<br /> _ . __ .___._ . _ _ � �
<br /> 77• U(:''�� 5 4
<br /> � ROSE M. LP:PIN, a widow, and LAMAR C. LEPIN and CAROLINE LEPIN,
<br /> huaband atad wife, each in his and her own right and as spouae of th�
<br /> other, herein called the Grantors, for and in consideration of the
<br /> aum of One Dollar (S1.00) and other valuable consideration received
<br /> from Granteea, do heraby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm
<br /> unto RICHARD L. LEPIN and' REBECCA A. LEPSN, husband and wife as joint
<br /> tenants with riqht`'of •siiXvi'vorship, the following described real estate
<br /> situated in tiall County, Nebraska:
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> (NW�) of Section Twenty-Four (24) , Township Nine (9) North,
<br /> Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> and more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at a point on the north line of said NW�, said
<br /> point being Three Hundred Twenty (320.0) feet west of the
<br /> northeast cozner of said NW�; thence running southerly, parallel
<br /> to the east line of said Nw� a distance of Two Hundred Forty
<br /> Five (245.0) feet; thence running westerly parallel to the
<br /> North line of said DTW� a distance of Two Hundred Thirty
<br /> (230.0) feet; thence running northerly, parallel to the east
<br /> line of said NW'� a distance of Two Hundred Forty Five
<br /> (245.0) feet to a point on the north line of said NW�; thence
<br /> running easterly along the north line of said NW%+ a distance
<br /> of Two fiundred Thirty (230.0) feet to the point of beginning
<br /> and containing 1.29 acres more or less.
<br /> TO HAV�: AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all
<br /> the tenPments, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging,
<br /> unto the said Grantees and to their heirs and assigns forever. And we
<br /> hereby covenant with the said Grantees and with their heirs and assigns,
<br /> that we aze lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from
<br /> encumbrance and that we have qood right and lawful authority to sell
<br /> the same; and we hereby covenant to warrant and defend the title to
<br /> said premiaes aqainat the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. And
<br /> the aaid Grantors hereby relinquish all zight, title, claim and intereat
<br /> in and to the above c�escribed premises.
<br /> r�
<br /> Signed this �day of December, 1977.
<br /> NEB `'KA DnC�JMENTARY ,f�e j , jr1 , �'�1
<br /> S,TAMP TAX J—t��
<br /> Rose M. Lepin
<br /> z)Et; 13 19)) _ �_ � _
<br /> ' 3. t_
<br /> �zi�rL... �- i>_ c.,��
<br /> -� � � r � � Lamar C. Lepin ,
<br /> S BY'_,�=����,��
<br /> �
<br /> ST�iTEMFNT ATT.ACHE6 C� 2 .< < < <. }�.��`:�� ,_�
<br /> Caroline Lepin ��
<br /> ( ss:
<br /> COU�TY OF HALL )
<br /> On this � day of December, 1977, before me, the undersigned, a
<br /> Xotary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for in said County, per-
<br /> sonally came Rose H. Lepin, a widow, to rne known to be th� identical
<br /> peraon wtsose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowl-
<br /> edged the execution thereof to b� her voiuntary act and deed.
<br /> Witaesa my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above
<br /> written. ����.��
<br /> r.w.�. (�' ,
<br /> _ 'M�1�r+�s.+��.. ���`�� �C��P�;�� ,
<br /> -__ _ Notary Public
<br /> � ( as:
<br /> COUDI'TY OF Iii►LL 1
<br /> �r
<br /> On this �day of Decemlxr, 1977, before me, the undersigned, a
<br /> 8otary Public, duly cowiwisaioned and qualified for in said caunty, per-
<br /> sonally cawe La�ar �. Lepin ar�d�arolltte Lepin, husband and wife, to me �
<br /> knorn to b� the identical persons saha9e names ase affixed to the fore-
<br /> goinq inmtrument �fd acknowledqed the execution thereof to be their
<br /> vol�+ritu-y rc;� .uxi d�wd.
<br /> witnesa �y a ����j�, al the d�y and year last dL�C7VA �
<br /> written. ���� �-, :j-' h� tr�
<br /> ' �� N�tarv Yub i�
<br />�
<br />