<br /> � �
<br /> 77- 00"��il
<br /> � -----------
<br /> In consideration of the extension of the time of payment of the original.
<br /> promissory note herelnaf.ter described the undersigned, F.. Dean Wolfe. and
<br /> Judith A. Wolfe. Husband and Wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse
<br /> of the other, hereby covenants and agrees to pay ta The First Nat3onal Bank of
<br /> Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, or order, tt�e principal sum of THIRTY
<br /> THOUSANI) AND NO/100 DOLLAFtS ($30,000.00), together with interest thereon a[
<br /> Nine and One-Half Yer C:ent (9`�) per annum fror.� the date hereof, such sum to be
<br /> payable the 14th day_of_lune� 1975. In[ereyt shall Ue payable at maturity on
<br /> the 14th day_of J�ne, 1978.
<br /> The original princ•ipal note in tlie amount of 'Phir[y 1'housand and no/]00 Dollars
<br /> ($3U,JOO.OU) was exec�ited and delivered by the undersigned under the date of
<br /> June 17, 1977, to The First Natlonal Hank of Grand lsland, Crand lsland, Nebraska,
<br /> and was due and payable on the 14th day or December, 1977, together with interest
<br /> at 9% per annum and secured by a Keal I?state Mc�rtgage to 'I'he l�irst National Bank
<br /> of Grand Isiand, Grand lsland, Nebraska, recorded as Uocument ,''177-003373 on
<br /> June 21., 1977 in the Morigage Hecurds uf Hall (:ounty, Nebraska.
<br /> The un3ersigned agrees Co pay such extended balance of principal oY 'I'hicty Thousand
<br /> and no/lU0 llullars ($"i0,000.00) Loge[her with interest thereun at Nine and One-Half
<br /> Yer Cent (9'z) per annum, such principal and interest to be paya6le in lawful money
<br /> of the United 5tates o2 Americ:i ac 7'he First 9ation.al Bank uf Crand lsland, Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska.
<br /> All of the cuvenants and agreements in such ociginal note and the Keal Estate
<br /> Mortgage, above-described, other than hereinbefore modii°ied, shall be and remain
<br /> unchanKed and 1n full force and effeci durinK such extended period. If default be
<br /> ntade in payment �f any yearly installmrnt liereunder, or any p:art thereof, the
<br /> whole principal sum with interest thereun, shall immedi.ntely become due and payable
<br /> at the election of the legal holder thtreof.
<br /> In further consideration uf such extensiun of time oY payment o( such inciebtedness,
<br /> ue herPhv ratifv and �onfin�m su�h mort��agc: rerordvd ati nocum�nt ''77-On3373 in tlie
<br /> real esiate mortgage recurds of Ha ll County. Nebraska, a mortgage lien upon the
<br /> real property described therein and the whole of the title thereto as now ovned
<br /> by us.
<br /> The undersigned executes this Extensiun Agrcemrnt with reference to and on the
<br /> faith and credit of their prc>perty, wtiich they now uwn or tiave an interest in or
<br /> hereafter may ac�uire; the ex»ress intention beink to charKe and to continue to
<br /> charYe anv and ail of such uroPertv wi[h the navment uf the inde6tedness, the
<br /> pavment of wl�ich is he rein extended.
<br /> IN WITNESS WNEFtEOF, the undErsi�,ned have tiereuntu Set their hands this 14th dav
<br /> ___----
<br /> of Decemberi_1977.
<br /> -- �_'2�"�'^' __ � .> _ _ _.. .
<br /> E. Dean Wolfe
<br /> ,
<br /> -//��iar–L�.— �_
<br /> L�d(d�th A. Wolfe.
<br /> ) SS.
<br /> COUNTY OF HALI. )
<br /> On thirs 14th day of Dece�ber, 1977, before me thr. undersi�;ned, a tiotary Yublic,
<br /> in aad for Hall County, personally came E. Dean Wolfe and Judith A. Wolfe,
<br /> �-- persoxfally known to me to be the iden[ical persons who5e names are� affixed t�
<br /> the above and foregoing Extension Agreement as makers, and acknowledgrd 4aid
<br /> 1IIstruaeat and execution thereof to be their volUntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpoee thereia expressed.
<br /> � • �.
<br /> IN TESTIMIINY t1$�REOF. I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at �.rand
<br /> Ltland, Nebraska, on the day and yer last above w,itcen. �,''
<br /> � .ii�'ilt�:• ��,/Y�G...�% �
<br /> /'� � Notary Public
<br /> Mv comiaisoion exnlresHGG�.dt__1�/ '
<br /> —_ eE�! M n•��
<br /> L1Now NN01it
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