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� <br /> � � <br /> 77- � 0 '7 � � 8 <br /> 3. The mortgagur cuvenantx and agrees that if he shall iail to yry raid indebtedncwe or an�' part thrreo[ when <br /> due, or rhall fail to perform any covenant or egreement of tLi� iwtrument or the promi�eory note �ecured kereby, the <br /> � eatire indebtedness 6ereby eecured shall immediately become due, payable, and collectiblr without notice, at the <br /> option of the mortgagee or awiKno, r�gardlew o( maturity, and the mortgagee or hir yrrigna mry betore or after eatn <br /> �ell �aid propeity without apprairement � the mortgaRor having wrived and awiKnrd to the moriKagee all riRht� o[ <br /> �pprti�emeat ) : <br /> � � ) at judici� l sele •purauant to the provieione oE 28 U.S.(:. 2W1 i a l ; ur <br /> , ( u ) at tbe option of t6e mortgagee, either by auction or by wlicitation of �ealed bidr, for the bi6he�t a� <br /> best bid complyin6 with the terms of eale and manner of payment �pecified in the published notice of sale. fint <br /> Kiving four weeks notice of the time, tr.rme, and place u[ auch rale, b� advertiren�enl not lews �hen w�ce <br /> durina eaeh of said four weelu in a new�paper publi�hed or d'utributed in the county in whic6 said property <br /> u uWated, all otber notice being 6ereby waived by the mortgagor ( and �aid mortgagee, or wy penon on <br /> behalt of wid mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedneu evidenced by said note ) . Said sale �hall be <br /> held at or on the property to be �old or at the Federal, county, or city courthou�e for the county in w6ich the <br /> property u located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to ezocute for and on behalf of the mortgasor md w <br /> deliver to t6e purchwer at �uch �ale a �ufficient conveyance ot said prapeRy, which conveyance �6r11 contain <br /> recitaL a� to the happening of t6e de(ault upoa which the ezecudon of the power of wle herein gtanted <br /> depends; and t6e said mortgagor hereby cowtitute� aad appoiat� the mortgagee or any agent or attorney ot tJ� <br /> moet6aaee, the r�nt and attomey in fact of �aid mortgagor to make wch recitaL and W e:ecute said <br /> oaeveyance and hereby covenmb and rgreer that the recitals w made �hall be egectual to bar all equity or <br /> right of redemption, homeetead, dower, and ali other exemptionx of thr nwriKaKor, all o( which are hereby <br /> expre�sly wrived and conveyed to the mortgagee ; or <br /> ( wl take my ot6er rppropriate actiun purxuant to atate ur M'ederal dtatutr rithrr iu etatr ur F'rdrral <br /> �rourt or ot6�ewi�e for the di�po�ition of the propert� . <br /> In t6e evmt ot a w1e u hereinbe(ore provided. the mortgagor or any penons in pw�ioa uader the mort- <br /> gagor �hall then become and be tenanu holding over rnd shall forthwith deliver pwrearion to the purcha�er at <br /> such �ale or be �ummarily diepoe+e�ed, in accordance with the provirione oE law applicable to tenantW holdinK over. <br /> The powec and ageucy hereby granted rre coupled with rn interest and are irrevocable by death OC U�`7@�N'IMP� rnd <br /> rre srmted as eumulative to t6e remedier for collection of eaid indebtedne�s provided b� law . <br /> �, Zbe proceed� a[ �qY yle pj a�id prepeRy ia accordance with t6e preeedin6 para�aph� �h�ll be applied fint <br /> to pay the oow �nd ezpen�ei o( said ulw the e:pea�es ineurred by the mortgagee for the purpo�e of protectins or main- <br /> tainiag �aid peopeKy, and roawnable attorneyi feeo ; eecondly, to pxy' tLe indebtedneax excured 6ereb�' ; and thirdly , <br /> to pay asy wrplw or ezoew to the penon or perrons legally entitled thereto. <br /> S. Is N�e event uid property is �old at a judieial foreclo�uro �ale or punuant tu the power of �ale hereiaabove <br /> graated. and tLe proeeed� ue aot su�cient to pay the toql iadebtedn� �ecured by thi� imtrument aad evidenced by <br /> uid promi�wry note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a de&ciency judgnnent for the amount of the deJGciency withwet <br /> �wA�►d to aPP^�i�ew�arat. <br /> 6. In the event tbe mortgagor failo to pay aay Federal, atate, ur local tax a�ewmeut, income tax or uther w� <br /> (ies, eh�rse, fee, or other eYpen�e charged rgainrt t6e property the mortgagee ie hereby authorized et his option �u <br /> pyy tht wme. Any �umr w prid by the mortgagee sh�ll be added to and become a part of the principal amo��nt of thc <br /> iadebtedeer evidenoed by uid not�, �ubject to the ume terau and conditions. If the mortgagor �6a11 p�y �nd <br /> di�e6�r6e t1�e indebtedner evidenoed by �aid promissory aote, and ehall pay �ueh �ums and �6a1! di�charg�e all <br /> taze� and liees and the co�u, fee�, and e:pen� of making. enforcing, and e:ecuting t6i� mortgage. then this mortgage <br /> .hall be caseeled md wre�mdered. <br /> 7. T6e oovenmb 6erein contaiued �hall bind and the bene6b rnd rd� anWgee nl�all iuure tu � hr roe��rctivr sui•- <br /> cerws aad aNipu o[ the partie� I�ereW. �henever wed, the �in6ular number �hall include t6e plur�l, the plural the <br /> �i�u4r. aed t6e a�e of any Sesder dull include all �ender�. <br /> i. No waiver �f �oy ooven�st bereia or ut t6e obli6rtiou recurrJ l+ereby rhxll at rn� � ime thrrruCtrr k� held <br /> w be a waiver of th� term� hereof or of the note �ecurod hereby . <br /> 9. A j�iieid dscre0. �der. or judgment Lolding any provi�iou ur purtiuu uf thi+ iur�ruroent invrlid ur w�eu- , <br /> L Eoe�e,�ble �11 aM ia my w�y impair or proclude t6e enfo�cement ot the remaininK proviFions or �wrtions of thir Y, <br /> irtewt» }', <br /> � ''. <br /> l0. A�r weitM� Meia te be i�wed t� t6e swt�a�ot Pur�n�at oo d�e provi�iw� ot thi� 9a�trumeot �hall be aa- <br /> Ae�w� t� tbw a�rt�war �t <br /> aad mr w�ritien sotioe W Se iawed Lo tAe mortaaRee �hall .,. <br /> M aJ/�ed �s t�e �lp�ee at <br /> S �A FORM 92� (2.77 ) � � <br />