<br /> __ � �
<br /> not extend or post}wne the due date oi the ii�ontlih• iu,uilliuent, r��ter:ed to in puruKraph. 1 snd� 2 hereof or
<br /> chsnge the au�uunt of such installmente.
<br /> 10. Bo�:ower Not R�i�as�d. Eztensiou of the tiuic 1'or paynient m• modificsfiou uf amortization of the sums
<br /> eecured by tl�is �lortgage gra,nted bv I ,ender t,o uny �iu�cessor in intereer of Borro�cer shall not operate to release ,
<br /> � in any manner, the liabilitv o( Uie original Borrower und lion�o�er�r'� .uccessor� in intereFt . I:ender shal! not be
<br /> requireci to commence proceedings against r;ueli successor or ri•fu.e to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> amortization of the sums secured b,y thi: \ lortgage I �y reasou ol' :mt� demand madc by the original Borrower and
<br /> � Borro+ver's euccessors in intereet .
<br /> 11. Forb�armue by I.mder Nof a Waivsr. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> � hereunder, or othenvise afforded by xpplicabte ] ax• , shsll not l�e a �vuiver of or preclude t6e exercise of any right
<br /> or remedy hereuuder. Thc procurement of insurauce or the � �;i}• n�eu� of t �xes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> � shall not be a wuiver of Lender's right ta acceleri{te the maturity of the indebtednes, secured by this 'blortgage.
<br /> � 12. R�m�di�s Cumulati�s. All re�nedies provided in t6i.< \fortgssqe are distinct. and cumulative to �ny other
<br /> right or reinedy under thi. \lortgxg�� or at�ord�cl h�- lu��� or ��quir ��. ami ina�� h�� c•xercised concurrently , independ-
<br /> ^ ently or successively.
<br /> ^ 1S. Sueesawrs �d llraigns Bound; Joiat and Several Liability; Captioas. 'I he coven;mts sud agreementF
<br /> herein contained shall bind , and tl�e rights hereunder �hall inurc tu , thc re�periivo ,uceessors ai�d assigns of Lender
<br /> und Borroaer, �ubject to the provision. uf � >ara�;�:y �li I ; her�•ui . :� II �•u� enant • ;in� l agrrcnicnts of Borrow•er nha11
<br /> be joint and se�•eraL Tt��• �•KF,t ;��,� :,�� i i ���:«i;�,�;� ul tlie � �urx�;r.i � , h � uf thi � \ IortRugr are for cmivenience only and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or defin�• thc � ,ro��i .<im�. hr-r��ul.
<br /> 1�. Notiee. Any noticc tu liorro�ca� r pro�•i�livi fur � u tlu� \ IurtR;i�;�� .hull b�• �;ic�•n by uuiilin�; ,ueh notice b�•
<br /> certified mail addressed to }3urro�� cr :it tiu� Yruficri } :1 � idrr..: ..tuc �•� i h�� l�»v . oarr� , t iur nu�� notiri� required under
<br /> pnragrapl� 18 6ereol to be gi �•i�n to Bor�v�� �v iu ilu� ivauu� r � , n•�erihu� l Iry :t � ���li <uhl�� la�r . :1n}� ❑uti�•e provided
<br /> forin tliis �lortga,g�� s6all f �i• deemrnl tu Lavo Li�on �;iv��u tu fiurru�cer �rii� u Ri � ou in th.• �u�tnnrr de: igu:tted herein.
<br /> 15. Uaitorm Mortgage; Gov�ntinq L¢w; Severability. 'I'hi- lor� u of � iiort �;�gr �•o�nbines uuifortn co���nants
<br /> fornational use and nou-uniform covenuu[� �vitli li�uite� { � ai•iatiuns In� iurisdiction fu constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrument covering real y �ropert}� . '1'his \lortga�,c .hall I �o �;ue<•rue� i li�� tLe la�+� of the jurisdiction in whieh
<br /> the Yroperty is located . L� the event tl�at a �ry pro��ision ur �• lause oi thi. \fortp;u�;e m• the Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law , such conHict shall not uNcct otlier � n•o� isiun� of thi� \lortgage or thi� Note which can be given
<br /> eHect without td�e conflictiug � �ro��ision , and [o thi� rnd thc � �ro�• ision, ol thc A9ortgage uncl the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 1& Bo�sow�r's Copy. Borrowr.t shall be furnished a runfm•nicd co� ,y uf this '.1lortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after x�ecordation l�ereof.
