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.,,.,�:. <br /> -- r � <br /> �iot extend or � >ostpane the due date oi the montlil}� imt :illm�nt� reterred to iu puraigraph� 1 und 'l hereof or <br /> chnnge tl�e amount of such inetaliments. <br /> 10. Eoaow�r Not Bd�aNd. Extenaiou of the tiiuc for payinent or inodification of ��nort.ization of the sums <br /> secured by this \4ortgage granted bv Lender to an}� �urces,wr in interest of Borrow�er shall not operate to release , <br /> in any inaru�er, the lial�ility of t6e original Borro��rr und Borrv«•er :. successor� in iuterest. Lender shall not be <br /> � required to commence proceedings against such successor m� refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify <br /> amortisation of the sums secured by this \ lortgaqe b�• reasou of :u�p demand made by t6e originat Borrower and <br /> � Bormwer'e euccessors in intereet. <br /> � 11. Forb�ar�mee by Iwnd�r Not a Waivrr. Any forbearance by I,ender in exerciaing any right or remedy <br /> *"" heteunder, or otherwise aftbrded by upplicabte la�r , shall not be a wai-rer of or preclude the ezercise of any right <br /> �' or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the � >nyment ot caxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br /> � shall not be a wuiver of Lender 's right to accelerate tlie maturity of the indebtedness secured by this 11-fortgsge. <br /> � 1Z H�m�di�s Cumulative. All remedies provided in t6is \lortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other <br /> ^ right or remedy under this \lortgage m• affordc�i h�• ta�c or ��quity , i�nd ma�� Fx� exercised concurrently, independ- <br /> ^ ently or s�cceasively. <br /> 13. Suees�son �d Aaoigos Bound: Ioint �d S�veral Liability: Captions. Tl�r covenxnts snd agreements <br /> herein contained shall bind , and tl�e rights I �ereunder .�hall inure to , thc respective successore and asaigns of Lender <br /> and Borrower, subject to the provieions of� paraK�:ipl� 17 hrreof. All covenani � and agrecinents of Aorrower shal! <br /> be joint snd several . The ��aption� snd l�eadiitgr of tl�e• p:eruKrn� rh. oi t6i., \ lort�;a�;�• ure for conven 'tence only and <br /> sre not to be used to int.erpret or definr ttie provision� liereof. <br /> 14. Notieo. Auy noticc to BorroH•t�r � u•o�•idi�d for iu tlii- \lurtRt�gc shall 6e gi��eu by nutiling sucl� notice by <br /> certified inail ac�dl'eee¢d to Burro���er ut th�� Yropert }• .lddri��= >e ;ite� l b�•luw� , .•xec��t for auy notice required under <br /> paragraph 18 IiercoP to bc �i�•en tu Bmro�s��r iu tlio inunn��r � ,rc..crihi��l f ��• :t � �� �licalilc la�� . Anp notice pro��ide<1 <br /> for in this \lortgage rhall b�• dee� ned to hx�•e I�c�•n � i � en to 13orro�+ cr �� lien gi �• en in thi� munner designated herein . <br /> 15. Unilorat Mortgage: Gov�ming Law; Severability. 'i'lii� for�u of iuortguge combines uniform co��enants <br /> for national use and noti -uniforin covenunts witli limite� t ��aristions bv jurisdiction to constitute u uniform secu- <br /> rity instrument covering real property. 'I'his \ Iortgage shall hc go��erned hy the Iaw of the jurisdiction in which <br /> the Property is tocated . In the e�-ent tLat auy �irovi�ion or clause of tliis \4ort.�a{;e or tt�e Note conflicts with <br /> applicable law , such conHict shall not affecl otLer � �ro�•ision� of thi: \lort�age or the Note which can be given <br /> effect without the conflicting provieion , und to this end the � , iovision, of tl�u \ lurtgage und the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 1& sorrow�r's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a ronfbcmed copy of this �lortgage at the time of execu- <br /> tion or after recordation l�ereof. <br /> 17. Trmfsl�r o! the Prop�dy; Aosumption. If sl ! or any part of the Property or an interest therein ie sold <br /> or traneferred by �orrower without Lender 's pria• written consent , excluding tal the creation of a lien or encum- <br /> brance subordinate to this Dlortgage , i b i thc creation ot ei E�urclia,e money security interest for houaehold appli- <br /> ancee, ( c ) a trunsfer by devise , descent or by operatiou ui law upon the death of a joint tenant or (d ) t�he grant of <br /> any leasehold interest of three yeare or lesa not ��ontainiug .tn option to purchttse, Lender tnay, at Lender's option , <br /> declare ali the sums secured b,y this '.