r �
<br /> I ��- �
<br /> ,; i U07122 :
<br /> 52-A--qEALESTA�'L- M(.�f.":r,GE._(W�lh'f�' i.'.I..i:ati.� �.tif..-�.;�.�t ���f;:?� 7Le}1uEmr�Cirdra�SulrylyHw.y. L.r.:.,l:- .��� �j
<br /> . "_' '.�...__....._ .�___�'_'_'___.._.. .............�.�__ '.'.' "'___'_.._ ._._....�_..... _... _.... ..... _._. __...t'._».__..
<br /> KNOW AI,I, nu,u ss5� rrrr..sr r�taf�:�,!,^.�• rr„� Donald Loeffelbein, Per�or.al ilepresentativje
<br /> of the Estate of Minnie Kruse, deceased
<br /> � ot �9.�.�. :unfy.;ai�.l 5r.�t„...: Nebraska .�n cunsidereti�.n�n th,-;iuu o( �
<br /> � One Thousand Nine Hundred forty ($194�.��) - - - - - - - - - - - - vr�1.L�Hs1
<br /> in hazid paid, do hr.r.�ciy :iF'1.:_ s.mt C< ".tti'i'. sinn. +
<br /> Lenora Binderup �
<br /> ot Hall r.,,,�n.. �,�:,<,. .,� Pdebraska ,. r„u<,..„�e.d.•��.;�,.���,:��,.��d ntwecea ,
<br /> in HHll 1;uuiii�: .�,�.i ticatr �,f iJ@b.T'88}S.r7 ,W-uvit:
<br /> i
<br /> The Fasterly Z2 feet of Lot 5 and the Westerly 2?_ feet of Lot 6,
<br /> all in Block 2, in Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall County, I�'ebraska �
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> � �
<br /> The intention hFtinK t� r. .��ry l�.�r��h,. ��r� �, .,.i.i, ���I.- ir, :�, .,impl�� � �.i�iJ�n_� :ill �he nF;hta u[ hoiu�•ateed and duwec �
<br /> Tfl IIAVF: ANU I�I)�HVf.'+ i.�.��,:.�rnis��s�ni,.�� di�ycniti��.. with :�ii ir�� .�n�nntr��unct•n iharrun6�� txlonging. unW the x8id
<br /> mo�tRagvrl�) end tu hi.:. h�r , ; iL.u� h.�,n u„J ne��r,�i�, lur�•�� r ��,n�..��ir�� ..�Ix..� . ;�nd thesr preaents a[r upon the expreos �',
<br /> a�ndit�uu tha! �f [l;c �.:.�d ni�•i�'.+�;.�.i�t��. 6�.,. �,r ,�r ti�,��r n. i... �ar:u�rr.. ,��iwin�nt�uf.�,ra ur a��iKur shr41 p:iY w cauee W be :•
<br /> �. pei[1 tu ihe srf�d ru� t�•uF,•�.•tsi tu. :,�.� : . ��_.., ;�.vrn .�,_...�"r.�, � I 1 $ �4 �
<br /> .�,In•,u..,cr.,..n:,�.r:�.iigu.,. th�• inn,:�,ulauinuf. 1� 0,��
<br /> W+yablcanf�,il��w.,, w..�:i $�D.C��i� � :_I�Ci.U�1.1tE'; .._:: '.:E.':'@:t at �? �:-u pPY' 1riIlU[ri� D3y3[JZG ��
<br /> January l, 1978, and a like amount of $70,00 on the fir�t d�y of �
<br /> each month thereafter
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> � .
<br /> with interest ace„rding r.0 riia f.•u�,� :�mf .�1}.�rt �.,f [fiv m�rrtgu�;urn wntri•n i��n�mic.a��ry not.r t�aring rven dale with theae pre�eata i
<br /> . and ehall pay all taxrs nnd ;,.,..,...�..�ui. i.,,,•,I u�n��n ea�.l nexl o���tr. nnd xil,:thrr t�xre�.{c�v�.•e:cu:.t eu;raeimrnts Irvied ufx>a�thir j
<br /> mortgage or xhe noti• ..��h�,i�� tlii. n�„n;�:� �'�v��n tu -��ure� Ix�fi,n� �hv .:.n,o t�r.rum�•x delmqucna. nnd keep ttx buildin�e ao
<br /> reid premises inauro�l t�.r t}�o ,un� ��f T 3L �1@c7ut '�1'1P. ���;��y'�,'4CR�e lo thr�ttid urortgag�, t6en thexe peeYeRb t
<br /> � to be vo�d. edherw�ne• t�.� h.- ;irid r��iu:u:, ui full t�n.��� .
