<br /> _ _ . _ _ �. _.._ _ _ _ _ �
<br /> leoRTcacle�o.l.v. a.a tma rors—�ulr.ct cr.ak rt� ssbs cav.c�d)
<br /> ��_ U 0 7 2 7 7 MORTGAGE
<br /> � Io�No �
<br /> tfi16 11/�Ml1AL. aad� 16L I 5th n..., p! flPromh�c+r _. 19�Z,b7 and b�tw�
<br /> RICMAR� i. HARBAUGH AND MARY C. HARBAUGH, husband and wife, each in his and her own
<br /> riaht and as�oouse of the other _
<br /> �__ Ha I I �H,M�yr�a. m morlqaqx S md Hom�F�d�ml Savlaq�ond Loan Aawe.iauoa of Crand[Amd,
<br /> a oarpwOtiou or9as7a�d md �zLtin9 undsr tlu lav� ot N�bradta w�ith!t�prindpal ottiw and plua d busics�at Graad ldaad.N�bra�ka.
<br /> s�w:
<br /> WITl�SET!(: ?hdt pld mprt9agoa5__' !or ond in aaoddezation of t6e �um uf--_________ .-----. -----
<br /> FORTY E I GHT THOUSAIJO F I VE HUNDRED AND NOLI00_-_-_------.-__-_�oua:. cs__4�44..-4�—>.
<br /> �y s�oNpt d �Yieh 4 h�r�bY ackm�'ladqad, do.—�_ by tiw� pro�enu moRgaq� aad wmront unto �aid mortqaqN, ib �ueceron aad
<br /> arUpui, bnwr. a!! Hu tollow�inq dweribmd real ��tab� �imabd in thu aounty of_.___.__Hd I�.__...-------.--------------
<br /> rd MaU d if�6a�ka. b�:
<br /> s
<br /> 3 Teq�lh�r �reh alt y�alinq, liQ6Uaq, aad pl�.mbinq sQuipm�nt aud fi:tuio. iacludlnq �tok�n and burnen. �cre�ns. owninqs. �torm w�indorrs
<br /> md deor, osd wln��r �hadN or blind�, urd oa or tn coaneetion with wid prop�rty.wrh�ther t!u wme ace aow� loeatsd on wid prop�rty
<br /> t
<br /> et Mr�al��r Plawd t4u�on.
<br /> !O HAVE Al1D TO HOLD THE SAME. loqethec with cA and unqular Ihe tenemeau,heredilam�aU and vppurbnmee�th���unto belonq�
<br /> inq, or in any�ris�app�rtaiaieq.l�ever.and warrant �h�ti�le to tbs�ame. Said mortqaqor`i.— h+roby covenonl_ w�ith wid mortqaqw
<br /> �� __ty�,�_ _.d re_, cl the d�llvery har�ol, Iha lawlu! owner_5__ot ths p:emiwa abov� coavsywd and d��eribed,and dl'B_._
<br /> wlwd d a qood and iedetw�ibls e�tate o! inharimnce thenin. 1rs�and clsar o! all sneumbranee�. and thm .—i....h��-- v►ill vanaat �d
<br /> dM�d ths tlt4 N�srsto for�wr aqaie�t th� claim� and demands of all psrwns�vhomaasv�r.
<br /> PSIOVIDED ALWAYS, and UW instrumeat n executed ond dalivared to wcure the paym�at d the sum oL________
<br /> FORTY E I GHT THOUSAIJU F I VE HUNGRED Ai'J_D NO/100-_.-.-_--------_--___.Doi�ar. �s_. 48.500.00 i,
<br /> �11b int�re���lMr�on, loq�daer �rith sueh cha�ge� and advancs� a�may 6e dus ax�d peyabls to wid mottgagee under th� term� eed
<br /> oonditioe� of th� promi��orY uob ot �wn dats lurewith aad �ured hereby,ezeNtad by wfd mortqa4otS.,-to�md awrtgaqse, payabl�
<br /> y��rewd iu�ald eoa,md to�seure � performance of all th�4rm� and conditions wnlaiwd �herNn• Th� t�rm� ot wid not� a:�
<br /> yrsYy inw�poraMbd 1wNn by thi�Hbrs�u.v.
