<br /> _ � �
<br /> not extend oi• �,ostpone the due date ui tlic � e�ontlilt � u= r :� ilnienL r�•icrred to in �iKragraE�lix I and '2 hereof or
<br /> change the a�nuunt of such instalirnents .
<br /> 10. Doreawer Not R�baMd. F.Ytension o'. thc tiu�e for � �apment ur modificstion uf uma•tization of the sums
<br /> Decured by this '_14ortgage granCeci by l .ender to au}• =u���•e•-rur in inte• r�•st of Borro�cer �hall not operate to release,
<br /> � in sny manner, the liability oP the originul 13orro«�er an� i Iiorro�c��r '� �uc��essor� in intereet . Lender ehall not be
<br /> required to comrnence proceedings agaiust �ueli eui�ceseor or reiu�c io rxtend timr for payment or otl�erwise modify
<br /> amortiastion of tlie nun�s secured by tl�i� \ [orcguKe In• rrason oi an�� deman�i made by ihe oriqinal Borrower and
<br /> Borrmver's successors in interest.
<br /> I1. Forb�armice by Iwnder Not a Waivor. Any forbearanctr by Lender in exercieing any right or remedy
<br /> � hereunder, or othenvise afforded by applicable la�c , .�hall not he u �rai.-er of or preclu�r. the exercise of any right
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. "1'hc procureinent of insursucc or � lie � �a�•ment uf taxce m• other liens m• rharges by Lender
<br /> � ehal! not be u ti•:�i�•er of Lender 's right to accelerstc tlie inaturit.y of the indebtedness secured by this Alortgage.
<br /> � 12. R�m�di�a Cumulativs. all reinedie� pro�•ide� i in tlii� \lorcgu�c are distiucc znd eumulative t.o any other
<br /> 0 right or remedy under thir \lortga�i� or ufi'orde�l I ��� l:��� or ��r� uity� , arn3 ma�� h�• c�x��rci.:ed c•oneurrently , independ-
<br /> � ently or succeasively.
<br /> 1�. Suees��ors aad Aeriqae Bo�and: loiat �d Soveral Liability; Captions. 'Clie eo� c�n.uit � and agreements
<br /> ^ herein contained shall bind , and the rights I �ereunder �li�ll inure• to . thc re.��ectiv� • .uccessors and assigns ot I.ender
<br /> ^ and Borrower. cubject to the pro��ision. ul � �:ira�;�:� � ih I i fi�•reof. :111 ��umnant .� ;iu� i :s�;reeu�ents oS I3orrower shall
<br /> be joint snd .e ��erat . 7'hr ��aption. an� t lu�sciin�= � ii tl �r � iars�r:y ,h� uf rhi� Alorr�;ai�;r sr�� fur �•onver�ience only and
<br /> are not to be used to iuc��rpret or de6ne the � �ro�- i��ou� Lereol .
<br /> 1�. Notice. Any nucir� ro liorro�c�• r � � ru�� i� lo� i f'or in tlii< \ lurt �;ax�. �hnll h�• �;i � �•n b�� ui� iling su�• 1 � uotice by
<br /> eertified �uuil :sddre.sed to Bw•ruw ��r cu tli� 1' rup��rt � .1 �idr�•:. •r.it �•� i b.�lu�c . � •xr� • pt tur :iuy nutic�� reyuired under
<br /> paragrupl� 18 ! i�•reof tu l�e gi � en w Burru�s�•r in tlur ivatuuvr � � ro,cnhr� l L� :i� y � li�:il > I� lx�c . Au�• notii•r � a•o��ide�l
<br /> for iu this \lortgage �hall I ,�� der� uc�� 1 tu h:t�'� � I ,.•ru Rie�•u tu Rurru�v �• r �ch��n �i � ��n in t lu� u �xnnir de.i�nated }ierein .
<br /> 15. Unilotm Mortgaqe; Govsraiasq Law; Severability. " I' lii= iuriu ni niortRa�i• � uinbines uniforni eovenant�
<br /> for national use and noo- uniform covenunt � �vitL linute� l ��anaci�ir�. h�� jw�isdiction to conatitute at uniform secu-
<br /> rity instruu�errt covering reul propert � . '1'his \ lurcgnge shull I ,o �o�•rrned b}� th�• la«� of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Yroperty is located. ln the e�•ent thut :tu}• � �rovision or clau�o oi t6i. \lortquge or tkic Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law , such conHict sh� ll not u(fe� t otl�er � �ro�' isiun> ui tkii � \ lortga�c or the \ote which can be given
<br /> effect without t6e conflicting E �ro��isiou , and to thi� ��n� i the � �ro � i�ion � oi the \ lortga�e and the 2Qote are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Bo[row��r's Copy. Borroµ•er shnll I �e iurnislie�i a ronforn�ed ��opy uf this \lortqaRe at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recorda6ia� l�ereof.
