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� � <br /> 77=;(�7 2 3 8 <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> MORTGAGk'.LOAN NO. ._.1,._ PZ,941 __ <br /> fKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That JdIItES T. Pi rnie and Susan D. Pi rnie, each 1� h15 dtld <br /> her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> Mortgygor,whether one or more,in wnsideratiun uf the sum of <br /> Thirty Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------------- oo[.Lwxs <br /> Icuned to said mortgagor by The Eqwtable Building and Luan Aswciation of Grand Isiand,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 3�� shares of stock of <br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 22.941 ,do hereby grant, comey and mortgage unw the sa�d ASSO('IATION the Collowing <br /> described real rstate, situated in Hxll County, Nebraslca: <br /> LOT ELEVEN {11) AND THE EASTERLY FIVE FEET <br /> (5') OF LOT TEN (10), IN BLOCK ONE (1), IN <br /> PLEASANT VIEW FOURTH ADDITION TO THE CITV <br /> OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br /> tugether with all the �enements,heroditaments and appurtrnances thrreunto brl�nging,mcluding attached ilo�r cuverings,ail window scroens, <br /> winduw shades,blinds, sturm winduws,ewnmgs,heating,air cund�twning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and acceswnes thereto,pumps,stovec, <br /> refrigeraturs,and other 1'ixtures and eyuiprnem now or hereafter attached tu or used m cunnectiun wlih sa�d�rel estate. <br /> And whereas ihe wid mortgagor has agreed and dues hercby agree thai thr murtgugur shall and will pay ell taxes and asusunrnts levied or <br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgagr and thr bond securcd thrreby brfure the same shall become delinyuenC to furnish approved <br /> insurance upun tha bu�ldmgs un said premixs situatrd m the sum ul$ 3�.���.�� payable �u said ASS(X�IATION and tu debver to said <br /> ASSOCIATION the policies fur w�d insurance:und noi tu commit ur permit any waste un ur ubuut ui1 premius; <br /> In cyse of default in the perfurrtwnce uf any o(ihe terms and rundiuuns uf this murtgage or ihe bond secured heroby,the murtga�ee shall, <br /> on dertwnd,be enti�led iu immediate pussessiun of the nwrtgxgrd premisrs and the murtgagur herrby xssigns, transfrrs and su[s over to the <br /> murtgagen all the rents,revenues xnd incume tu be derived from the mortgagrd premises during such umr as thr mortgage indebtednesx shall remau� <br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have�he puwer tu appuint arry xgent ur agents it may desire fur the purpuse of repairing said premises ynd renting <br /> the srme and collecting the ren�s,revenues and inu�me,and it may pay uut of said incume all ezpenses uf repairing said premises ynd neceesary <br /> commissions and exprnses incurred in renting and managine the same and uf .:olleciing rcntals therefrom: the balance remainin�{,if any, to be <br /> rpplied toward the d�scharge of said murtgagr indrbtedness:these rights o(the murtgagne may br exercised rt any time during the existence of such <br /> default,irrespectivr uf any temporary waiver of the samr. <br /> These Prrsenis,huwevrr,are upon the Cunditiun,Thet d the sa�d Murtgag�r shall repny seid I�an un or be(ore the metunry �f sald shares by <br /> paymenC pyy monthly w said ASSCX'IATION uf thr sum spec�tied m ihe E3und secured hereby as mcerost and pnnc�pxl un said luen,on or before <br /> the Twentieth Jay uf rach and rvrq-munth,until said luan