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��� <br /> r � <br /> i�- ()(!7 1_ 17 <br /> MORTGA('f <br /> - --�—� MUKrc:nct �.onti!vc�. L 22,926_� <br /> rtcxOW ALL MEN BY THF:SF PRESF.NTS:That penny R. Fi tzgeral d and Annetta M. Fi tzgerald. each <br /> in his and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> Mort�ugor_whrther one ur�rwre,in cunside�a[ion of the sum uf <br /> Ei hteen_Thousand Four liundred and No/100 --- ---- - <br /> --�-- ---- — ---�-- ------- ..____.._ _..------ --------- �-------�-----�----I�LLARS <br /> loaned tu said mortgagor by"fhe f:yuitable Buiiding end Luan As��ciatiun ol GranJ Is1a�W.Nebreslca,�9urtgager,upim 184 sharrs uf swck uC <br /> said ASSOCIATION, Certifica�e Nu. L 22,926 ,a�,hereby gran�, convey and mungage unw the suid ASS(X'IAT70N [ha fulluwing <br /> described real estate,srtuated in Hall Cuunty,Nebreska� <br /> LOT EIGHTY-FIVE (85) IfJ BUENAVISTA SUBDIVISION <br /> AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. HALL <br /> COU�dTY, NE6RASKA. <br /> togethrr with all the tenemrnts, hereditamenu and appurtenances �hrrruni�� b�•louging, m.luding actached tluor wverings,all wmduw xroens, <br /> winduw shades,blinds,storm w�mJ��ws.awnings,hrat�ng,au cundiu��nmg,and plumb�nE and weter eywpment and ac�essunrs thrmto,pumps,stoves, <br /> re(rigrrators,end u�hrr Ilxturcs und ryuipmnnt nuw�,r hrrenfter anached tu��r use.i in r�nmecti.�n wnh said real estatr. <br /> And whereas thr sa�d mortgagur has agrerd�nd dues herrby xgrec ihui thr nxn�igag��r s1�a11 nnd will pay xll taxes and assessments levied or <br /> assesseJ upun said pre�msr.end upun ihu mortgegr und thr b��nd scrur�d thcrehc h;(.,re �hr same shali hecomr delinyuent�.to furnish appwved <br /> uisurana up�.�n thr bwldings uu auiJ prrnusrs situaled m t6e wm�i(51 H�400.OO pnyahle ti� se�d ASS(X'IAT70N and w doliver to said <br /> ASSQ('IATION the pulicirs tia said msurence�.and nw tu cummit ur prrmn any wnste un ur abuut sa�d premises: <br /> In case of defauli in thr perfurmancr�if nny u(the trrrns and c��ndiiions ��f th�s murtgugr ��r thr bond secured hrreby,the mortgagee shall, <br /> un demand, be rntided tu unmediutr pussess�on��(the mungaged prrmiscs and thr murtgagur hereby nssigns, trensfers and se[s uver to the <br /> mungxgee all the ren�s,rrvenues and mcume to br drnved from the mortgagtd premaes during su�h tima es the nwrtgagr�ndebtedness shall remam <br /> unpaid;and the mortguger shall havr thr puwrr��appomt eny agrui or agrms tr may de�ur (.�� the purpuae uf repa�ring said prea�ises and renhng <br /> the sxmr and cullrchng the rents,revrnues end inrumr,and�t muy pay uw ul� said incume all exprnsrs ��i repxlring suid prem�ses and ne�:essrry <br /> commissiuns and exprnses mcurred in renting and nunegmg ihr semr�n1 ot cullecung ientals therefrom�, the balance renwining, if any, to be <br /> applied tuward the dixhurge„f'said murtgagr indebtedness:t hrae righu���1 thr m��ngager may be exercised at any time dunng the existence uf such <br /> default,irrrspective u(any trmpurary wafve�of ihe same_ <br /> Thrse Presen�s,howrver,nrc upon�he('�mdiuon,That �I Ihe aaid M.�ngag�x shall repaq �a�d luan on or befure the maturiry uf sa�d sharos by <br /> payment;pay mun�hly tu s�id qSSlx'lqTION ul thr sum��ecified ui�he bund secured hr�eby as intere>t nnd pnncipal on wid luan,un m befure <br /> the Twentreth day uf each and avery munth,untd sa�d luan is fully paid:pny nll�aaes and a>sestiments lev�ed egainst sa�d promises and on this Murtgage <br /> nnd the Bund secured iheroby,be�i>re delinyurncy�.turmsh appruved inwr�ncr upun thr buildmga�haroun in ihe sum u�5 �8�4�0.