<br /> r- �
<br /> »• uo7i3O RELEASE
<br /> � KNON' ALL �1E'�' 61" 'ft1ESE YNES�:\'"I'S:
<br /> "1'hat for and in co��sidrrutiuu uf th�• t�x�uu�nt iu full of thi� ind��btrdness n�entiourd in a crrtain
<br /> HortftaBe •a�•i�tc•d b� M�t'�'in K. YOUNG and Lucille M. YOUNG, his wife
<br /> to First Feder:al 5:��inKs a�xi Luau Ar.ti�K i:diuu uf Pini� Bluff, .Arkan�:�+, duted 26' August, 1977
<br /> und recru �tl Estute• \turty:��i•li�•curJ \u. :+t puqe uf thr recurds uf �LL
<br /> C:ount�,Aw� on d�r fullu��iuy;d���i•rib�•�l luucl, suel ��ri��uise� situet�•d in thr County of HALL
<br /> ar►d State of �iJj1�{,(u-��jt:
<br /> ��
<br /> Lot Fourteen (14) in Block Two (2) in Knickrehm Addition,
<br /> an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> the seid mort88&e ud thr li�•u un thr l:iuds aud premiu•s abu��• iurntiunt•d undrr and by
<br /> virtur therrof are hr•rrb� satisfiid, di+cl�ary;e•d �nd relrusrd in full.
<br /> I� �►'!7''�'ESS ��HEHN:OF, said First Fi-cicr:�l Sa�inKs und l.iwn Assuciatiuu uf Pinr Nluff. Arkunsa�,
<br /> Iw cdusrd thix romi-��rnce to br e�sr�c•��[rd in its i•urp��ratr ndmr b� itxASSN V1ce Presic�nt and
<br /> attcsted b ih Sec'retary
<br /> y December ����� its cor{���at�� seal to be hrreuntu affixrd ��n thi�
<br /> ciuy of . 19
<br /> F'IRS7' Fh:llEHAI. SA\'I\GS .Atill LO.4\
<br /> , . , AtiS(X:1,1'1'1O�' OF' Pl\E HLl'FF. ARKA1'SAS
<br /> =.A°,r., , . �
<br /> �, �� ���
<br /> r r- , ,; ,, N.,
<br /> : • A tan Vice-��rsu]ri
<br /> A'I'1'hS 1:, .
<br /> .,, /��
<br /> � �'��'��/��!/.i�yGq/Z�'�___._
<br /> -M..�L ,� Sei.rrtan
<br /> STATE ()F .4RKA\SAti � ,ti •
<br /> c;<����'7'Y c�F )E:F'HF.ksc�ti I
<br /> �M��� 1 December 77
<br /> � �ia� uf . ---- . 19_ , brfure mr, thr underxi�ui�d.
<br /> a .\'otar� t uhlic d�d� cuunuissiuui�l, c ualified eud ctinK, w ithin nnd t��r�sid cv�unty aud statr, al�pc•urrcl
<br /> in prn�u� thr within u}unc� �oseph F. T�tompeon
<br /> :uad_ H�+t[ie B M Blaser — — _, tu mr �>rr�unally
<br /> well known, ��hu statr�d that t}+ey ��rrr tl�r Assn [ �ice �'rrsidrnt anci
<br /> Sec'n.�fxry,rrspnttivrly.u!Fvat Federul Sa�inKs dnd Luan Asuxiatiun of Pine Hl�iFf, Arkansas, a corywra-
<br /> tion. atid v�'err dul� aufhurictrl it� t}�rir resEfrc�ti�r c•a��ai�itieti to exrc•ute the toreqc�inQ inctrun�nt f�>r �y
<br /> awd in tMt ruune' awd tx•half e�f suici cY�r}xmation, and furthcY statrd nnd ue•knuHledRed t}wt they had `
<br /> s� si�oed, eacecuted Ynd drlivr�d �«! Furc�uing inatru�nent in ,}�. capacitirs and fur thr consideration. '�
<br /> uses Ynd pw�pcnes t'tierc� ie�turic+d ind set f�rcth. i
<br /> � !IV TE�'�'j�)y�fY 1�'H�;ltg(�. i have hereainto s�my twnd and officyal �ral this 1 � ,�„�°
<br /> .�y, �{ -.-�,..... ✓�eNmer , 19
<br /> �,t-, �
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<br /> _ ►n,..• ��Q.�.i� _�.
<br /> ��� `�:� tiutan Pub�c '""
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