� �
<br /> � bTATE OF NEBHA3KA, (:ounty of .......................................................:
<br /> Filed tor record and entered in Numerical Indea NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY
<br /> un ............................................................ xt ................ o'clock ................ 3f., STAMP TAX
<br /> and recorded in Deed Reconl ............................. I'age ......_..................... �E L 9 ��7
<br /> .............g:._....................... .................. }3y ............................................................
<br /> � Couaty C1erk or Deputy C:'ounty (`lerk or $_.G '�_BY
<br /> Re icter of Deede Deputy R�•giater of Deede
<br /> STATE!'.,e:'�r� HY iriCtiE'D
<br /> , IIeI'PIIl called the grantor whet6er oae or more,
<br /> in con�iderarion uf SEVENTY—ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($71,000.00)
<br /> received from grauteeti, does grant, bargain, 6PII, l'UIIYPV NOf� confirm unto
<br /> STEPBEN M. BEACHLER and TRUDY A. BEACHI.ER, husband and wife,
<br /> a�a joint tenenta an1 not as tenatits in coir.mon, the YolloM�iug de.,cribed real property in ..............................
<br /> ....................
<br /> .Hall . .. . . Cbuury, Nr.brnska:
<br /> Lot Four (4) and Fractional Lot Five (S) in Block Fifty
<br /> (50) of Charles Wasmer's Third Addition to the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebsaska, and the complement
<br /> to said Fractional Lot Five (5) , being Fractional Block
<br /> Thirty-Four (34) in Morrill's Addition to the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebrsska, as surveyed, platted
<br /> and recorded.
<br /> To have an� tu hold tlir abocr �Irscribrd premi�r. together with all tenementa, hePeditamenta
<br /> and rppurt�nances therrtu beloe�gi�i� uiitu the grantres as joint tenante.
<br /> And grantm• does hrreby cri��euant wit}� the �rantrrn that grantor ia lsK�fully eeieed of eaid
<br /> p1'emireY; that they nrr frre from rncumLrance; they are conveyed SLIb �ECt t0 covenants�
<br /> conditions, restrictions, reservations and easements o� record;
<br /> that staator hae good right and lawful nuthurity to couvey the same; nnd that grantor wutaate and will
<br /> defead the title to eaid premises aqnindt the lawful claims of all persotia whomsoever.
<br /> Dated December 9 �
<br /> ' 712t.Q�..�.�
<br /> ............................_.... ........_! .........is . �!�J.�!':f..-�:�..... . . . ... . . . _ ��
<br /> (Dorot�Mi Y cl"reii"'Syn�io"r�
<br /> BTATE OF NEBHA9KA. C'owitr of ......_......F�s7��,1.... ........................................:
<br /> l3rfore xue, a notxry public qualified for stid county, penoaally came
<br /> Dorothy Mildred Synhorst, a widow,
<br /> kuuN n to me to be tLr identical person or pe�xons who �i�aed the '� ��,
<br /> ix ,
<br /> fore�oing inrtrurnent rnd ucknowledge the e:ecution thereof to be hir, �',
<br /> her or their volunt�r,y act and d�+d.
<br /> ..;
<br /> � i
<br /> Witnear my haad and notarial eeo! ou ......�C�r..,_�____t...1977. , ,�
<br /> r � , ,:r.%-„;.
<br /> .
<br /> �— � �
<br /> ......i.�.,:.�.5.-..�-;._w� � �/F->--o._.� ,
<br /> .�.................
<br /> ...............':.:r:........... Notarv Rihli� .,
<br /> Myeommiaion ezpires ..........�=.`.:4::..::.:..:::.�.....7............ 19�..:.......
<br /> Foru�4�,3 O�cevad by Nebrs�ka t3tate )iar A�aoeiation tim.�wou o...u.d.,H.�.
<br /> . �
<br />