<br /> r �
<br /> 77- 007227
<br /> 5.1--SURVIVORSNIV QUITCLAIM DEED F•Iton F.WoIF Companr,l.incoln,N•br.
<br /> Ye, John W. Hojewa3ci aad Bt�tty L. Rojewski, each in his ac�d her own
<br /> � r1gLt aad as apouse of eaoh obber,
<br /> , hrrein calle�l th�• �rantur w�hether uue or more,
<br /> in coneideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other Valuable Consideration
<br /> reoeived from grantees, doee quitclai�n, graut, bar�;ain, sell, convey and confirm unto Jerry L.
<br /> Kingsley and Norma Jean Kingsley, husband and wife,
<br /> as joint tenantei with right of rurvivorship, and not a. tenant; in conunou, tiie follow�ing described real
<br /> property in ......................Ha.1L...................................... County, NeLradlca: 'Phe Easterly One Hundred
<br /> Eleven Feet (lllft) oP l.ots �izteen and Lighteon (16&18� t3lock Thirteen
<br /> (13�. Scarf£�s Addi.tion to WAst Lawn, �.rand Isl.and, Hall County, Nebraslca.
<br /> To eorree! lasal description.
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> D E C 15 1917
<br /> �� ��'�, /�� �
<br /> $�-. ?.,q;tli, BY�1.t�_
<br /> STA7liF��L�;l P,T.T�,^H��
<br /> To heve and to 6old the above de�cribr�l preu�isen together with all tenements, hereditavienta
<br /> sud appurteuan�•es thereto belon�;iuq uiuu t1�r r�raut��•. ;u��( to their aseigns, or to the heiru and aesigne
<br /> ot the eur��ivur of thew forr,ver.
<br /> It is thr inteutiou of all partieN hr.reto that iii tl�ie rvent uf the deatli of either of the grantees,
<br /> the entire fee simple title to the real estate sl�sll veat fn th�� suni�iug grantee.
<br /> Dated December 4, 19 ']']
<br /> � . � .
<br /> s�,c, L.G, �i,_ �t-�-f�='--
<br /> ..............,�.................. .._.. .......
<br /> ..._........................... ......................................._..._ ..�;.:.�tn...�......Ro jewelEi
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<br /> Fletty..,�. .��.o . ...:. ...... ...__... .__ ...
<br /> . ,7e�+ski
<br /> .................................................................................... ...................................................................................
<br /> .................................................................................... ....... ............................................................................
<br /> 9TATE OF ......I�Ireki7Cts.ka............................... County of ....Ha11............................................:
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for FRII� COIIItCV, ��YT`NOIIN�IV PNfI1P ,Tn},Ti W, t2ojewski and
<br /> Bwtty L, Ro,jeweki each in hi� and her own right and as spouse o£ each
<br /> other,
<br /> ,'0.
<br /> � p�
<br /> kaowxi te m� to be the ideatical pereon or peraons who eigned tl�e toregoing inatrument and acknowledged �
<br /> ! tie ezecutian thereof to be hio, her or their voluntary act and deed. ,�,�p
<br /> .�`
<br /> Wicsew� s��sad aed sotarial wl oe Dwc er �.
<br /> ��+ 7.�..
<br /> 1e��u wtY�•sm.r�rrru ...��r.�.�.-. ��� �tJ..
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<br /> COLLEEN SNAON .�.....•••._. .. ..,��� ...................... Notary Yublic. ..,,� .
<br /> ,�. w a..i.6.-«w.R,�M C�
<br /> x. �n.n.�:w��e., �,c�,;�.� /C.-,u--4...L.�E� G ,a yo
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