is fully paid:pay all taxrs and assessmen�s levied against uid premises and on tlus Mortgage <br /> and the Bond secured thercby,befure delinyuency:turmsh appruvrd msurancr upon ihr bwldmgs thrreun in the sum uf Ei0�OQ�,OQ payable <br /> to said ASSOCIATIOh:repay to said ASS(.X IATION upon Jemand all munry by it paid tix such taxes,asaessments nnd insurance with interost xt <br /> the maximum legal rate thereun 1'rom date o(peymeni all uf whirh Murigagur hereby ugrees w pay:permn no was[e un sa�d premises;keap xnd cumply <br /> with all the egrerments and condi�iuns of the Bund for$ 3�.���.�Qhu dny grven by the said M.�rtgxgur ro said ASS(x'IATION,and wmply <br /> with all the requirements of the ConsGWtion xnd By•Laws u(said ASSO(7ATtUN;then these prcsents shall bocume null and vuid,utherwiae they <br /> shall remain in full lurce end may be foreclosed at the uphun uf the sa�d ASSO('IATIUN alter tailure lur three munths tu rtuike any of s�+�d <br /> paymenu ur be three mumhs in erreers in mak�ng said muntt�ly peymrnis.or tu krrp and curt�ply wlth�he agrrrmam.s and c�nditions uf syid Bond: <br /> and Murtgagor agrees�u have a receiver appointed forthw�th in such(ureclusurr proteedmgs. <br /> !f there is any chxnge in uwnersh�pul'the rerl estxce mor[gaged herem, by srle ur utherw��se, Qien tht zntirc rrnvinutg mdebtednexs hercby <br /> secured shall,at thr option of The Equitable Build�ng and Luan Aesocwt�un ut Grand Islund,Nebrrska,bewmr immedutety due and payable wrttwut <br /> (urther nutice,ynd the amuunt �emrining due under said bund, and any u�her bond for yny additional advances rtwde therrunder,shall,from the <br /> date of exercise uf said uption,beyr�ntrrest et the maximum legal rete,and this murq{rge may[hen bt foreclosed to satiily the xmuunt due on cud <br /> bond,and rny other bond(or additiunal advances,tugether with yll sums paid by swd The Equi[able Bwldiryg and Luan Assucir[iun uf Grynd Island, <br /> Nebraska for insurance,taxas and xssessnxnts,and abs�rscting eztension chxrgrs, w��h interost thereon, Irom date uf payment rt the maximum <br /> kgal rate. <br /> As provided in the NonJ secured hereby,while this mort�ge rcmeins �n a(fect the murtgrgee nwy hercafter advance addwona!sums to the <br /> mxkers uf said Bund,theu assigns or auc�essurs fn interest,which sums shnll br within the �ecuury oi thi>munµage ihe urnr as the funde urigimlly <br /> secured thereby,the total amuunt uf principal debt not tu exceed at any time the uriginal amount of this mortgage. <br /> p�c�a�ws 15th ,�y�r_ December n.�.�y 77 <br /> ✓ , 1. <br /> �, _ s rn --- <br /> f � <br /> Susan D. Pirnie <br /> STAl'E OF NEBRASKA, � �i�t� 15th �,y„� Decembe r �y 77 <br /> COUTJIY OF HALL� ,be(ure me, � <br /> the unde�e,a Notxry Public�n and fcx said Counry, perx�nally came �'� ° <br /> � Jaa�es T.Pirnie and Susan D.Pirnie, each in his an� ►+er own right and as spouse of each ,,� <br /> otfier "'h� are P����Y�nownw ,� <br /> me to be the idewtipl pettons whose na:ro5 a re affuced to the above inst�y�wewt�ax mwtg�u�5 rnd they ��rallY ������,.�� <br /> aolceo�vbd�ed the aid in�ruma�t to be t�i r wluwtary ac�aod deed. % -, . <br /> iVl'f71ESS mv tund+u�d Notrrial Snal[he drte rfure�rid. . �'� '/ � -'� <br /> MY Commiawn exQues �.r l > � = L�' { �`� � . � •• <br /> _. > -� <br /> , ,....� , c a z <br /> N . � —=--— --- _--- ' <br /> �..�.-- <br /> � � Nutary Public <br /> / <br /> 6� 8i ..;,��. .. � ���"Z' / <br /> � , � �� <br /> I�y�.oR� L,l. •• I�.�'., . , <br /> i._.._._ ..._..' _�__"'___.....i � <br />