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� � <br /> J�7- 007087 <br /> AlORTGAGE <br /> MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 22.923 <br /> rKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:Thai Larry J. E ri ckson and Debra R. Eri ckson, each 1 tl hl S <br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> Mor[gagor,whether one or more,in consideratiun uf Ihe sum of <br /> Eleven Thousand Nine Hundred and No/100------__-__-_------------------- ��Lw�s <br /> loanad to said rtwrtgagur by The F.quitable Building and Luan Associatiun of Grand Islnnd,Nebraska,Murtgsigee,upun �)9 shares of stocic of <br /> said ASSOCIATION,CertiFicate Nu. L 22�9Z$ ,do hercby grant, cunvey and mortgage untu the said ASSOCIATION the following <br /> dtscribed real estate,situated in Hall Cuunty,Nebraska�. <br /> LOT SEVEN (7) IiJ 3LOCK TWELVE (12) IN <br /> BOGGS AND HILL'S ADDITIOt�, CITY OF GRAtJD <br /> ISLa4D. HALL COUNTY, WEBRASf:A. <br /> together with atl the tenements,hrrcditements and appurtenxnces thercuntu belonging, induding a[tached iluur covermgs,all window ureens. <br /> window shades,blinds,storm windows,ewnings,heating,air conditiuning,anJ plwnbing and water eyuipmrnt and accessories there[o,pumps,stoves, <br /> refrigerato�s,and uther fixtums and equipment nuw or hercaCter attached to or used�n eunnrct�uu with said real rs[atr. <br /> And whemas the wid mortgagur has agrced end duas hrreby ngree tlia� the rnurtgugor shall and will pay eA tazes and assexsments levied ur <br /> assessrd upun said premises and upun this mortgagr and the bund securel thereby brfure the srm�shall become delinyuant:w furnisl�approved <br /> insurance upon the bwldings un said premises situuted m thr sum uf$�� �9QQ.QQ payable w said ASS(X'IATIOIV and to deliver to said <br /> ASSOCIATION the pulicies fbr said insurance:and not to commit or permit any waste un ur about said premises: <br /> in casr of deCault in the pedbrmance of any uf the terms and conditiuns ul this murtgage or tt�e bund secured hereby,the mortgygee shall, <br /> un demand, be rntitlyd to immediate pussession uf the mortgaged premises and �he nwrtgagur hrrebp essigns, transfers and sets uver tu the <br /> mortgagee xfl the rents,revenues end incume tu be derived from the murt�uuged premisrs during wch time as the murtgage indebtedness ehoU remain <br /> unpaid;and the murtgagre shxll have thc{x�wer tu appoint any agent ur agents it may des�rc fur the purposr of repairing said premises and renting <br /> the same and wllecting the rents,revenues and mcome,and�t may pay uut o(sald incume all eapenses uf ropriring sa�d premistc and neoee�ary <br /> commissions and expenses incurreJ in renting and managing the seme and ol' collecting rental� themfrom; the balance remaining, if yny, to be <br /> ypplied toward the discharge uC said mortgage indebtedness;these rights ul the mortgagzr may br ezercised at any time during thn ezistenu of such <br /> default,irrespective of any tem{uirary waiver of the same. <br /> These Presents,huwever,arr upon thr Cundition,That il the uld Murtgagor shall rrpay sxiJ luan un ui befuro the maturity of said shares by <br /> payment pey munthly tu said ASSOCIATION uf�hr sum sprcit3ed in the Bund secured hrreby es�nteresi and principal wi sxid loyn,on or before <br /> the Twentieth day of eech and rvery month,antil said luan is f'ullp paid:pxy all tnzrs anJ assessmrnis levied agamst said premiscs and