<br /> �
<br /> N �ABLE M�RTGAGE �oa„��. . _�1_�6;g_y _
<br /> 77_ t3U7230 ExPA ASSIGNMENTOFRENTS',U }{e J. Schla�cr,, husbac�d and wife
<br /> Alber't 0. SGhldich �nd • +__ orsf�n cansid3�t�050 t��sum o�
<br /> (hereinafte�calied the MortSag_poVlars ib
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS T�'a� and nol�����'""` � � �
<br /> -Sev�i� Yh0u5dnd ra�fbay ain,sell and conveY descnbed ieal estate, sduated in the County o1.
<br /> 'fhirty � ors,do hereby g
<br /> loaned to Mo�g S C }ty
<br /> Nebraska, (herelnafte� �a�S ate ot Nebra ka�totwilsuccesso�s and assig pdd i tion t� the C�
<br /> Nall
<br /> in Block Four (4) ��+ Bongs and I�ill's
<br /> Lot Three (3) t�ebraska.
<br /> of Grand Island, iial} County,
<br /> �ts sUccessors antl ass�gns.�o�evei
<br /> a o�s are IawfuNy seized oi sa�d p�emises.ma�
<br /> uct�nauces thereuntu belong�n8 unto Commercia,
<br /> TO HAVE A
<br /> NO T� HOLD �� SAME, w�th the aPP {e,���ses aga�nst the lawful c4a+�ns ol all pe�sons
<br /> Said Moctgagois he�ebY wil! lo�ever wa<<arit and detend the t+tle to said G
<br /> coven2nt wRli sa�d Comme�c�a� ��5 succes5or5 a�id assigns iha�hov g
<br /> they a�e Sree trorn encumb�ances and that mey �Ee�n to�eU�Y sa'�'
<br /> whomsoever. �'�'�s���
<br /> reed to abide by the ternis of sa�d note and Gna�te�and fly-
<br /> p�owtled.nevertheless.tt�ese p��sents a�e uVon the tnll�w�n8�ond�tions'.
<br /> t wheieas the said Mo�tgagors as me+nbe�s ot Com!^e«4a1 have ihis date executed 2 note ev�denc�ngsuch�oan an
<br /> Tha at the c�ption of Comn�e�cia�.ae niade 4y Co�'�
<br /> sum of mooey, W�m interest. �n payments as set fo�th �n sai0 noie and have�d
<br /> �ommercia�. shall secute any aua�t�onai adva�'ces. w�th �nte�est which may � �������ni�unt due a1 any
<br /> ume on said
<br /> this moriga$
<br /> That wheieas th+s��o��oa�ea�o
<br /> M ate p�+t�c�Pal arno�,nt secu�ed by hall be consi0ere0 as��«`.�t1°¢
<br /> g re �cent o� the ainount o(the o�ig�na�«°1e hu[�n no event shall
<br /> meic�al to the un6e�signed
<br /> rs or the��successuis in htle t�i arry pu�Pose.at anY Ui��e beto�e the release and cancel4at+oa�t th�s rci
<br /> 4ut PROVI�EU.HOWCVER.at nn f+nie shall 1he agF � athe�nute tor
<br /> o�ig�nal note and any eii���tted by iaw.aad PROVIDE�.NOWEVE4��that noth+��8 hefe°'containe
<br /> addi��o���advances made. exceed an amount equa� to 1 Pe
<br /> sa
<br /> id note exceed the niaximuin amount P When abvanced lo Rrntect the secu���Y °�When due�as�set iohrth�n sa�+d�note��dnd aay m�����g�ge.
<br /> the amount thai shall t�e sea�ed he�eUy tQ1Pst. then these p
<br /> a�5 shall pay oi cause to t�e Pa�� tl�e sa�d su+ns oS mm�ey
<br /> �esents sha����o�d: othe�xise.to be and remau�u7 fu�� Q�ce i
<br /> Now, if the Sa���ortga& aid w�t�
<br /> abmtiona� aava���es maoe unU�made debt�s fu11Y V
<br /> eFtect�,but if delaull should he due on said note.antl any r compames acceR�ab1e to Gom�
<br /> t�iin and flme�haza�d5�ncluded�n axtendeC
<br /> other note So� add�llonal advances made as theie�n ag�eed to be made to�th�ee m �
<br /> a ments ����st ioss by �eason ot hse, ligh B� o� ohc�es.