� pnyabie <br /> to said ASSOCIATION:irpay �u wid p550('IATIUti up�m lrmand ali munry hy n paid t��r>uch ceses,essessmen[s and msurance wlth mterest u� <br /> thr maximum Iegal rate thereun(rom date ul'paprt�en�ull o(whlch M���igagur hrreby agrees t.�pny:permit nu weste on sa�d prrmises;keep and cumply <br /> with all thr ngreements and condiuuns uf the Bund fo�$ �$�400 00 ihis day gwrn by ihe sa�d Mortgxgur w aaid ASS(x'IpT10N,and wmply <br /> with all the reyuiremrntc uf the Constitution xnd uf seid ASSIX'IATIU�I: �hrn thrsr presants shall becume null nnd void,.�therwlae thry <br /> shall remain in full (orer and ir�ny br furcdusrd ai thr upuun�d the seid ASSIX'IATION a(ter failure tur three m��nth+ w maAe any of sxid <br /> payments or be thrre nwnth�m airrnrs m makuig said munthlp paymems.�� w kerp and comph with the agreements and c�ndhions of wid Bund; <br /> and Murtgagur agmrs�o hnvr u rrcrrvr�app.�inted furthwl�h ir. �u��h fi�retlusure prucredings. <br /> If there is any change m�iwnership�+(tht real rs�ete m�+rtgagrd herein,bv salr ui othrrwisr, then the ennm remflming mdeb[edness hereby <br /> suurcd shall, at thr optiun�(The h:yuitablr Build�ng and Luan Assoclatiun u(Grxnd Islund,tiebraska,brcume immediately due and payable w�thout <br /> furlhri nuuce.�nd thr arnuuw irmuining dur undr� seid,anJ eny u[hrr bund ror nn��addrtwnsl advances made thrreundrr,shaA,tium thr <br /> date of ezerclse uf sa�d uptiun,bear intercst at the maximmn legal ratr,end tlus murtgage may then ba fureclused�u satisfy the amuunt due on sx�d <br /> Iwnd,and any uther bond(ur additional advances,together w�[h atl sums pa�d bp sald The l�'yunablr Buildmg and Luan Aswciatiun uf C:rand Istand, <br /> Nebraaka fi�r msurancr,taxrs and essessmrnts,and abstracung extrnslon charges, with intarrst thereon, trum date uf payment at the maximum <br /> legal rxte. <br /> As provided m the Bund secured herrby,while this murig�e remaina m etfec� the m�,rtgagee may hereafter advance additional swns tu the <br /> makers uf w�d Bond,theu essigns ur successurs m mtercst,which sums shnll br wrth�n the securiry ul thu murtgxge the sxme as the funds originally <br /> secured thereby,the wtal amouni u(principxl debt nut to excxed at any timr thr�,rigmal umuunt uY ihis murtgage. <br /> Dated this Q,LFt. day of December p,[),����] <br /> � . <br /> �- , ��,�,�_ <br /> Den y F� z �------ _ _ A'r+nett--a F1 �1�_ ', / . , <br /> . Fitzgerald ��� � <br /> i <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, � pn this gth. da of December <br /> COUNTY Of HALL Y Iv 77 .�fore me, <br /> [he under�ned a Nutary PubGc in and for wid Counry, rxmally came <br /> ( Deru�y R. Fitzgerald and Annetta M. Fitzgerald, each in his a�^id her own rigfit an�as spouse ; <br /> of each Otf121'� �'ho are personally knuwn to i <br /> me to bt tlfe identical perwn 5 whose name S df"E affixed w the above imtrumnm ys mortgago� S and �;they severally <br /> adcnrnvied�ed �he aid�nMn.n�enr tn ti. thei r�,�,lun!ary 3�t ar.Q 3eed. <br /> WITNt'SS my hand and Nn!nzu7 Sea!the datr aforesa.,:. ,, ' ., <br /> - / <br /> My Commisa�n ezQ�rea "`��� 'A � 'j ) � <br /> '_...__._. . . �-J�/"v// / / .' � � <br /> o�i-aY1u , .: .—:/ / r�___ ...._ _. --���..c �hlir____._ <br /> / Ma/ <br /> ✓ -� <br /> � <br /> t <br />