on this Mort�ge <br /> and the Bond secured thereby,before delinyuency:furnish approved msurnnce upon thr buildings thrreun m the sum uf$��s9�0•�� payybk <br /> tu said ASSIX'IATION:repay w mid ASSOCIATION upon demand ell money by it paid tor such taxes,assessmen[s xnd insurance with intereet at <br /> the meximum legal rate thereon from date uf payment all uf which Murtgagur herrby agrces to pay�.permit no wastr on wid promius:keep and wmply <br /> with all the agreements and condi[iuns of the Bund fbr S ���9QQ.QQ tha day�vrn by the seid Mortgagor �u said ASS(X7ATION,and wretply <br /> with all the requireenents u(thr Cunstitution and By-Laws ut�said ASSOC'IATlON; then these prestncs shyll becumr nuU and void,utherwioe they <br /> shall remain in (u❑ (orcr and m•ry be forrclused at the up[iun uf the said ASSOCIATION atter (ailure fur throe munths w make xny uf xa�d <br /> pYyments ur be three munths�n arrrxrs�n making said munthty puyments,ur w keep and comply with the agreements and condi[ions uf said Boe�d; <br /> and Mortgygor xgrres to have a�eceiver appointed furthwith m such t�oreclosurr pro�•eedings. <br /> 1(thrre is any ctutnge in ownership uf the real estate mortgsged herein, by �ale ur utherwiu,then the entire remaining indebteMea hereby <br /> secured shall,at the uption uP Tht Equitablr Building xnd Loan Aswdation uf Grand Island,Webrrsky,becume unmedia[dy due xnd pxyable without <br /> � further notice,and the amount remainmg due under said bond,and any�the� bund fur any additiunal advanus�ruide themunler,�Il,lrom the <br /> date of rxercise uf said oplion,bear interest at the mex�mum le�}al ryle,and this mor[g�tge mry then be foreclosed to sotiafy the rmount due on srid <br /> bond,and any other bond for additional advanues,together with atl sums paid by said The F.yuiuble Building ynd Luan Aswcirtion of Grand Island, <br /> Nebraslca(or insurance,taxrs and aseessments,and abstracting extension charges, with interest thereon, from da[e o( payment at the mauimum <br /> lega!rate. <br /> As provided in the Bond secured hereby,while this mortgage remains in e(fect thr mortgagee may hereafter advancr additional sums to the <br /> makers of uid Bond,their assigns or successors fn interest,wtuch sums shall F+r within d�e srrurity ol ihis mor[gagt the same as thr funds uriginrlly <br /> acured thereby,the total amount uC principal debt not tu excerd at any time the original amount uf this mortgage. <br /> i�pated this `I,�t . day of pecember _ 4 n_.�v ]7 <br /> �„�(CJ j %-' ,, , <br /> ` ----_. _ �r.:1�_�`.__�2_!.._�C�"'.���.__ --- <br /> Lar . Erickson Debra R. Erickson <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,(� oo� �th. �y�f pecember ,y 77 ,�fq�,,,�, ' <br /> COUNTY OF hALL j � ' <br /> �. <br /> the underci��ed,a Notary Public in rnd for crid County,perwnaUy came t� <br /> � Larry J. Eri ckson and Debra R_.,��rs c�cson. each i n hi s and her own ri q�fit and as spouse of +� <br /> each othe r. W � a re �«�►�r���w��� '"��;„. <br /> me b be the idsntieai psran 5 vvl�f�rau!5. ��"6'�;�'fi�ced to the above innrumen�as mon�or S rnd theY yeverally �!�. <br /> actnowka�ca thc sa;a iacuuineru t�ey tale i r �ulwiLrrr�q yua srXd. <br /> W'!TN[SS wy luu�d Miui Aiut+uiri S�w7 tiMe Jyucrfurjjr�l. '' //JJ � <br /> My Commirion ezprtes� 7 /C��� ' -��(/y� �-� <br /> � '1_'— �t�/l��---- <br /> ��. . . � ' . ----�----- V.rrn�Pnhlic <br /> b1.W�J . .. .., . <br /> 1' .,.� f <br /> J <br />