<br /> 17. Traa�r of the Prop�dy: Aasumptioa li all ur au�� � �art of the Propertp a• au interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrowcr withouc Leuder'� � +rior written �•unseut , ��xcluding iHl tlie creation of a lien or eneum-
<br /> brancesubordinate tu thi� \lurtgag�•, ihi tl�e �� reatia� ui :� � �ur��ha.e won���� .ecurity interest for household appli-
<br /> ances , ( cl s transfer by devise. dre�•ent ur I�y u� �eratiuu ui L•i��� u � �un th�• � li_•atl� oi a joint ten�rut or idl the grant of
<br /> any lessehold interest of three years or Irs.� not cuntuininR au u� ,tiuu to puml�sssc . I,ender may . at Lender's option ,
<br /> declare all the rmns secured t,y thi� 1lortgxgr cu b�• iumiedis� el �• � iuo and � �ayabl .•. Lendes shall Lave waived such
<br /> option to accelerate if . priur tu t.Le �ale or trun�fer, Len�li� r :uut tlir � �vr�ou to wlio�n the Yroperty is to be sold or
<br /> transferred reach agreement in writin6 that the crf�dit u1 �ucli � �rrrou i. ,uti.facwi��� to Lendi• r and tlial t.he interest
<br /> payable on the nums srcured by chis 11ortKaKe .hull LF• at .u��L ratc u.� Lcndrr �hall r�•yues� . li I.ender has waived
<br /> the option to uccelerate pruvided ii� this ��aragra� �h I i au�i i [ liorro�� er': su�•ce,sor iu interest has executed s writ-
<br /> ten assumption xgreemetu sccepted in writing f ��• Lender , L�•nder ,hxtl rclease Burro�ver froni all oUligations under
<br /> this Mortgage and th<• ?Qote.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucL opt�on tu sscceler3ec . Lender 5hall �uuil tiorrower notice oi acceleration in aceordance
<br /> with �,aragraph 14 hereoi . �ucl� notu�e �hall �iru� id�� a � �enu� i uf nu� le�.� tliuu 30 duy � frum thc datc the notice ie
<br /> tnailed within wLich liorruwer uiay � �x�• tlie swu� �li•clan�d �lue. ! f }iurroti .•r fuil� tu � �n�� .� ui•h �wu� prior to the
<br /> rxpiretion of nurh periai , Lender ina� �ritl �out fui�tlu• r uutic�r ur � l�•� u:uid uu Rurro�� er. imok�� any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 l�ereof.
<br /> Nux -l ' siFoem ( 'o��t:xw !. •r�. Kurru�ver �in� 1 I .encli� r furth�� r ro�•i�uutrt and agrr�� a . 1'ull � �w. :
<br /> 1 !. J[auLratioa: R�msdiss. I :x�•r� it a. � iru� i� l��� { in � cu:i�;i:y � l � li I �or��uf , iyiuu Bm�rower'. breai� h of uny
<br /> covenxnt or agreenient oI }3orru����•r in tlii. A1urt �;u�;�� , iurlu� lin �; ilu• �� u����u ;u�r . to � ru�• �rhon � lur an}• �� m� .ecured
<br /> by tl�i�; \lortgage. L��w {rl' � �I7UI' tV :tPPPIt' 1':iflUll �IIRII � n:iil nuti�•r t � � 13orru�ror :i� � �ru� i� i��� i in � �:ir:i�;ru� il � 14 hereof
<br /> s�yecifyiug : il l the brenc•h �, i2i thr urtl� �n myuirc� i w �• iu�. � . u�•li Lr��u��6 : l '3 � a � 1ut �• . not Ie�. tlia❑ thirls' day.
<br /> frmu thr ilate the nuui•�� � • ma � le� l tu liurru���cr . bc ��� lurl � - url � I >m:u� l � iuust I�o ruri�� l : unii i 4 i � hut t� ilurc w cure
<br /> �uch hreaci� bn � �r helori• tlie dxtr -PrrNie� i iu tlu� nuti��i� � u :t�� n•� ult in ncv�• Irra � iun � �1 tln• .uw - ,��i• ur�•�I hy ihin
<br /> � lfortgage and nale oi the Yro�xrty . lf ti�e brex�•h �s not ��w•��d uu ur I �eior�� th�• d�i �• sE�e�•ified iu tlu• notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender'n optiou muy � ieclare all u1 thc .<uui. e�cure�l 1 ��� � h �. \lurt �,;1�;e tu I ��• nuwo� listcl}� dur un�i paVablr
<br /> w•ithout furtherdetuund anil may ioreclo.r thi. \Iurt �,nRc h� iu� iiri:il � �roecrd � u�; Lcuiii�r .hall I �c �•ntitli•�i to collect
<br /> in �uch prucee�iin�; aIl «zpensrs uf iuroclu=ur�� . inilwlin �; . hut nut liiurtcd tu . �•u.t .. u1 � iu�• wurntar�� i•��idence,
<br /> aLatracW and title repotti � .
