<br /> � �
<br /> 77- UO '7 � f7
<br /> 3. The morlgagor wvenauta and rgree+ that if he rhrll fail to pay raid indebte��ers ur rny part thereof when
<br /> due, or ahall fail to perform an�• covenaat or agreement of t6ie inrtrument or the promireory note secured hereby, the
<br /> � eatin indebtedaer� hereby recured �hall immediately become due, payable, and collectible withoW notice, at the
<br /> option o! the mortgagee or rssignr, ragrrdlew o( maturity, and the moHgagee or hir arrignx may before or a(ter entn
<br /> �ell raid prope�ty without apprrioement 1 the mortgagor having wyived and awiKnrd to the mortKagce all riqhU of
<br /> appraiaement ) :
<br /> 1 � � ■t judicial wle �yunuant to the proviriom o[ 28 U.5•G• 2W1 i a 1 ; ur
<br /> ( n ) as the optioa o[ the martgagae, eit6er by auction or by wliciution of �ealed bid�, Eor the hig6at and
<br /> best bid complying wit6 the urau o( �ale and manner ot payment rpeci6ed in tl�e publu6ed notice of sale, 6nt
<br /> giving four weeke' notice of the ti�ne, ternis, rnd placr of euch rale, by a�lverti�+rment not le�s t6an m�cr
<br /> during each ot said four weelu in a new�prper publuhed or distributed in the county in which uid property
<br /> i� utuated, all other notice being 6ereby waived by the mortgagor ( and wid moetgagee, or any penoo as�
<br /> behalf ot wid mortgagee, may bid with the uapaid indebtednee� evidenced by wid note j . Said eale �6d1 be
<br /> held at or on the ptaperty to be wld or rt th� Federal, county, or city courthouse for the county in whic6 the
<br /> property u Iceated. The mort6agee i� heeeby authorised to ezecute for and on behalf of the morigagor and to
<br /> deliver to tLe purcha�er at such �ale a �u�cient conveyance of said property, which conveyance �hall contain
<br /> recitals u to the happoniag ot the def�ult upon which the e:ceution ot the power of �ale herein granted
<br /> depend� : and t6e said moctg�gor heroby oon�titutd and rppoiaU the mortgagee or aay agent or alWmey ot f1�e
<br /> mort�agee, the a�nt and attorney in fact ot �aid mortgagor to mrke such racitab and to ezeeute wid
<br /> ooeveyan� and hereby covenanv and agreer shat the reciub w made �hall be eHectual to bar all equity or
<br /> right o[ redemption, homeetead, dower, ynd all uther eacemptione of thr murtKaKor, all uf which �rr hereby
<br /> ezpreuly waived and conveyed to the mortgagee : or
<br /> Iu� 1 tukn any ot6er apprupriate actiou �IUHUYII� LO tl�tlle ur F'edrral atatutr rithr.r in strtr ur F'edrral
<br /> court or othenvi�e tor the d'upo�ition of the properh .
<br /> In t6e event ot � sale �s hereia6efore provided. the mortgagor or any perwas in po�n�ion under t6e moet-
<br /> grgor �hrll t6en become and be tenanta holding ov�r and shall forthwitFa deliver pourearion to the purc6wer ai
<br /> rue1� �ale or be �ummarily dispuwewed, in yccordrncr with the proviaionr of law applicable to ten�nt� holdinK over.
<br /> The power and aaency hereby qranted are coupled with an inure�t and are irrevocable by death or uthrrwire, and
<br /> are gr�nted o cumulative to the remedies for collection of eaid indebtedneas pro� ided b� law .
<br /> 4 'Re proeeed� of ae� �ak of �aid propeety in accord+nce with t6e preeedina paragraphs d+all be applied 6rst
<br /> w pay t6e eo�u and e:peeue� of said �ale, t6e e:petue� incurred by the mortgagee for the purpo�e of protectins or m�in-
<br /> eo
<br /> tainiug �aid propeety, ud reuon�ble attorneyo Eee� ; �econdly, to pay the iudebtedneee recured hrreh� ; and thirdly.
<br /> to pay uy surplw or ezeer to �he penon or penon� legally entided thereto.
<br /> S. la t6e eveet ��id ptopeety i� wld �t a judicial foreclwure ule or punuant tu the power ef �a1e l�ereinabove
<br /> 6rmted, asd t6e proceed� are not �ul6ci�nt w pay ehe tota�l iadebtedaeu eecured by tlu� i�utrumeat and evidenced by
<br /> �aid proeirory note, t6e mort6agee will be eatitled to a de&ciency judga+eat for the amount of the deJEciency wisltorat
<br /> resv�d to apprvi�wowt.
<br /> 6. la tl►e event tke morigrgor faiis tu pay an)' Federrl, etate, ur locul tya a+seren�eut, income lax ur uther taa
<br /> liea, e5ar6e, Iee, or ot6er expen�e charged ogaind d'�e property the murtgrgee ir hereb� authorized at hir nptiun tu
<br /> p�y �l� rame. Any rums w paid br the mortgagce ehall be added to rnd brcomr u part of the principal amount of thc
<br /> iadebbedner evidmced by �aid note, wbject w tbe �ame term� md condidon�. If t6e moRgagor �6a11 pay md
<br /> di�eharge t6e indebtedaer evidenced by �aid promiwory note, and �hall pay �uch eumr and �6a11 di�charge all
<br /> taze� �nd lieo� and tfie cab. (ees. and ezpen�e� of makin6, enforeing, aad ezeeutiag thi� mortgage, then thu mortgage
<br /> •6dl 6.e eaneeled �sd wreendered.
<br /> 7. 1�e oovesaab 6erein conttiued �hdl bind and the benefib aud ad � aulage• s6a11 inurr w � hr r.•���rcti�e suc-
<br /> cerot� �ad �rip� ot t6e partie� herew. �henever u�ed, the �in6ular number �haU include the plural, the plural d►e
<br /> w�1�r. yi the we o[ m� sesder �6a11 isclude all aeaden.
<br /> 8. No �vuver eI my oo+'oeaal berain ot u[ tbe obli6ation recurrd hereby rhrll yt er�� tinir therraftrr be hrid
<br /> W be a waiver of the ten+u 6ereot or ot the note secvred hereby .
<br /> � -
<br /> 9. A j�dieid d�eree. oe'der. or )ud�seat ho�du°8 anY proviuiun ur purtiuu uC t6ie iur�rument invaliJ ur w�cu� ;
<br /> � �e �
<br /> foa�oe�ble aYa11 �ot ia aoy way impair or preclade the eeforce+�+ent of 16� rtmainin�c proviPions or �rortiom of thia ; w'.
<br /> L '�'-"`- . ,,
<br /> ,� .
<br /> K Ay� �wil�� �Yiee Y b� irweJ t� ti�s �eet�o� punu�et b t6e peovi�ioo� of this iwtrument �hall be ad-
<br /> 1�rd N !Ln �eyy�r �t
<br /> aed �e� writtes sotioe to be irued to the mort6aRee �6a11 �
<br /> M aii�.i s. tr. MeipMs u
<br /> SBA FOWM 9I1 (2-) s) �
<br />