� �
<br /> C�TATE OF NEBRdE3SA, County of ..................... . .. .. ...._ _ . .
<br /> Filed for record and eutered iu '�lumerical ludrx
<br /> oa ............................................................ at ................ o'cluci. _... . .... 31_
<br /> and reeorded in Deed B,ecord ............................... Page ...._. ...,.... _. _
<br /> ........................................................... By ..,....................._ ......__ ___ _ _ _
<br /> � County C1erle or lleputy C',ounry i Y�rk or
<br /> RegiRtEC Of Deedi L')eput}� Ra'gistrr of Uc�-ila
<br /> 77_ 007124 WARRANTY DEED
<br /> RUDULF F. Pi,A'PL and J�:ANNICF: 12. PLA'I`E, ttusbanc9 ar�d WifP, eacYi in his
<br /> end her own ri;,ht and as s��ouse of each other
<br /> , tierein call�-d the grantur whetcsr oce oi !r.�re,
<br /> ia connideration o1 SIX 'PIiUUS AND SLVr:N HiJNDitL:D a�'D ?�TU/100'1'Fi:� DOLLaRS(.y6, 'JOO.00�
<br /> recelved Srom grantee, does granL, barpaln, sell, c:�nvey und cu��firiu unto
<br /> Da_t�Y z�v*vi;srrir;vr.�, iuc.
<br /> herein called the grxutee wheth!�r ��n� or ruore, th� f;,lluw�ng described real property in
<br /> IIall County, Nebraska: NEBRASS MP T XENTARY
<br /> ................................................................_
<br /> DEC 12 1�1�
<br /> Lot Sev�,n (';�, l�onner View Siuhdivision, i —G..�=-BY-'��
<br /> lial.l County, Net�raslca.
<br /> To have and to hul�i the above descri6ed l�reuusra tuKr.ther with all tenements, heredita�nents
<br /> and appnrtenances tliereto belou�;i�aq unto the grant�•�• .u��3 to p�rar�tee's heirs and a.�.�iqi�.v furever.
<br /> And the grantor does hereby co��enant wit2i th�• qrautee and with �riuiter'a lieir� and a�cignr
<br /> tlxat grantor is lawfully �eised of said prernises; that tliry are free from eucuwbraure exce��t for
<br /> easements and restrictions o£ rescord
<br /> that grantor has goud right aud laK�ful autLurit� to euu<<�' tlie �awe; nud that greutor warrsate �nd will
<br /> delend the title to said premiseb again,t Lh�� la�cful �•l��ima uY all ��rrsons �+�ho:nsoever.
<br /> Dated December ytl� 19 7'J r
<br /> /� ..... .......�... `,7✓l,r���•••.'��
<br /> ............................................_.....,._....._._.... .. ..,..... . ..�....'.
<br /> ...... . ......
<br /> I:u<9ol f . atP
<br /> (�
<br /> ............................................................ ..._ _.___ .,,�._ _... �.. .,..�F.',,,�',.�c�.
<br /> . . ... __
<br /> J�annice :t, Ylate
<br /> �TATE OF NEBhA6KA, Cc�uutv of _.. ..._Hal.l_ .__ _.
<br /> Pc'.�ur�� �iir. :i �,�,Iar•. ��iib:�n� , ,.;,!�:�-�l f��r n�i�l „ .:ul�, ��rrsuna�l} C,Sme
<br /> 1:L'DULI' F'. PI,A"1'L' and J1:ANNII:'r; 12, FLAlE, fiusband
<br /> aucl W3fe, eac}i in tiis and t�er uwn right and as
<br /> spousP of Pacr other
<br /> kno�t-ii tu iur• iu Le tlir �il��tiUr-:1 �rrrz;vu ur En•r�uun Nl�u nigned the
<br /> foreqoiug instruiu�nt w��3 ackiiu��icdRe3 the exeeutiau thereof to be his, «'�
<br /> her or their volu�tary eict and deed. �� ��
<br /> ���p�� ��
<br /> � WitneSe nr�� hand and uotarial sral u„ ..�x7.e,G.se.st�./...��..�.�.7�........ '�t.
<br /> f^/I� � /�]/� a, �
<br /> M�Y►rIM'��M�r/ .. ..... . _.__.........�WG�ytrf�Z...G..j...c9Q.7:'an...� \�6rry i. ..L;:.. ..� �.
<br /> �iM�i M�A / t71 p �
<br /> MOr1�.i�.t�1,�. 97� vt�niu�i.�sluu ex]>iren }��!t./i�..2... ]9 a.�......
<br /> ' 0
<br /> F�rm Y-'L ApYrovc�o bY NrarrsKu n4:... Hu, �.oe�xr...��.,. s�..,.,.,a tv....._, ......._„ ......
<br /> �
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