<br /> �a� la any o11he p Y �ein�ses insured ag.
<br /> loan ��a companY o
<br /> tb� In keeP��6 the �mprovenienis on sa�J V
<br /> p� olic�es to be held by Gomme�aal, a�d With a nio��SaBe�lause attachefl j°sa'�po�cy
<br /> cove�age insutance �n an amount not less than the u��pa�tl balance ol said inortgage .
<br /> inercial. Me ouginal ot such poliCY p e U�fo�e theY a�e delinQoent�.�t assig�t�:ent oS ��+
<br /> in tavot ot Gommeic�al,or a said prem�ses.nr on th�s mc�lgag ,�
<br /> ment of taxes and assessinents�evied upo etl heie�n, bY sale e�thei autnght oi by lantl contract,o�bY
<br /> �Li In the paY become due aotl
<br /> �d� �f ineie i5 any change in the awne�ship ot the �eai estate mo�tgag t��n of Comme�cia� in,med�ately
<br /> any�nterest theteon or othecw�se.
<br /> secured sha�1 aithe op
<br /> above set�forth events ihe��nde�said�note�a�d any�othe�note ior addit+ona�advances made shai�.l�om the tlate c�i the exe�c+se
<br /> men. m any of ine and the amount du
<br /> le without further noUce, aid by Comme�c�ai fo� uisu�anr.e, taxes,assessments and absttaci eztension cha�ges �
<br /> ab the max�mmn le8a��a�e Pei an��s°1 antl this mo�iga8e may then t�e fo�eclosed to salisty Ihe amount d�n �oth�er�ote to�atl�
<br /> PaY ethes w�th all sui P e and a Y
<br /> of said option.beai inteiest at
<br /> ment at the maximun� legal�ate.
<br /> yny othe�note tor add�tio�al advances. tog
<br /> W��h inte�est thereon fwm the aate ot PaY ii1e„�p�the taxes
<br /> VIDED �i��az+mu�i� lawtu<<nte�est�ate iiieti1S due on sf�de�iau�t be maae�+��the pyy�'te frn aUd<<�o�'a�
<br /> Q ihat io no event e�the� betore oi afte� de�auli. shali the interest 4ue undei sai0 note a�d this Q50� ha �Qi title6
<br /> Pft rov�aed,oi ,
<br /> d�tionai advances inade exceed the ��o�E they ace by law delinquent. Commecc�a�e�r�Ses and���ay
<br /> turthei th2t in ihe event thoi delault occurs �����s s'iksuged��s�ab�Ve � �ut of 1he p .
<br /> PROVIDED reed to be inade. ar in keepii�g the t �aceeds and �ssues ansing ,�,E��,t ot msu�a��ce�
<br /> iemises above tlescnbed or upo'� this moitgage
<br /> advances, as the�e�a ag �=k .
<br /> or assessments �ev�ed upon the P remises aUove tlesa�bed. tegethe� w�th aiY '�ts U a d ���d foi such purp�ses. � y
<br /> �a ��¢ hmnediate possess�on ot me P �o� �e pusPose �t mak�ng�epa+�s upon the psemises and fo�
<br /> �ent the�e��on'�and
<br /> ex enses inwr�ed in�entinB sa�d psemises and collecha8 and cont�act
<br /> [em�ses.a��d io�necessary P
<br /> in �ts tl+sCrebon use tbe �ents so iai 25 �t deems necessa V tocee�ls and mromes�nclud�ng anV
<br /> noies ewdenci�6�utute advances herew�de� unt+� the mdebtedness sec�r�e�����������a�ve-descr�bed:e�ses
<br /> psemiums,tazes and assessments apon such p o Q1� �p�e app
<br /> to app�Y same 04 ��d note aselL�asslgn set over antl trans�e� urito CoRit+�etua! a1f o1 sa���ents p
<br /> �e unde�signed does he�eby othe� incomes ot any type whalsoeve� �rom sa�d p V Y UWe� �ffevocably eithe�on�ts own
