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� <br /> r � <br /> 77- 0072bU <br /> 6. lf he fails to pa>• an�� sum or keep any covenant prucided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, st <br /> ita option, may pay or perfoi•m the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal eum <br /> owing on the abo��e note, sha❑ be secured hereby, and shatl bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br /> � for in the principal indebtedneas. <br /> 7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplementa! note or notes <br /> for the sum ur aums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, mucicernization, ur improvement made at <br /> the Mortgagor's reyueat ; or fur maintenance of said premisea, or fur taxes or assessments against the <br /> same, and for any other purEwse elsewhere authorized herewider. Said note or notes shaA be secured <br /> hereby on a parity ��� itli and as fully as if the a<lvance evidenced thereby H�er•e includcd in the note firat <br /> described above. Said supplementxl note or notes shall bear intereat at the rate �rovided for in the prin- <br /> cipal indebteduess and Shall be payable in approximately eyual mo�ithly� pa>•rnciits fue� euch period as may <br /> be agreed upon by th�: M1furtgagee and Murtgagor. b'ailing to agree un the maturity , the H hole of the sum <br /> or sums so acica�iced shall I,e due aud payable thirty ( 30 ) days aftur d�+mand by the Murtgagee. ! n no <br /> ecent shall the matw•it>� �xtend beyond the ultimate maturity of thc nule firsl � iescribod .�bove_ <br /> 8. }Ie hereby assignti, lransl'ers atid sets o�•er to the Mortgagee, to be ap��li��d tu�ti�ar�! the payment of <br /> the note aiid all sums sec•ured h«areby in case of a default in the pei•for�n�ince uf .iny � � f t}�e tei•ms and condi- <br /> tions of this rnortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income tu bc� dcri ��ed t'rom the mort- <br /> gaged premises during s�ch time as the mortgage indebtedness shall ren�xin uupxid ; and the tifortgagee <br /> shall ha��e po�rer tu appuiiit ant' agent or agents it may desire for the piu•po�r uf renting the samc dnd col- <br /> lecting the rents, r���'eiiuo. zu�d income, aiid it may pxY ��ut of said iiuome� all nc cr�ssar�• cummissions and <br /> ex �ienaes incurred iu r�ruting ai�d mana�iug the same aud of collecting r�•ntats thi• refcutn ; the balance <br /> remaining, if au�• , to be a��plied to�card the discharge uf said mortgage iud��btedness. <br /> 9. He �aill continuuu ,l�• maintain hazard insm•auce, uf such tYpe or t } K�es anc! amouuts as Murtgagee <br /> ma�� fi•om time tu tiine r� �q : iire, oii the improcf�mentia nuw or hercafter on said prt��nis��s und tacept when <br /> E�a> ment foc all such pn �miurns has theretofore been made inider ( a ) of p�tragraph '� hereof, H ill PgY <br /> promptly n�hen clue :�n}� pr��n� iums therefor. Upon defaUlt thereof, Murtgagrc �nay pay the s�tme. A❑ <br /> in�urance shall b.� carri �•�i iu compxnies appruced by the �7urtgagee and thi� � �uli �� i ��s an�l r� rne �� als thereof <br /> sh .ill be h��ld by the 9lurt� aga�e and ha�•e attach��d tihereto loss pa>�able clxu �es in 1'a� or of aud in form <br /> acceptable to the Dlortga�;��e. In event of losa Mortgagor H� ill gice imini�diate nutict� kiy mail to the Mort- <br /> gagee, whu may make p � �,uf uf luss if not made promptly by Murtgagor. an� l c�ch iusurance cumpany con- <br /> c� � rued is hereby� xuthurireil a�� c� dir�rcted to ruake paymt:nt f'or such loss diroctl�� t�� the 9�lortgager inatead <br /> uf tu the 1lurtgagur an �l the 1'Iortg,igee juintly, xnd the inrurance ► n•�x•eed �, ur any pert thereuf, <br /> ma)� be ap� � ti ��d b� th�� MortKxgee at it� optiun eit}ier to the reductiou ol' tfur iudr�tedn��ss heri�by .;��wv�d <br /> or to ttte r��storatiou ur r�• pxir of the property dama�ed . In e�cent uf Foreclosw•c� u1' this mortgage, or uther <br /> trsnsfer of' titL> tu ther niurtg�xge�3 pruperty iu exlinguishmeut uf the indobtodn��ss ,ectn•�•d herrby , all <br /> � ri �'ht, title aud intei•est uf' the� !