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<br />�
<br /> .--- �
<br /> SPA'PE OE' NEI31tA�K�1, County of .......................................................: STAMP TAX
<br /> File�i Yor record and entere3 in Numeri�•al ludes
<br /> o�� .................................................... nc .................... �•�i„�k .................... :�i.. DEC�,5 1917
<br /> �ind recorded iu Deed Hecord ............................ Page ............................
<br /> � .s<<f '�
<br /> / �
<br /> I ........................................................... B,v .................................._........................- S1'C�BY---+�
<br /> Couut�� l'IeT•k oi• De}�ut�� County ("lerk or
<br /> ReRieter of lleedy ])�•E��iity He�iatrr oY lleedd
<br /> 7�,_ �'��.77�� STAT[MENTATTACHED
<br /> JEF2RY L. KINGSLEY and NORMA JEAN KINGSLEY, }Iuaband and Wife, eech in
<br /> bis and her own right and as spuusa of each other
<br /> . lirr�•iu ��>�ll��d tL�� �rrn,t��r wliether one or more�
<br /> in ���n�i�l�ratiun uf ONE DULLAR (�1,00) ANll OTHER VALUABLE CONSID�RATION
<br /> r����ri�����1 f'ru�ii �ru�tr�•.. �loea yuitclaiui, grant, bar�;nin. crll. outi���•p nu�l cunl'irm uuto JOHN W. RUJ�WSR�I
<br /> and BETTY L. ROJEWSKI, Husband and Wife,
<br /> a. ,jniut t�•�iants n�itl� ri:,�hY of sue•ci�•orship, rttid not a. t�•u;iutn ii� oommon, iL�• tbllo�+'ing described r881
<br /> pro�,�vt� i,� ......Hall ........ I'��u,�t�, :���trra,k.,: A tract of land compriaing
<br /> ............. .......................................
<br /> a part of Lots Sixteen ( 16� and Eigtiteen (18�, Block 'I'hirteen (13) ,
<br /> Scarff�s Addition to Miest Lawn, c:rand Island, Nebraska, more particularly
<br /> described as folluws : commancing at the Southwest corner of Lot 78 pro—
<br /> ceeding in an easterly direction along and upon the 3outh line o£ Lot 18
<br /> a distance of 6g feet, thence prucoeding in a northerly direction parallel
<br /> to tt�e East line of said Lots 16 and 1d a distance of 104 feet to a point
<br /> on the North line of Lot 16, thence proceeding in a westerly direction
<br /> along and upon the Nortb line of said Lot 16 a distance of 64.73 feet to
<br /> the Northwest corner of Lot 16, thence proceeding in a southerly direction
<br /> along and upon the West line of Lots 1G and 18 a distance of 104 feet to
<br /> tkye point of beginning.
<br /> 1'u La��e aiid to hold tlu• aLo�•r, �leacribo�l pr<•nu�,rn tuk�•tlivr �ritli �ill IriiriueWa, I�i•re�litani.•nts
<br /> �n�l xp��urte•n.ince� tL��retu Lelot�giug uirto the grantre-.s au�! tu tLeir ��r�i�;n.. ur to tlie hi�irti e�i.l av..igus
<br /> u1' tlii� �nr��i��or uf thrin f'urecer.
<br /> It i. tL�� intrntion of ell pai•ties li��retu tliat i�i th�• cvriu u2' tli�� �l�•atl� of,e�itl�rr uf' tlie Krant�•�•s,
<br /> Ihr rntirr fee �iwpli� tiUe to tlie real e•state• �hall vr�t in If��� .urciciuE; Kraiit�•i•.
<br /> llatrd _��.��C�.r- � �.� 19 �p
<br /> .r
<br /> _.......................... ��Y��....�I......._.`.�../.�":...�.::y..,.!�,.ss.�......
<br /> Jerry L`, Kj�gsley � f
<br /> tiorma ...�:e�� �� r��. ',� �•
<br /> ...................................................................... :/.:.::.. ,,,�
<br /> ........... �:..
<br /> . ...... c...�.........
<br /> � . n ing�sl�y , 1 �_' �
<br /> ,�
<br /> .................................................................................... ....................................................................................
<br /> $TATE OF NEBRASKA, Coui3ty of ............ .,Hall
<br /> ........ ....................................
<br /> }3efore mr. e notary publie qualifird t��r �aid r�niinYy. ��er.���n;�Il�� rKme
<br /> Jr:RRY L, KINGSL�Y and NOttMA J�AN KIN(;SL�Y,
<br /> Husband and Wife, eacb in hi� and her own
<br /> right and aa spouae of each othsr
<br /> kiiown to me to be the identical per�on or pereons who signed the
<br /> ,,,_. ,:y
<br /> fore�oing inctnunent and acknowledged the eaecutiou therec�f to be l�is, �:
<br /> her or their voluntary act and deed. '
<br /> __�,��/ , "��^,
<br /> � ���� W itne�e my hand and rial seal on ��,�,.J�...'���_'"'.'�",v.,�,�...�y � � '�
<br /> % ,
<br /> �10.1f� _��.._�...:Z�S.�:�4.:' .._...�.....,.-rr�.11iL�otary Public
<br /> 1 L f i /7�, �"
<br /> My corumiasion ez � ' ..,,,.�.��]......1�:��.T/]�,?,.......
<br /> Form 52 Approved by Nebraska State Bar A�ociatim7 ���,��m. u�..N��
<br /> J
<br />