<br /> 17. Tr�r o! the Prop�rty; A�sumptioa. If :ill or aup � ,art o[ the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> ortransferred by Borrower without Lender'.s ��rior writt ��n consent . excluding � a ) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brunce subordinate to thi�, �1ortKuge . i hi th�• �reation of a� purrh :, •�� mnn,•�• .ecurit}• interest for liouseliold appli-
<br /> suces, (c ) a transSer by devise , deescer�t or hp operatiun ui lu��� u� xn � tho dratii o!' e� joint t.enant or � d) the grnnt of
<br /> any leasehold interest of three years ur Iens not c�untainin�; ;su u� rtiuii tu � iurchasc , I ,ender �nay . sst I.ender'� option,
<br /> declare all the nums tiecured by tLis 14ort,gage tu be iwu�rdiat ��h� � { u�• :in� i � �a��abl��. Lender chall I�a�•c �+•aived such
<br /> option to accelerate i[, prior to the sale or transfer, L�•uder ruui tlie � x�r.un to « ho�n the Yroperty i. to bc sold or
<br /> tranuferred reacl� agreemeuc in writing tLut the ��redit ut �ui•li � �er,un i� satist�ctor�• to Lendcr und that the interest
<br /> payable on the sums �e��ured by thia liortg:�ge cliall I �e ut � urh r:iti• u. L��nder ,hall ra{uest . If Len3er hae waived
<br /> the option to accelernte provided in thi. � iaragruf �l� 1 i aud if liorrowrr'. .uccc�,�or in interest has executed a writ -
<br /> ten assumption �gteement uccepted in ��•riting b}• l ,ender. Lrndca• .hall release Borrow�er from all obligations under
<br /> this Mortgage and the A'otx.
<br /> If i.ender exercises sucL option to accelerate , Leu�er sh:�lf � uail Borrower notice oi acceleration in accordance
<br /> witL ��aragraph 14 heruof. �ueh noticc rliall � �ro�- id�� a � �eriod oi uot li�.. tlian 30 dat•. froni thi� dxFe the notice is
<br /> uisiled within whict� Borruw�e!• wuy � ,a�• tlu� cimi, doi•I;� 7•r�i �lur . li }iorruwcr 1':iil� tu � �;�y �uch .uuis priar to the
<br /> eYpiration of such peri� , Lrnder u�at� . �cithout iw71u•r nuti�•�� or � 1em:uul ou 13orro�cer . iucoke suy retnedies per-
<br /> mitted by parsgraph 18 hereof .
<br /> 1�'ox- l ' x �Foea� ( 'ovt: Ner•rx. tiurrowrr .in�l L��ndc� r furihrr �•o�-euant auui ttg•rt•�� a � f'ollu��•H :
<br /> 16. Aee�ratioa: R�m�dise. I�are� �t u< � u�u�� i� lo� l in � ,:u•a�r.y � l � 17 lu�reof . � � � �on lim•row�i• r'. hri�s�•li of an�•
<br /> covenant or agreenient of Borro�c�•r iu ihi.. Alurt �,:���� . iu� • lu� iiu�! tin � �•o� enuntn tu � �:iy �chcn �lu�� any ..�un �, �ecured
<br /> by this \lortgaRe, Lend�•r � � riur to a�•�•t•lerution , fiall iunil uutii•i� ti.� liurruwi�r :�. � �ro� uii•il iu �iarriRra� � li 14 Lereof
<br /> �pecifying : 111 the brea�li : i2i th�� actiun r�•yuinvl iu <• ur� � >u�• I � bri�:ii�� f � : i31 x � iut ��. not Ic., thtsn thirt�• dayr
<br /> fron� the datc• tho noticc i� � uailcd lu liurru�ri�r . I � � �� I �ich .url � I �rc: , cli iuu.t b�• �• �iiv •�i : ,in, l i41 th :u fttilw•o to i•urc
<br /> nucl� LreacL u�� ur br[ore tl�e date .pe�vfiecl in tl �e uuu�•�• uia� re�ult iu aci•eleration uf th�• ,uu�. .ecure.l bv thiF
<br /> !4fortgage and sale of tl�e Yroperty . If the br��xcl� i. uot cur�•�I or ur be(on• tlio dat �- s� xrciti�d in tlie notice . Lender
<br /> at I,ender's option �uap deciare all uf t6c �uui. ,i•eurrd Lt• thi� \lurtKa�;�� tu br im�ue�liutrh• dur ,ind payable
<br /> without furtherdemand sud may' iore<�lusc• thi� \ IortRx�;�� b� iiuii��ial � a•o�•cedin� . Lendcr shall I �e entiUi•d tu collect
<br /> in �ueh pruceeding ul ! expen.es of forcclu.� n• . inclu� lin� . hut nut liinit �rd to , r-o�t ., of �1u�• u � nentar�� a��•idenrc• .