�furtgagur in aud to any insiu•ance policit •, th ��u in f� � r�•r shall pasa to the <br /> purchaser or grautcr. <br /> 10. As additiunail au�l cullateral s�cw•ity f'or the {�a��meuL uf the nute � 1�•scrilx�d , .uul all sums tu becotne <br /> du�� under this mortgage•, the Mortgagor assigns to the Mortga��•e all le:ise buuus��s, profits, reve- <br /> nues, royaltics, rights, a;n � ! ��ther F>enefits acc�ving tu the Mortgagor und.�r nn>� an�l all uil aud gas lease�a <br /> no�v, or during tne life u1' this mortgage, executed on said prrmises, �� ith th� r right t�� recei ���a and receipt <br /> for the �<uuc and appl�� them tu said indebtedness a� �vc�ll be�i'ore as af'ber <l��t'ault iu tho conditions of this <br /> murtgage, xn�l the Dtort�ag��e may demand, sue for and recu�•er aiq� such pa� rn.•nts �rhi�n � lue and pay- <br /> ablc�, but shall not be rryuir�•d so to do. This assignment is tu terminate and becume uull and void upon <br /> rc, kase of this mortgxge. <br /> 11 . He shall not cummit ur permit H�aste ; and shall maiutain the pru�x�rt}� in ds guud �•ondition as at <br /> present, reaso�taUle �cear au�1 tear excepted. Llpu�i ax�y 1'ailure to su maintain, Mortg�gee�, at its option, <br /> nia�• cause rt�nsuna�l �� maint��nauce �t�ork to be perf'urmc�d ati the cost of Murtgagor. �ny amounts paid <br /> th�� reibr b> Murtga�;�•e shall bc�ai- i �iterest at the rate pruvided for in the princip<tl iudebtedni•ss, shall <br /> thE �reupon become a part of the indebtedn�•ss aecured by this iustrument, ratabl�• and un a parity with all <br /> other indc:btedness s��<•in'c�d herebv, and shall be pa��able thirty ( 30 ) days af'toc demand. <br /> l 'L. !f the premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under the po�� er uf c•minent domain, or <br /> acyuired fur a public usr. , the damages aH�arded, the proceids fo!• ihe takiiig of, ur tho cunsici�• ration for <br /> suc}t acyuisition, to the extent uf the full amount of the remaining unp3id indi�l.�t�•� Inevs secwrd by this <br /> mortgage, or hereUy assigned to the Mortgagee, and shall be paid forth �+ ilh tu ,;iid Murtgagee, to be <br /> applied on account uf the last matui•ing installments of auch indebtrdnrss. <br /> l3. If the Mort,gagoi• tails to make any payments w•hen due, or to confurm tu and comply w� ith any <br /> of the conditions oi• agreements contained in this mortgage, ur the nutE•s �� hich it secur<,s, then the <br /> entire principnl aum and accrued intereat shall at onee become due and pa��ablo, at the elc�ction of the <br /> Murtgagee : and tFtis n �urtgage ma�y t►iereu �uu tx� furcvlusrd in�mediatrly fur LLr �� lud�• irf iho iudebted- <br /> ness hereby �urrd, inrluding the cost of ratruding the xbstr»ct uf title fruni the �lalr uf this mort- <br /> gage to the time of commencing such suit, a reasonable attorney's fee, and any sums paid by the Veterans <br /> Administration on account of the guaranty or insurance of the indebtedness secwed ht•r�•by-, all of which <br /> shsl! be included i� the decree of forecloaure. <br /> 14. If the indebtedness secured hereby be gusranteed or insured under Title :i8, i?nited States Code, " ""'' <br /> � euch Title and Re;ulstione isaved thereunder and in effect on the Aate here�of shall govern the righta, duties �' °�_ <br /> a.ed lisbilitiea of tlre parties hereto, aad any proviaiona of this ur other instruments ezecuted in connection <br /> with said indebtedr�es which are inconsistent with said Title or Regulations are hereby amended to °A�•♦� <br /> conferm thereto. <br /> The covet�ants herein contained sha11 bind, and Lhe benefits and ad�•antagors shall inurc to, thc <br />�' <br /> � <br />