bortower shsll have the right tu ha � c• an�• � �roceedin�;• heK�tn b�• I .��ndcr to onforcc thi� �fortgage die-
<br /> continued st any time prior to entry of a judKinent enCWrin�; tlii. \lortka��� � f : iai Borrowcr p»ys Leuder all
<br /> etu�� whiel� would be then due under thi. \lurtKaF�• , tlu• \ utr nn� i notrr �renrinp F'unirr Ad �•anre� , if anr . had no
<br /> aoceleration oecurred ; Ibl Borrower cure� all brra�•lic•. uf xn� uthrr ru� ��n;int - ur :t�; r��rnirnt . uf Borrower con-
<br /> t�iut� in this 11u[tgagr ; � cl 13urruwrr payr aii rra.unal ,li �•s � �ru.i•s incurr�•�1 1,�• Lrndi•r � n eNon•inK the �ovrnantn
<br /> and agreeeneatr of Borrow•er contaii�ed iu tl� i� �Iurtk:� Ri• snd ui ruior�•inR L�•ndi�r ', rc�uedie, t�r � �ro�• iriErl in t�arn-
<br /> p�aph 16 hereof, includin6, but not limitcv� to , rraconal �le atturnep 'x i��r.� : ;iw1 � d I Borrower ttiker ,uch action a.
<br /> I.eotlEr [uay re�wiably require to arwurr tliat thc lien ui thic \ [ortKa{�c , Lunder'� inten•.t in the Yro�ieny und
<br /> Borroqez's obligation to pay the sunin necunri by tl�is \ furtRu�;�• •hail rontn�uo uninq�a�red . I 'pon s�ch payment *,.
<br /> r
<br /> aad ture by Botrover, thix '.4forRgsge and the obligatio��r �eeured 6rrrb} �h;�ll rrniuin in tull (orc�e �nd ��ffect as if „�. _ : ;�
<br /> ao aeeeientia�e had oeeureed. � �
<br /> 1�. A�il�n�t e1 �a1C llppeinb►�ett od 8�e�iv�r. Lsnd�r ia Poass�aion. A. additional .ecuritt� here- I _
<br /> 1 uede'r, BoereRer heeeby ani`t+s W I.ender the renth of the Yropem• . ��rooidc�l that Borro�rer chall , prior to acceler-
<br /> atiDo u�+der parasraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Yro��erty , hs�•� the riKht to eollect and retain s�ch renta
<br /> ai LMy baeome due rod p�yet>le.
<br /> UpOe aeeekeation us�der Psrr4e�aFdi 18 hereof or ab�ndon�ncnt of thc Yropertt• . Lcndcr. in � ���r�n . i,r aRcut
<br /> ur by Jud�ai�Y appotnted reoe�ver shall be ent�tle[I to enter u�wn . tskr ��onrer�:ion of and � uanaKe the Ym�>ert�� :ai
<br /> �ed t,o adieat the nenb ot tlfe P!u(fetty , includinQ those ��att due. A11 re���tn eolle<•tec! I��� Lender or the rc�ceiver
<br /> �hall be �ppiied fitst to payetent of the coets of manaKemrnt of the Yropert �' snd coll��ctiun of rcros , inrludink, hut
<br /> ri0! 131uited to, rcccirer'e fr<;a, �ir�iuiuwa �i� m����i � er �� l.uwir aual n•an�iunLle xtturnev �. ii•r� . au�i tneu to the .um�
<br /> seeered by thia Mo�f,�sge. Lender and the reeeia•er sl�aU b�� lirhlr to xi-count onh for th�.�.c r�•� �t . artu:. 11y rc•c�•ic��� i
<br /> J
<br />