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<br /> � _ , t . . � .
<br /> � : , .
<br /> 77_ UU7210 � � �;
<br /> f ' r .i
<br /> and appurtenanefss hereby conveyed and assigned , or agreed or �� �, ��� i ,MYr '��
<br /> _r, _ ¢� �. � �
<br /> ��
<br /> ? intended so to be to tne Trustae and its respective suc - w �' : � � �,
<br /> � , ,'
<br /> �� � ,., � ��� , , < '� > :�
<br /> cessors in said trust and to them and their ass : gns forever . , �; , ��
<br /> ' � � '��
<br /> IN TRUST , NE�IERTHEiESS , upon the tern:s and trus ts , ;, �"�, '*�,;
<br /> herein set forttz for ttie e ual and ro ortionate oenefit , ��r�' ` r �6'�
<br /> q P P w =. r �'e
<br /> �; ': , , �r
<br /> k{�r
<br /> security and protection o = all owners of the said bonds ( of ` ` ' � ��i
<br /> , '
<br /> yy :
<br /> whatever series ) issued under and secured by this Indenture 4��,"' ;�
<br /> 5s. . � . e..:
<br /> i)
<br /> without privilege , priority or distinction as to the l � en or ��; �'
<br /> k
<br /> other*aise of any of said bonds < except as herein expressly '%' '_ , ' ` ,`
<br /> �„
<br /> ` a�
<br /> provided � over any of the others of said bonds ; � t • � � �
<br /> .''. ��
<br /> � , ���.i
<br /> PROVIDED , HOWEVER , that if the Issuer , its successors ,,,:
<br /> ," : �, � a
<br /> or assi ns , sha11 well and trul � ` �'$
<br /> g y pa� , or cause to be paid , �. ;; � , �,
<br /> , , r y,
<br /> the principal of the bonds and the interest due or to � ecome � � ��� ,��f�
<br /> � '' +r �+9!
<br /> � � 4 ��
<br /> due thereon , at the times and in the manr. er mentioned in the �:� ' �`� � d��
<br /> s� � ��Y �� �
<br /> k ,
<br /> ir , a, " ,
<br /> r r��,
<br /> bonds , according to the true ?ntent and �eaning thereof , and = ,<� t,���'�
<br /> shall make the payments into the Bond Fund as requi :ed under � ''w��'�"�
<br /> ��.
<br /> p,���
<br /> Article V , or shall provide , as permitted hereby , for the ' ': �� �;+'�;
<br /> ,r,.
<br /> �° , r��r���
<br /> payment thereof by depositing with the Trustee the entire ; s4 �i��
<br /> . 7k"�.�,;
<br /> amount due or to become due thereon , and shall well and ;: ; ;,"��
<br /> ; a;:���
<br /> tzuly keep , perform and observe all the covenants and con- � ` ` ��
<br /> ' ���
<br /> ditions pursuant to the terms of this Indenture to be kept , E�` ;� � � :'
<br /> � ' sp
<br /> li..
<br /> performed and observed by it , and shall pay or cause to be �� �'`V��
<br /> �_ >
<br /> �r- ;�
<br /> paid to the Trus tee all sw�as of money due or to become due �m "
<br /> � � � �
<br /> ��:
<br /> to it , ia accordance with the terms and provisions hereof , ;, � ,_?
<br /> then upon such final payments this Indenture and the rights "
<br /> k�,
<br /> hereby granted shall cease , determine and be void , otherwise ' ' '
<br /> this Indenture to be and remain in full force and effect .
<br /> that , and it is expressly declared , all bonds issued and
<br /> '.
<br /> ` secured hereundez , or to be issued , authenticated and de -
<br /> +� livered , and all said revenues , income and other property
<br /> .� ..
<br /> `` hereby pledged are to be dealt with and disposed of under , , : ,, � � �a
<br /> upon a.nd subject to the tezms , conditions . sti�ulations , � � '
<br /> =w�.�
<br /> covenants , agreements , trusts , uses and purposes as herein- �',
<br /> ,
<br /> h3 a
<br /> after axpresaed . aad the Isauer has agreed and covenanted ` " ��'
<br /> � �':.
<br /> :: r,;, �,;,
<br /> _ , ,,;�
<br /> and does hereby agree and covenant . with the Trustee and - -- - � �
<br /> , M with the rasp�ctive o�as�era , fram time to time , of the said
<br />�� • bo�nds , or aay part thezeof . aa follows , that is to say : �
<br /> r
<br /> E. 11
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<br /> �. : , , h., �-. ,. �„F.A..,: ::• ry. . .::;., , . �. .�,; �r ,,;�. .,�.�.� t
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