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�g"' <br /> I � <br /> »• �,c��i4o <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> � MOR7GAGE LOAN NO L •9 MGI C <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY T'HESE PRESF.NTS:That Russel l L. Nock and Annette "�f. Hock, each 111 hl S and <br /> her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> Mortgagor,whether une or more,in wnsideration of the sum of <br /> Ten Thousand Three Hundred Fifty and NO��OO-------------------------------------- ppLLARS <br /> loyned tu said rtwrtgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Associatiun o(Grand Island,Nebraslca,Mortgagee,upon ��3 shares of stock of <br /> said ASSOC'IATION,Certificate Nu. L2z 99R MGIC ,do hereby grant, convey and murtgxge unto the said ASSO('IATIUN the tbllowing <br /> desc:ribed rexl estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska: <br /> THE SOUTH TEN (10) FEET OF LOT T�rJO (2), AND <br /> ALL OF LOT THREE (3), IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN THE <br /> FIFTH ADDITION TO CAIRO, HALL COUIJTY, NEBRASICA. <br /> together with a❑ thr tenrmrnts,hercditaments und appurtenences Ihrreuntu belongmg, including ettact�ed f7our cuverings,all window sc:reens, <br /> window shndes,blinds,sturm wlnduws,awnings,heeting,eir cundiuoning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and xccesuxies there[o,pumps,stoves, <br /> rofrigeraWrs,and other fixtures and eyuipment now or hereafter attached to ur ured in cunnertion wdth said real esinte. <br /> And whereas thr seid morigagur hrs agreed xnd does herrby agree diat the murtgagor shall and will pa}� xll taxes and asusa�nents levied ur <br /> assessed upun said premises and upun ttus mortgagr and the bond sec �j{� t bv kefbre ihe same shall becume delu�yuent:to furnish approved <br /> insurance upun the buildings�»i said prcmises situated in the sum ut 5��+.���•�V payable w snid ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br /> ASSOCIATION thr p.�licies fur uid insurance;and not w mmmit or permit any waste un�x about said preimses: <br /> In casr uf de(xult in Uu perfurmance uf any uf du termsand wnditions uf this mortgage ur ihe bond secured hrreby, the murt�ee sha11, <br /> un demund, be entiLLed tu immediete pussession uf the murtgagrd premises an1 the murtgegur hereby assigns, transfers and sets uver to the <br /> mortgagee ell the rcnts,revenues and income to be drrived from the murtgaged prrmixs during such time as dia murtgage indrbtedness shall remrin <br /> unpaid;and the murtg�gee shall huve the pc�wer tu appuint any agen�ur agents it may desire fur thr purpuse o(repxiring said premises an6 renting <br /> the same and collecting the rents,rrvenues and income,end it may pay uut of said income all exprnses o( repairing said premises and necessrry <br /> commis�ions and exp�nses incurred in renting and mxnaging the seme and uf collechng rent•els therefrum: the belance remaining, if any,to be <br /> applied tuward Ute dfxharge u(said murtgagr indrbtedness;these rights uf�he murtgagee may br exrrcised at eny time during the existenix of such <br /> default,irrespective uf any temporary waiver u(the same. <br /> These Prezents, huwever,are upon the Cunditiun,That if the said Murtgagor shall repay said loan on or before the maturity uf'said shares by <br /> payment;pay munthly tu iaid AS50(.'IqT10N uf ihe sum spne�fied in the Bund secured he�eby as in[errst and princ�pal un said loen,un or be(ure <br /> the Twentieth day uf each and every month,until seid loen is fully paid:pay ell taxes and assessmrnts levie3 against seid premises and un this Murtgage <br /> and the Bond secured thereby,before drhnyuency:iurnish appruved inxurance upon thr buildings thereun in the sum u!$�0,350.0� peyable <br /> to said ASSCX'IATION�,rrpay to said ASSOCIAI'IOti upun drnwnd all monry by it paid for such[axes, essessments and insurence with interest at <br /> the maximum legal rate thereon frum date ul'payinrnt nll ot which Murtgagur hereby agrees w pay:prrmit nu waste on said premises;keep and cumply <br /> with all the xgreements and condiGons uf the Bund(or$�O 3�0,�&,this Jay given by the said Mungagur a�said qSS(X'IATION,and comply <br /> with all the reyuiremems of the Cons[itution and By•Laws oPsai A IATION: then these presenu shrll becume null and vold,otherwise they <br /> shall remain in fuU fuice and may be foreclosed at the uptiun o(the snid ASSCK'IATION after Iaiiure lur three months tu muke nny uf said <br /> pyyments ur be throe months in arrears in muking said munthly paymrnts,ur tu ke�p and cumply wi�h[he egroements and cundi[ions uf said Bund; <br /> and Mortgagor agrres to have a receivrr appuinted furthwith in such fored��sure pruceedings. <br /> I}'there is any change in ownership of ihe real estate murtgaged herein,by sele u� �therwise,then the emire remaining indebtedness hereby <br /> secured shxll,at the optiun uf The F,yuitxble Building and Loan Aswcietion uf Grand Islend,Nrbraska,become immediately due and payable without <br /> further notice,and the amount remaining due under said bund,and any other bond for any additiunal advances made thereunder,shaU,tiom the <br /> date o(exercix of said uption,bear interest nt the maximum legal rate,and this mortgage mry then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said <br /> bond,and xny other bond for additional advances,together with all sums paid by sxid The E:yuitable Building an3 Luan qssociatiun of Grand Islrnd, <br /> NtbraJca(ur insurancr,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension charges, with in[erost thereon, frum da[e uC payment at the maximum <br /> legal rate. <br /> As provided in the Bund secured hereby,while this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafcer advan�;e additional sums tu the <br /> malcers of said Bond,their assigns ur succeswrs in interest,which sums shall be within the srcurity uf this mortgagt the same as the(unds unginally <br /> cecured thereby,the total amount u(principal debt not to rxceed at any time the uriginal emount of this mortgage. <br /> �,t�a�w6 8th• d,y�r December A �,�y 77 <br /> /cS.e.�fiS�, .� � -o�, _ ( c. � �., � /I' •'�:+R: <br /> Russell L. Hock Annette P1. Hock <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,( 8th. December 77 . <br /> COUNTY OF HALI,� �� On[his day of �v ,before me, �^ <br /> 4 �x <br /> � the undersigned,a Notary Pubtic in ynd fur srld Cuunty,personally came �� <br /> R u s s e l l L. H o c k a n d M n e t t e M. H o c k, e a c h i n h i s a n d h e r o w n r i g h tW�o d asrn s p o�����fy�n�Wn�� �� <br /> t�N�� csun 5 wh�►e wune s are �fPutad w ilx ybovc wauwt�ent rs mortgsgor S end they sevrwltV <br /> �yr �� ,�iud rument to be the i r voluntary act and deed. <br /> i � ��'IN my hand and Noterid Serl the date aCoresaid. �{ <br /> J <br /> . <br /> � .r� ; Mn 1'ARY ., •� <br /> .._ • �Ot i..>.:UNM��d ' ' nexpires \ �`` •' .,y 1,� �, �i^� ''�\ !,1 <br /> I � <br /> . �.+.�i.t.a j .``"-^"�+++' ..., . r _L�''�., J �V�.R,.� <br /> 4J'�4� 31. o rP �.� � ---�- ------ ..�__..lutarr Publ�c ._— <br /> 1��;` <br /> . � � � <br /> 9�Of NF.�FA7 - <br />�:= <br />