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<br /> � �
<br /> 77'. OQ'721�
<br /> Tl�e graator Town & Country Real.ty of Grand Island, Inc.
<br /> ra corporatioti organiaed and ezieting under snd by virtue o!the laws of the 8t�te of Nebraska
<br /> inconaiderationot $7,500.00 (Seven tYiousand f'ive hundred and no/10U------)
<br /> received from grantee, dcec grant, bargain, sell, convey an3 contirm unto
<br /> Arnold L. Thurlow and Laura J. �'hurlow, I3usband & Wife
<br /> se joiut tenante with right of survivurship, and not aa tenants in common, th� o����w�i�� �i�scriho� re+�l
<br /> pruperty in ..................t�.�.�.�...................................... County, Nebraska:
<br /> Lot One (1) in �3ishop Heic^}�ts '1'hlyd 8ubdivisiori, Hall Co�.�nty,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> DEC 15 1977
<br /> $ �=� BY� y ��
<br /> 1'o have �nd tn hold the abo�•e describe�l premises together with all tettewents, bereditamontc and
<br /> appurtei�uncec thereto brluneing unto the granteer and to their aooiQn�, or to the heirr and a�ri¢ns of che
<br /> ourvivor of them forever.
<br /> And �;rsrit��r fur itself nnd its successore does l�ereby� coveaant with the �raateeb an3 wiLh their
<br /> eiNsigns xii�l ���ith the heirr an1 awignc o! the durvivor uf theu� that grantor id law�fully seieed uf �;sid
<br /> E�re•wi�.rs; thut they nre Yree irom encumbnaoe
<br /> except easements and restrictions of record
<br /> il�at grrutor haR good right and lawful authority to oonve� the same; aad that �raator warrsnte and
<br /> will defeud the title to caid premi�ee againrt the lawful claimq of all perwn� whomaoever.
<br /> It i� the inteatioa oi all partiee hareto t}!at in the eveat of the death of eith�r of the grantees,
<br /> the entire fee �rimple title to the real ee�tate rha11 vest in the �urvivinQ Qrsntee.
<br /> In witaew whereot, �rsator haei hereuntn cauaed ita corporate seal to be alfixed and theae preaanta
<br /> �igned by ite f're�ident.
<br /> Dated December 2, 1:9'-/•7
<br /> '"'own � Cour�tr•y Realt,y,,,,,�f,.,_�r;zn.3 Islarida, Iric.
<br /> ;rt ' �
<br /> . . — By ......�..,t:�..�./..�.,..�.w....wra.s...,.,. Pre�ideat
<br /> 3ni;;c}i
<br /> y
<br /> BTATE oF' .............N�G.x:c9.S.iS3......................... Cuuaty or .........t�aii..._...................................:
<br /> Before nu+, e aotary ��u6li� qualifird for r�xi�i o�,in,ry i,ereenally rame
<br /> F�'red M. Janisc� Preudent o!
<br /> � �, ..
<br /> Town & Country Realt,y of Grand Tslarid, 7nc. �,
<br /> , a oorporxtion, >'�
<br /> kno�on to.me to be th� President aad ideatioal penon who rianed the fotetoln� ia�trument, rnd aokaow- �� :�',
<br /> � led�ed the eseea�iea th�e�sot to � ha voluatary aot and 3eed ac suoif offieer tad the voluntary aet ynd � > �ra
<br /> deeal o! �aid eeet�t3aa wd t�t iM esepsnte seal wp thereto tlfised by itr authority. �-�
<br /> Witaer mP ubad aad not�sfal �eal oa ...........�.............:�:.:'".�.:.�,:...r........... 2�...,.:..........
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<br /> ......Q!,:.r...r,�...:z1..�.:....::,�!��.6d:C.'�i�............ Natary Public.
<br /> bO1tli� � ;;r ,
<br /> 1gp com�fndaa ezairos ..........`f,::' ! -'
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