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<br /> f;<�_O�J7242
<br /> MORTGAC��1-:LOAN NO. .L 22+93H--
<br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That ThOffldS �. Enck and Patri ci a A. Enck. each 1 fl fll S and
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other.
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or more,in considera[ion uf thc tum of
<br /> Thirtv Six Thousand and No/100------__--__-.-_--__---------------------- ���nRs
<br /> luaned to soid mortgagur by The Fquitable Building and Luan Assuciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,Murtgagee,upun 360 shares of stock uf
<br /> said ASS(x1AT10N,Certificate Nu. L Z2.938 ,a�hereby gran�, cumey and mortgege unto the said ASSOCIATION the fullowing
<br /> described rcxl estate,situated in Nall Counry,Nebraska�
<br /> NF.BRASKA.
<br /> toer�her with all �he trnrments,hered�taments end appurtenances thereumo belungmg. mclud�ng attached fluor covenngs,xll window screens,
<br /> winduw shades,blinds,swrm wmduws,awnings,heatinK,au cund�tiuning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and xcceswries thereto,pumps,swves,
<br /> reliigeraturs,and uther fiatures and eywpment nuw ur h�realtei attachrJ�o ur usel m runnecn.in with said renl estatr.
<br /> And whereas�he wid mortgagur has agrced and due5 hereby xgree �ha� thr mortgag��r shall and will pay all taxes and assessments lev�ed or
<br /> assessed up�n said prem�srs xnd upon chis murtgage and thr bund srcurrJ therebe hrlore the mme il�all become delinquent;to furnish approved
<br /> �nsuranea up��n the buildutgs un sald premisrs situnted in ihr sum ot b3E)�0�0.�� payahle w said ASSOI'1AT10N and to deliver to said
<br /> ASSO('IATION the pulicirs tix said insurance�.and not to wmmit or primit any westr on ur nbuut said prrmisea;
<br /> In case uf drfauh in the performance uf any uf the terms and cund��iuns ol this mungage �r thr bund secured hereby,the murtgager shaq,
<br /> on demand, be entiUrd to Immediate pussessiun ol the mungaged prrmisrs and the murtgagur hereby assigns, trans(ers xnd sets over w the
<br /> mortgagea all the rents,revrnues and Incume to be denved from the murtgagad premises during such time as the mongage indebtedness shaA remain
<br /> unprid;and thr mortgngee shali hevr the powrr tu eppuini eny�gent or agems it may� desirr fur the purpuse uf repairing said premises and renling
<br /> thr same and cullecting the rents,revenues and mcome,and it mey pay uut u( suld meume all rxpenses of repairing said premises and necessary
<br /> commiss�uns and exprnses incurred in rentmg and managing thr sume and u( cul►ecting rcntsls therofrum; the balance remaining,it any,to be
<br /> applied tuward ihe dix:hxigr��f said murtgage mdebtednrss:thesr rights o(the murtgxgze may br exercised at any time during the existenee of such
<br /> default,irrrspectivr uf any tempuran�warver uf the samr.
<br /> These PreaenU,huwrve�,are upun the CunditWn,That if the seW Mongagor shall rcpay said loan on ur hC�OfC LII!maturiry of sxid shnres by
<br /> peyrt�ent:pay mun�hly to said ASSOC'IA'�ION of thr sum epecified in the Bund secured hereby as mcerest end principal un wid luan,on or be(ore
<br /> the Twrntieth day u(rech and evrry munth,un�ii suid loan is f'ully pai3:pay all taxrs anJ assessments levie�agalnst said premi�cs and on this Mortgxge
<br /> xnd the Bond secured therrby,befure delinyuency;lunush approved�nsurance upun�he bui�dfngs therc�n in the sum of g 36.��.0� payeble
<br /> to sa�d ASSOCIATION�,repay w sa�d ASSOC'lATION upon demand ell money by ��peld tor surh taxes,usses>ments xnd insurxnce with interest at
<br /> the maximum legal rate thereun(�um dete��f payrnrnt all ul'which Mungagor herehy agrees tu pay:permit nu waste on seid prcmises:keep and comply
<br /> with all the agreements and cund�uons uf the Bund for 3 36�0�0.0� this day grven by the said Atortgagur m sa�d ASS(X'IATION,and Wmply
<br /> wi[h all the reyui�ements uf the Cunstiwtion and By�Laws ot said ASSO('IATION:then these presente shall becume null xnd vuid,otherwise they
<br /> sha0 mrtwin in lull furce and may be fureelosed at thr option uf ih��uid ASS(K�IATION ufter luilure fur three munths ro make any of said
<br /> puyinents ur br thrrr munths in arrean in meking saiJ rnonihly puyrt�ents,ur tu Aeep and cumply wlth the agreementa and cundrtions of said Bond;
<br /> and Mortgagor agrres iu hevr n re�rivzr appumtrd(urthwrth m such lureclusure proceedings.
<br /> I(thece ix any changr m ownership uf[he real estate murtgaged herein,by sxlr ur otherwise,then the entire remaining indeb[tdness hereby
<br /> �ecured shnll,at the up�iun ut The F:yurtab}e Building rnd Loan Assoc�buon ul Grand Island,Nebrxska,bewme unmrdiately due and payable without
<br /> furthe� notice, xnd the amount re�naining due undr� said bond,and an�� u�her hund(or uny additional advances made thereunder,shall,frum the
<br /> date uf ezercice ot srid option,brer in[rrest at the maximum legal rele,and this murtgagr mry then be foreclosel to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bund,and yny uther bond(ur additiunal ydvances,rogether with all sums paid by sxid The Fyuitable Building und Luan Assua:iation uf Grand Island,
<br /> Nebrackx(or insurance,taxrs and assessments,and abstracting rxtrnsiun charges, with interest thercon, f'rom dau ot' payment at the marzimum
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> As provided in the Bund secured hereby,whik�tus mortgagr remalns in e(trct the murtgugee may hereafter advance additionai sums tu the
<br /> makers u(sY�d fi�md,theu asu�ns uc succeswrc m mterrst,whuh sums shall br within the x.cwity uf this murtgage the mmc es thr funds orlginaUy
<br /> secured[hereby,the total amount of princ�pal debt not to exceed at any tlmr the uriginal amount of tlus mortg�ge.
<br /> � a �: 14th. caY��i�r n.n..�v 77
<br /> r
<br /> homas D. Enck a ric�a . nc
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, � p���s 14th. �yY�� Decembe r 1 y ]] ,befurc me,
<br /> the undercigned,a Notary Public in and for said Counry,personrlly came � `
<br /> � Thows D. Enck and Patricia Enck. each in his and her own right and as spouse of each z �
<br /> Ot�ll,ir. wh� are P��wnally knuwn tu �,.
<br /> me W be tf�e ide+ntiul peron 5 whuse nune S dP2 aflifced ro the abuvc�a�ftiuine'h(as mortgagor S and they uverelly ����'�n�
<br /> ,r1�.n�v{ee�ea tne nia imrwment�o be the i r volunu.v,c�ana aeea. � � ,_r-- �, ,�_ � .
<br /> W9TNF.RC mv haMi and Notvid Seal rhe d�ie aforouid. -7�� � ' �
<br /> M2.Com�expue� ` �� ` �
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<br /> y,^ �� Notar��Public
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