<br /> abetracts and title mport..
<br /> l� ���s �7�• � $��Q�• � OCN7tIlet :il]�I1[1(; Lrnder'.� uce.• leratiun uf th�• .uiu� secured bv thie
<br /> Mort;s6e, Borrow�er ehall have the right to ha �•e any � �rcuc�eding. F,e�;un ! n• Lrnd�a tu �•nfurve thi. \1ortKaRe dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of x � udKn �ent euioTr•� n�; thi� �lortqaKe iS : � n � liorrow•cr pnys I.ender all
<br /> eume w�hich wcwld i,e then due under + hi. \ lon �;a ;_� � L � \ otc an; : r. ot � . ,c. uri �i�; }' i.iun A,3 � :u�c��t , ii au� . I�ad uu
<br /> acoelerrtion occurred : Ibl Borrower cure� ali brr:u• h�•r i,f an� uther ro� on:u�t � a• u�; n•�•n�cntv of Sorrowrr con-
<br /> tained in thsa Mortsaqe ; Ic ) Borrower payh all rrssunabl�• ��s� x�n.e, incurre�i h}� L<�r. d�•r in vnturrin� thr c�ovenants
<br /> snd a6reeenente of Borrower contained in thi. \Iort �;:�Rc :ind in cn }'urvm�; Lcn�lor:, r�•iu��dic, �s � �rucidrd in paru-
<br /> �raph ld hes�sf, including, hut not limited to , re��onsbl�• ;�tturn���� '- i��e•� : :uu { id � Borron•vr takea , uch action a.;
<br /> L.eeder roay re�rousbly requirc to eseure that thc lien of thi� \ IortKaKc , Lendrr'.� ir.terent in the Property and r'L,
<br /> Bo[tV�rer's oblqatioo to pay the sums etiecureti bv thi. \1urtKa�;r .hall i•untinu�� uuiwpxinvl . ['pou . uch pnyment . . _ �
<br /> �ad cute by Borrower, this ;1�fortQa�e and the obliRutiw� ��eurcvi Lrri•h�� .hxll remain in full fo�re and eFfect sa it
<br /> � � � �. �
<br /> �. Ai$�d d ��: AppeiNMat eI l�o�iwr: I.�ad�r in P'aaseasioo. As additional security here- ,.
<br /> u��der. Bornovei' hee�ebg assigos to I.eiuler the mnt� ot thr Propert �• . � uo�•idcd that Aorrow�er shall , prior to acceler- �_ -.,
<br /> stiOn ut�der ¢tr8�t3ph 18 hereof or akwuduiuu�:Ut, uf tl��• Pro��rnv . ux � �� tt�e nKht to rolle�•t and rntam �uch rentF
<br /> �e ti�e�• �eee�r�e due and payabic.
<br /> Upsa �eeekntian under para�{di 18 hereof or aF�andonment uf tl�r Yru�ie�t �- , I.rnder, in �.enwn , b�� agent +�
<br /> or bY jrdieidiy appaieted receiver sltaU be entitled ta enter u�wa . take �wr.i:e��ion of and u�anaKe thc Yro�x•rtv
<br /> uld to mlJeEt tl�e rent� of f6e Pre}�e�tf,y , i+Mi�wiin� th�w T+e.t �ar 411 r•enr .� rollret ed h}' I.cn�lcr ur thi rr. ci ��vi
<br /> �6a!! bE �ppiied 6ert W paytpent of the ooste of manaqement �f thr Yropc�rt �- and <•al ii�rtiun uf n�nt > , inrludinK , hut
<br /> �rot limited to, r�e�eiver's fees, premiumc on rcveiver'� bun� i= aud rea�onxhl�• xttorn�•y '* 1�•��. . tmd thon to th�� .mn• �
<br /> reoWned by thfs Moet�age. I,endcr snd the rei�ei�•rr shnll tx� liubl�� to xrroant unl � for thu��� rrnt . xi•hualh� ri���rici��i
<br />