�Songage to l,c inw�edixccl}� duc and payablc. I.euder shatl ha��e waived auch <br /> option to accelemte if, prior to t2�e �;ale or transfer, Lender anit tLe � �ersun to whom the Yroperty is to be sold or <br /> transferreci reacl� agreetnent in writing t6at the cretiit of sucli jiernon i.: Dutiefactm•y to Lender snd that the interest <br /> psyable on the sums srcured by chis \lottgxge shall b� at aucli rute as Lender shall request . If Lender has waived <br /> the option to accelernte provided in thiE ��arngrapli 17 and if Bm•rower's .uccessm• in interest lia� executed a writ- <br /> Len aseumption agreement accepted in writing by I.ender. Lender �hall rclease Barrow�er lrom ull obligatione under <br /> thir Mortgage and thc Note. <br /> If Lender ezercises such option tu uccelerate, Lender shall � uuil Borrower notice of acceleration in accotdance <br /> witli paragraph 14 hereoi . �uch noticu el�all providr a ��eri«1 uf not trr� tlian 30 duyc from the date t�he notice is <br /> mailed within which Borrower ivay ��x5• thr ,wiia �leclured �lu�•. If }iw•rower f'ails to � iay sueh �wns prior to the <br /> expiration of such period , Lende - may . without further noticr or � ieuiand on I3orrower, in��oke 3n,y remedien per- <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereoL <br /> '.��UN - j.� NIFON ]N C�OV6NANTF. RUI'1'0�4'PI' A71({ I.euilrr furt-l�er co�•enaut and ag•ree a� follo�cr : <br /> 19. Aeeyl�ratioa: R�m�di�s. F.zee�,c u> � �roci� l���1 in � �:tra�;r:i � �li 17 h ��reof , upon Borrower '. breach of an�• <br /> covenant or agreement of Borrower in tl � i� \Iurt �;ziK�• . inclwiinq th�� �•oecnant� tu � ixy µ hcn due um' sums ,ecured <br /> by this \iortgage, Lend�v� � u�or to arei�lrratiuu ,liall ❑ �nil noticc tu Borru�ror :s� � n�o� idi•d in � �aragru��li 14 l�ereof <br /> specifying : ( I ) tl�e breach : i 'li thc urtiun rcyuirc�i tu curc .ucl� brcach : � 3 � a �iut�• . nut les� than thirty da,ys <br /> from the date tl�c notice• i. n�aile�l to Rurru�+��r . I �� �� liieli cu�• I � I �n;u� li � uust In• cwcd ; un� l 141 tl �ut failurr to c�ure <br /> duch breach on or tie[ore the date specitied in thr nutic�� � uu�� re.ult in e�cceleration ot th�• rmn. .crured hy this <br /> 9lortgage and snle of the Yroperty� . lf the brencL �. not cured ur, ur betore the dnt�� �prcified in the notice , Lender <br /> at Lender's option maY declar� all of the Suu�. �ccured I ,�• thi. �lort �;age to be imu�cdiutcly due and payable <br /> without further demand and may forecloer t liis \tortKa�e by i udi�•iul proceedin�;. Lender .hwll be entitled to collect <br /> in such proceeding all ex{��enses of (oreciosurc . ini�lu� linK , hut uot liinit �•d to , �•ost5 of iioruu�entary evidence , <br /> abstrscts and title mport. . <br /> 19. Seero��r's Aight lo Rsio�tat�, \otwitL.tundinK Leudei'� accelrration ol the swu. �ecured by this <br /> Moetqa�e, Borrower shall have the right to ha��e aiiy proceedinKs be�un by I,ender to enforc�� thin �9ortgage dis- <br /> eoatinued at any time prior to entry of s ,judK�uen[ enfW�einK tlu, \ IurtKaKe- if : ix � BorroNer pays I,ender all <br /> uutrr vhioh wouJd be then due under thie Jlort�;a�;e , thc :�ote :�nd notes arcurinK F'uture Ada•xncrt , if anv , had no <br /> acceleratiou occurted ; � !� ) Burruwer currt aii i �riu. i ��•> ui au � uii �rr .•u� i•nant .� ur Y�;re•emrnt� ut 13orrower con- <br /> taiaed in thie !14ortgage ; ( c ) Borrower pay. all rex�uuabl�� rs� �ru.r. iuivirm�i b�• l .rndrr w �•n (on•ing thr covrnaut,c <br /> sad a�reea�enf� of Borcow�er contsined in this .\lort �u�e and in enforoinR Le�n�icr'� reniedier t�n � �rovided in para- <br /> Qrap6 18 hereof, includin�, but tiot linlitcd to, reasunuLlr attw•ney 'x tee• , arni � d � Rorrower takes such action ar <br /> I.ender may masonably require to unsure ttiat thr lirn ut Wis \1urtKage . I.rnalrr�� iutemst iu tl�e Proprrty and <br /> Borrower's obligstion to pay the sums securecl by thi� \iort�a�;i� �hall c•ontinui• unimpaired . tT� �un .uch �iayment ,': <br /> aad eure by Boero�ver, t6is ?4lortgage and the obligation� �E:cumd hereb�• �hull remain in full fa•ce and effect as if w`"' : <br /> no aeeeler�tion hsd oocurred. t?' <br /> � 7�. A�i�rMt e! ��a1rr Appanli�t o! 14e�iv�r; I,�d�r in poy�a�ion. As additiona! yecunty here- �� <br /> uoda', Borrowar hereby aeeigns to Lender the rents of the Properh� , pro�•id��ci thst Aorrou•er chall , prior to acceler- <br /> at3m uader pa,taQraph 18 hereof or abancionment of thr Pro��erty , have the riQht to collert and retain such rentr - <br /> � ti� 6eeeme due and psyable. <br /> Uyan aeoe�ention uader �uragraph t8 hereof or ahandonment of' the Yropert�• , l.ender, in �.ernon , by agent <br /> or by judieially appointed reoeiver eha11 he entitled to enter uEwn . take �ws�e�:sion of and iuxnaQe the Yroperty " <br /> aed 4o esileet ti+e rente ot the Property , ineluding those ��a�t due. .al ! ri•nt. i-olle�•t.rd t �v I .rud�r or the receivi�r <br /> ehnll be applied lirat to puyment of the cosLs uf t�xA�y(en�eut ut tL� I'lu��crly au.l cuil�•i liuu ul rrut .� , iuciudiuK , hu� <br /> not limited to, receiver'E feea, presstiums on rcxeiver'r Iwodt und reawnablr attornev '� tre� . xnd thcn � o the �un�a <br /> recered by this Mortgage . I.ender and the receiver Fhsll h�• liuhl� to x�count onl�• for tlio.c� ri�nt � artualh• r���•ei ��ed � <br />