<br /> !t u th�istesUoa aed aqre�m�nt of the partiea hereto that thit mo[tqaqe shall aLo wcure any future advencm mod� to �md �
<br /> mor�qaqor--�a`- by �md meriqeqN. and any and all �:ndebtedaeu tn cdditloa b the amount above �lated which said mortgaqorb or aay
<br /> d tiem, ma! o++ � �d �9a9�• ��'evec svidencad. whs�h�r by nots.book aeeount or ot6erw�iw. Thi� monqaqe �hat1 nmmn ie ful!
<br /> fere� aed�fb,�y btwwa th� pmtlN �»M snd th�'u hein, p�aooal »prsrntatlr�s. �ucce�wrs and aaaiqn�, unlit ell emounu Mcu'+d
<br /> k�csusd�r,isdudiag tutur�adwaeu. a*e paid ia full with iaara�t.
<br /> !!��aeqa/er 5 1re�bY =�� — b �aid so�qaqe� aU renb aod ismm� ad�icp at anY aad all �im�� lrom wid prop�a�y �a
<br /> i�rtby wtlwris� �d �w1p�w or ib aq.nl, ct !u optloa, upon d�lauiR,to take�i+arqs o1 said property cnd coUec�atl rsnu oad fecwe�
<br /> t6er�trea and applY ti�w�ns �o LLu paymsnt o! intsreN. prisdpal.insuranee Dnmiuma. tams. a�ae�smnn!s, rrpci:� or improv�mwab eeow-
<br /> qry �e 1wy �aid qop�rty 1n t�nantnbb e�dit[oa, or to other charqes or paym�nb provid�d tor herain or rn tba nein h�reby rcuied. Thf�
<br /> r�pt ariqnm�al �Lol! maUaw 3n Inru uatil tlu unpaid bolenew d�aid aote is fully yafd. Th� laking of po�se.sic,c�lwteuadsr ahall fa no
<br /> �e�r petvral a nlord wid sortaaqs� ia t!s coL�elioa ot w1d wm�by lorselwur�or otLenri�e.
<br /> 7'y Id1 e/ 1b �ee�ooq�� b aw�i my of f» riqhb lur�und�r at mY timo�ha��no!bs co�unued ai a vaive�o!ib riqht to aavrt
<br /> � �y�� +r►;.fr1Y..�iOp�aod entorp�Kitl cromplianc� �vitt� aL tho tarma and p��vi�ions ot emd nofs aed ot t6Y
<br /> �w.w �..�a .
<br /> aa�leVw ��Y�4.$Y4,A::�.��T.��'^,:aii��t
<br /> tl N�1��b�rY�aid b wid moitqaqM ffi��ntfc�amouat dw i�Lenunder,and under�hs terms aad provis:on�
<br /> d dd�eM YN'�b� �MYYi"YLLvane��,aad ae��atw�ioe�or r�wwals Urr�ol ia acoordaaot wiN th� trrm� md Provitlo's
<br /> �r+d.�d!1 Wd frMe�� S ����D�9 wltb all tM prwidms d wid mon aed d NW mon9u9e. t6�n thew V*a�enf��6a11 b� wid:
<br /> ��W 1s w�i!t�Wl Ir��d df�ot. �d�d rr�NiM id�D�WMLd b tlr porrtloa d all 01 wid PmP�rty, md aay. at W .._,1
<br /> �W
<br /> aNw,dr�Jw tlr .�d�d rid aer aod dl ied.brd�s s�pz.wm.d ebn�b�ro 6.ymm�dtae.l7 du.aed DaYabb.und may lorealar Mi� .. ''
<br /> ���fi� eArt bpl aaUs�s 'ra�et!b eMM, ad be� � dM d w/e6 ddwll all l4ms d iad�badosa� rcured L�7 °"�°� .
<br /> ir Ar��i�YwM M tOL f�r�rr. ApppW�srt�ral��d � �
<br /> � Ab�MPi� �� �9 rPM d idl Mrr� b�a�W d 1b lWn.�aMAon, admlaiMrolon. �uawwn md arip� d J
<br /> IM�w�rt�l�lir i�M�e. //
<br /> ■t �. rN irrrY� rt tha i r __.__land.S— t�day aad yea�tirr abo+� '�;�������'a
<br /> , , /
<br /> ,�.,,.�s..�1 �1�• `� YfR�l.�c_ ..
<br /> �------- `�'----------
<br /> RJchard l. H3�'baugfi Mary C. Harbaugh
<br /> _ �
<br />