I �
<br /> : 77• �07151
<br /> 52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-1Witb Tax Ciauu) (Reviaed 1962) �T6c Hulhnan cauers�Supp�y 8ouoe,Liucdn,N.br.
<br /> . .. ......._ . ... __.... .._ .... ... .. ._..... . . ... . _.. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . ... ... ...... . ..
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRF.SENTS: 'That prthur L. and Melva G. Buchholz
<br /> � �. �' ot H811 County,and State of Nebr88kB .in rnneideration of the sum of �
<br /> Tvo Thousand e.nd 00/100 ($2,000.00)-------------------------------------------- �LLwRs
<br /> in hand pxid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unW A. G. Schroeder
<br /> . � � HSll County, State of NebraBka thc[ollowinb descritx�cl premiaes situated
<br /> in He11 Cuunty, xnd Sta4e of Nebraska •w-W���
<br /> Northerly Sixty—Five and One—Half (65�) feet of Lot Ten (10), Block Fi£teen (15)>
<br /> ' in H. G. Clark's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> � The intrnlir�n being 4i cunvey hr•rt�by tm absul�Le tiUr �n t�•�� .imple. including ell the righta of homesG.:ed and dower.
<br /> 'I� HAVE AND TC) HOI.11 Ihr E,rc•minrs ;ibuc��• d<•.�u�rilffvl, with all the appurtrn;u�c�•� th�•reuntu belortginB. untu the eaid
<br /> morlKaga�(s) and tu his, hrr or tfit,�r hrirs and x.siR�w [urrvur, pruvidid always, and lhese prearnW are u�wn the exprers
<br /> ccuiditiun that if the naid morl.qaKur�s1, tus. her or their heirs, rxa�cuturs, acim:niwtralurx i�r a:wigru� �hall pay or cauee to be �
<br /> paid w the said murtgeger(s), hi�, hrr ur thrir h��irs, ex�cuturs, ndmini�trvtur�ut es���ns,the principal�um of$ 2����.�� �
<br /> payable su folluws.W wit:
<br /> Principle and interest at the rate of 9% shall be due and payable
<br /> Deceasber 1, 1978.
<br /> with intereat acrorcling W the tenur and v(iart uf tt�e mortqaKors writtrn promiesury nu�r bearir�g rven date with theee preeeat�
<br /> � and xhall pny aU taxex and as�•�;+tn�•nLti I.•vu•J u�wn suid re�al entatr,and all uther Wxrr, levirs and sin�enamrnfss Irvic3d upon this
<br /> mur[gage or the nutr�whirh this murtqn�;e is glvrn tu �vurr, tx•forr lhr >amr hecumcn drlinyuenc, ru�J keep the buildings on
<br /> ssid premiuex in�rurtKi fur tha� sum of $ , luaa, if any, payabte. to ti,.�.aid murtgaKee, then theea preeentr
<br /> . to be void,otherwixe u� be and remnin �n fuil (urer.
<br /> � IT IS FURTHER AGHF,EI) (]1 'I'hat i( thr seid murtKagor ahnll (ail W puy such taxrv ur pnxure xuch insurance, the
<br /> wid mortgag�+e may pay such taxes afid prucure suc�h inaurance; and th<� surn r.i.� advut�ca�1, with interest at 9 pe[
<br /> cent,ehall be repaid by said murtKeKor, and thia murt�;agr shall utand u+'eecurily fur the same. ('?) 'I'hat ta failure to pay eny
<br /> o[seid monry, eithrr yrincipal ur lnteresl. when thv same tn-cumes due, or a fxilure to comply with any o( the foregoing
<br /> � ayrrem[•nts,shall causr the whulr sum of m��nry here•in sri•ured tu tH•cumr due and eolirrtible tit onci• at the oytion of the �
<br /> mor4EeBee. '. ,
<br /> s;��d ch�. � 9 aaY�,r �la.v , iy% �. I1� ! G
<br /> �. In prretr •e ut ��^G1�l71����/71�-.rro�yi..... ��.__..............
<br /> __� __ �� � Arth��uc.,.[-J y
<br /> _ l '� �'' ,G_ L �o c
<br /> ___..... .. ........._._.._
<br /> Melva �, Ruchholz
<br /> _....._..............._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _. _ .. _. _ ._.... __........... ___.............
<br /> - / , .
<br /> STATE OF. ......._.�Y. ._ _..___ . County �t_ _ . .: __ _;. ,
<br /> Hetc�re me. a notary publi�� qualifivd tnr �aid r.,unty �a•r�.,na+ll��rame ` .'. � � .
<br /> Arthur L. and Me1va G. Buchholz r •" �`• �"
<br /> i - •
<br /> �. , kserve b me fo be the idenlicel peeson or perw�ns who aigned the foregoing in�rumEnt a[t91.qa![nuwl�d� the e:ecvtion ,
<br /> ' .._ .__. .._...� • ��
<br /> 1�lred W be hia, her or their vuluntary aM and de�d. t � * �
<br /> � �mY hand aad on . ��L1'-L.'.:' .T� � ; !9. � <'°
<br /> � � • s� ' -`. �.
<br /> .��' -
<br /> �r a�e�iKina e�Airec... �!'`.'... .l . ...... , 19,��f __. „rrL ...._ . :�.� ._....Notary Public. k°,". :
<br /> , � 4~/
<br /> ' �' �'A'[��!'................ ........... .... . . . . _. Entered an numeri,. inde: and filed for e�coed
<br /> � . _ L'�.`;a
<br /> � ' � }� in the Register of Derda(k6cr, u[ eaid Cuunty the �"
<br /> CaunlY _... .. .. . ..... ... .. _ .. . . ......_.
<br /> .� , _............_ .....daY d ............. ..__.__.__.._._. 19_.. ...., at ... _ . ..._. . o'clocic aad. _. .. .. minutes _. _. ...M., ,..
<br /> a�d r�oeaded iu Bodc......._-._..._.__..__._...__..o[......_.........__...__. .......at page._..-__..._._._. _ .-
<br /> _ __.
<br /> � ___ _ Reg o( Daede
<br /> �� � BY.__.__......._.. ..__. . . . . . . I�!puty �
<br />