<br /> � IT IS FUH7'Fl1C1{ Ar:RISF.I� i li 7�hai if U�.- .+a�d rm,ri,:,,u�,e �:h:,�` fuil cn ��ay e�uch taxee ur pmcure etach ineurance, the -:
<br /> s8id mortgaKer m.�y {,ay �:ucii r.».�� ancl ��ii,i��ir,r s����h insu�-•in.r�. �n�i ;��� atrn vu xulvunced. with interest ec eleven p�+,r �
<br /> � cent, shall be repaid :,� .ai�d m�n-tF'.:i�;nr au�l Hiis rn.�rt�;a�!r nhxl' >tand u, s����untv fur the xutne. (`L) That a failure W pHy 9ny 'i
<br /> �� ol aa�d monry. .+Ythrr ��nnripxl �.� ,^.�:-;.,...t ai��.�n thr sam�• I�v;,.�... :}:�r�. ,�r u feilure 1+� tnKnply with any of the fo[egoi[� '.
<br /> aQt'eemenls, shall cause lhr wh�.lr ��m ..�t i::�•n„v h.•r.•in wrvrr�i t��F hn•��omr dur and i•nitcvrtible at oncr at the optiva of the �
<br /> . mortQagee. � .
<br /> syrndd ir,;e I C— �ia, ,r Dec ember ��� �
<br /> //./
<br /> � ,�.�r�i.<4✓ c� � . ..,-��'c CL�u •.. -.
<br /> � In pr.•s.ni�� ,,d . ;
<br /> Donald Loeffe�bein, Persor�l
<br /> __._
<br /> ??epresentat�ve of t� e l,state
<br /> ,, ._c_ _ _.....__ _...__...._ ,
<br /> of ,�„r.ie ._ru.�e, �ecea:.ed
<br /> Td ebraska ',.al i
<br /> STATE OF �'�,�,uts ,,
<br /> $e[�n! mr fl niHarv ��uhli�� �ii��)ifii•�{ f��r •:ai,! :���r.t� i�rr�,,,i�;�ll�•�-.�i��. '�(ln:i�f:j T r)r f rP�hP�»� T'-n^�(lnal
<br /> Re res .���� i:he Fstate of h+;.nnie Kruse,, deceased,
<br /> entical UrrBun ��r �iF=��.�+.ns whu .uRn..d the fureg<>inR inYtnl7Rent and &Clcnowl[+dged tE1e eleLLtioO
<br /> � ,�r�t��ir vulu�itxry a��i �ind .1.����t '
<br /> � Witnbr aiy hrnd and not r.at �.enl .�EC@IDb('T' �1��� '�p IH��r
<br /> {� �,.y_. .. - r- �+u'7..0�.��� y �.
<br /> � "� D{�ir�miwioa �pirec:..F �I'.<6' 7 - . lY:� � M
<br /> • �--�Ie6nr P�blic. "
<br /> c. � t`'m �,�:
<br /> �' �'A'�OF... ... _..-... .I Entrred on numerical indez and 81ed for tecotd . �. p,.'
<br /> ........ ..._ . . ..__.. . {-,
<br /> � � . I � in the Registrt o[Deedr(M5cw of oaid C'ounty 46e � � � ;.
<br /> . t{ COW�t'Y .......... ....... _ ....... __.. .. . .
<br /> �,,� ' ._"_................day d ._._._.... . . 14 at . �.�Nork and . minutea .. . . ... M., ��., �.
<br /> t � aeil e+rmadad in Boolc.._ _ _ . oi Ht _
<br /> �.aKe. ..... w.
<br /> _ _ ._Rei. ot Lleed�
<br /> By _�v,+�y
<br /> s: , ._ _ � �
<br />