<br /> n1s due mortgage owners or any i� atmmeY ��� fact. g�ving said atto�neY R � ct payn'ents�r
<br /> e e sa�tl p�emises ta be vacated.��o�����ect�enta�a
<br /> payme tiab�e tor the fai�ure 10 p�oce�e tenanis to cotfect rents Q�to u�osecute actions to�e�o�e`u
<br /> cssess�on o1 sa�d G
<br /> �ommercialshall tn no tase be � ��xes oui ot sa+0 tents.D«tits.co
<br /> ots tu�ther aDPamt Com��e�aai of On+ah�.Neb�aska. �h � as �ts agent for sa��pu�uDSk' a�'o
<br /> The Mortgag{s'�ames to take all necessa�Y
<br /> ste�s �roceed+nSS i° co°��o� othe�wise. to�aus ��ted by�
<br /> �ame o�Mortgago � �tfle�{�arties duly auth���.eQ and aPP�
<br /> to do afl such things either by �1s�w���tficets :���Y � dn��t at such t�ines antl in such inannei and un such te<<ns as to the��sa��
<br /> Qr othe� incomes due,and when vacant.fo�elet the same to°'�ke aii reasonab�e repai�s an P`Y roceeduig�eiat���g
<br /> incomes a��d a reasonable tee(ot such se�wces-a�� of the above ia� �W t
<br /> to cha�ge or UaY p� �»voluntauty be�on`es o< <s�na6e a{ariy tc��'�oi�i�e c ai Mo�tga�
<br /> a[tomey may seem best,w�th tu1V powe+ o(substitution. is fu�the� ag�ce that�f the heie���trefore
<br /> The Mortgago�s heieby agiee thal +t Comme�aal eithe� volunta���Y
<br /> Comme c a1�i��sa�tl su�it os�p oceed�ng�The Mortgagr�,tituted Y
<br /> to the he�einbefore described�eal estate.or to��hndem���1����ef tt�e VpWes of eminent doma�n.oi is otherw�se acou��eG�oi a pub��c use the d3�°�ages
<br /> �e�mbutse Commerc�al lo�ail�eas��������'��curred by
<br /> �i�d real estaie o' a°Y p ed to Gomme�cial and shaH be pa�d imlhW�th to Commeic�ai�o be aPP�ieC p°a�to°nt ot
<br /> c Wn ,and fo�the cunsitle�aUoti� fo� such ac4u�s�Uon to the extenl o(if�e tul'ar�oont at the,��'a�n��ng unUd�tl inde e
<br /> des �oceeds 10� the ta � hereby a�e,assig
<br /> awa�de0, me� this mo�tgage. be,and they
<br /> ness secwed by mber ly ��
<br /> the last matu�ing tnstallments otday ofndebted���_ - ����� ���v
<br /> }5�_h____ . �
<br /> oatedm�s .__-- Alt�ert 0. Senlaieh,
<br /> ;"
<br /> Ef�CE F . � t�, � �
<br /> E _,._:_.== _. . �
<br /> ________ ___.___ _- t.) -./. ... .�......t--�.
<br /> _. �.� .
<br /> —.-- Nad�ne J. SG�latch x
<br /> ___
<br /> ------
<br /> -----` _
<br /> _,_�____-- __ _ -
<br /> _____--__--- __ _ z
<br /> _..___
<br /> 55. ubtic ui and tor sa�d Coun[y pe�sosia!ly ca«�e
<br /> CQUNTY OF Hal l 19]� beto�e ine. a notary P
<br /> L _ Qg�P.II�2�1" 'f
<br /> 1`,� day ot husband and w� e , t�« ,�, .
<br /> On thls _ _ 1 Sthlaich, ��v�^ �� -
<br /> Ati T�3d111P ���v.oA�r thc qh���v oniloan��a¢ o�ant:.
<br /> the ahove-named A1 bert 0. Sthl a e cfi d ,,�,,,, «,
<br /> crsans�ah�sc nr^c ^ otuntary act and deed.
<br /> �,me we11 kno�v�to�t7e idenLcal P��son o�P � �
<br /> acknowledge me said instr �,�C. RM�E� � �
<br /> oc she,severafly NdTARY .
<br /> st atto� � -- �-- � !y,.la;� ;-_� . ,,�-.
<br /> ,�aT�tti��d2y �{�TE �F�£S Z�K.197: .
<br /> MPt'f!iESS r'y n�"4�nn Not2na �
<br /> r —T979
<br /> MY Cortmusswn exp��es oa the . _....
<br /> s^.�Lh _ .. �Y�
<br /> .::-....v�-�
<br />