� �
<br /> ��. uu714�
<br /> The grantor DA-LY 12EALTY � INSUI2ANCE, INC.
<br /> r i
<br /> a corporation organized and ezietin� under and by virtue of the laws of the 6tate of Nebraska
<br /> (�2$,500.00�
<br /> received from grantee, dces great, bargain, sell, convey an1 confirm unto TIM(7TFiY }2. PLUMMEI2
<br /> and JAEN D. KIRK
<br /> aa joint tenante with right o4 eurvivore6ip, and not se tenantg in common, th� R��'nw-i^^ �lP�crihed real
<br /> Pro ert in ,,,,,,,Ha 11 ,,,,, County, Nebraska:
<br /> P Y .................. .................................
<br /> Lot One (1) , in Blocic "C:", in Park View Subdivision,
<br /> located in the Northwest �uarter (NWd) of Section
<br /> Twenty �:i�t,t (2a), and the Northeast �uarter (x�l)
<br /> of Section Twenty Nine (2y� . in TownshiF, E:leven t17 �
<br /> Nortb, 12ange Nine (y) Weat of the 6th P.M., iu Hall
<br /> County� Nebraska.
<br /> ' 0 STAMP TAX
<br /> �N� P�PGN� D E C 12 1977
<br /> S�P��� ���
<br /> /=�S BV-�Z�,.L.C�_
<br /> To have and tc> hold the above dederibed premisea together with all teuements, hereditamente and
<br /> appurteuances thereto belonging unto the granteeo and to their assign�, or to the heirs and aroi�as of bhe
<br /> survivor ot them forever.
<br /> And grxntor for itmelf and ita succeesore does hrreby co��enant �vith the grantees an3 with their
<br /> adeigns nud N'1LI1 the heirc and aa�igns of the survivor uf thrui that grantor ie 1aw•fu11y seised of �aid
<br /> premiaes; that they are free from encumbranae except easements and restrictione of
<br /> record
<br /> � tliat grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the aame; and that grantor warrantr and
<br /> will defend the title to said premises againet thr lawful claims of all petsone whomxoever.
<br /> It i� the intentioa o! all parties hereto tl�at in the event of the death of either ot the granteee,
<br /> the entire fee siinple title to the real estate shall vest in the eurviving grantee.
<br /> In witnestz whereof, grantor has hereunto caused ita corporate seal to be affixed and these presante
<br /> eigned by itb President.
<br /> Dated December 12th 1977
<br /> `,� .
<br /> . ....., .
<br /> : -., �Y �. DA-LY I2�AL'I'Y. K� .�INSU CI:a...INC.
<br /> . , -.
<br /> , , �.� ..?. �.,.....�... � .....
<br /> ,. . . ��� ...
<br /> .a�.�:k:. ,���.. By .l�..� ./�.,...�..� ..���dent
<br /> .s _; ........ .......... ......... ..
<br /> , H dolf . P a�e
<br /> , •.,.�....
<br /> ,,
<br /> ���;V,,,..�:.........................
<br /> �. N�BRAS.............................. Cuuaty of ...........H.�1....._...................................:
<br /> BePore me, a notary public qualified for said �ounty, persenrliy came
<br /> itud o 1 f F. P 1 a t e, Prerideat ot
<br /> Da-Ly Realty & Insuranee, Inc. , a oorporation, t: #,
<br /> , � keo�vn to.me to be the President snd identical penou who eigned the Yotegoint inetrumeat, and acknow- I yp,
<br /> ledged the ezeautioa thereof to be hiu voluntary set and deed as sueh officer and the ��oluntary act and ;:�."
<br /> leed of raid eorporaiioa aad that itr oorporste 9ea1 R•aa thereto affized by ita authority.
<br /> wisne..m,hana.na nsr.h.� .e.l oa ..�4X�1�lzt.t�.�:�2......L,�.................... ly..:7..7.......
<br /> ' .............�l���i�l.f.�ir.s���t-�-�t................ Notary Public. �
<br /> MNrt�Yr-Wr�Mr+ �l / �_1
<br /> ONIM.1.YMO! ![y commirrion ezpirer .�J�'.x!t�..t.�..ic'.�........ 7'+....��.... �
<br /> Mr�s 4�M.�.�Mt ' 0
<br />