<br /> l�. Deero�►�r'� ltiql�t to R�iaslab. \ otWit6.tan�l�n�; L��nder '- :urcle�ratiou ui tt��• �un�. secured by this
<br /> Moet;age, Borrower shall have the right to ha�•e au}� �uoceedink. he�;un h�• Lru� i�•r � o ��nfure�• thir 1tonRaqe dis-
<br /> eontinued at any timr prior to entrt� of x iud �n��nt f�nfoq�rin� thi � \ Im•tRu}!�• if : iu r Eiorrow•cr pay� Ixnder all
<br /> su�s which would he then dur. undPr thi� \ IuR }.!a¢�� , tl �i• 1u[ r un� I notrs �rcurinR Futurv• Adt'anrr� , if am� , had no
<br /> accelerrtion occurred ; Ibi liorrow�rr currr �II brcu�• iu�., ut ;ui� utLc�r �•oi ��u:tnt ., ur :«;ro�•m��nt. ut }3arrower ron-
<br /> tained in thir Vtortgage ; lcl Borrower pays all rea�unabl�� .•c � �e�n.r. m�•un•�•� i hJ I .end.•r in enfor�•in� the cuvenant.,:
<br /> and agrec�ents of Borrower contained in thi� �lort �;uRc� ;, nd in ��niumin� Lr•n� t�� r'� rc-iuedir� a. � �rovidc�ci in par�t-
<br /> �raph 18 hereof, includmg, but noL Lmi[ed to, rra�on3l,le sttornr}� '� iee< , au�� i i � i i }iorrower takes nuch action a�
<br /> 0
<br /> i.e�der may reaaopably require to aseutr that the he�� oi chi� \IortKaK�� . L��uda r'� intere�c m the k'w{Krty und
<br /> Boero�ver's obligstioa to pay the sttnis securecl hy thi� \lurt �;uy;�• .6ull cuntiiw�• unimpaircd . L'puu ,ucl � puy �uent • . �� , 1'�'
<br /> aod oW�t by �srlOw�er, this MortqSage snd the abliaation� -ecured lirrrb�• .. hrtll rewain in tull force an�i .°ticct as iS � ^
<br /> no aooalsration had oocurred.
<br /> ; �. �1 �t I�la: A/poiedr�et d INpi��r: Iwsd� in Po�ssa�iws. An additional ,ecurity here-
<br /> undier, Borf�over hereby afrigss to I.ender the rent� o! the Prc��rt �• . � �rocided that Borrow�er chall . �irior to ucceler- " `
<br /> afi�e usder p�raRraph 1B 6ereof or a6andonment of Ihe Ymlwrtv . l�s�'e th�� ri¢ht to �oliret snd retain nueh rents -
<br /> a� Llrey beoome due and paYable.
<br /> Upee aeetlentioe ueder ��r�grapl� 18 heerof or nhandonmcnt of thr Yrope�ty . l.rnder, in prr�on , by agent , �
<br /> or by jud'fei�ity apQoiaEed reeeiver slull he entitled to enter uFwn . tnke � �o�;fe�• ion uf and inanaKe the Yrope:rty
<br /> aad to oolleet the rente of the Pteperty , inciuding those {wnt due . All rent. c•ollectcxl f ��� I.rnder or the rrcei�•cr
<br /> rL�l Lu r{+{slied 6rw w Ewymea� o[ t,l� iwrte uf +ur�ua�rnwnt ui tf�r k'ru�x•m• au�i cuiir<•uun oi rein � . � u�• iu<im�; . bui
<br /> oot limited to. reoeiver's fees, iireieiunu: on n•iriver 's Ixrud � an�! �'cxrunablr attorni•y 'r fr�-e . xud c6en [ o tlie ,umn
<br /> aeeured by thie !�fortgage. I.ender and the receiver .hnll h�� li.ibl�• to s�•�•ouut onl� for tLusi� n• nt .. :i�•uuili�� rcr�•i���•c� . �
<br /> ,
<br />