<br /> r-- �
<br /> uot extend or poetpone tLe due date of the montlil�• iu�r, il ) nu�ut � rei'erred tu iu Eutia�;raphs 1 and `2 hereof or
<br /> change the amaunt ot suc6 instslLne�ts.
<br /> 10. BonowerNotR�leasod. Lxtension of the tiuic for � �ayment or modification o( au�ortizstion of the swns
<br /> seeured by chis �iortgage grantec! by I.ender to any � ucceeaor in intere�t oi Borrowc:r �hsll not operate to release ,
<br /> in uny itisnner, the liabilit}• of tlie original I3orro«�cr aud }3orro�cc�r '. .uccessorr iii intereat . Lender shall not be
<br /> � required to commence proceedings against such successor or reCusc to extend time for pav�neiit or otherwise modify
<br /> an�ortization ot the sums secured by tLis \lorigage I ,p reason oi :u�p demund �nude by the originut Borrower and
<br /> Borrower's suecessors in intereet.
<br /> 11. Forb�armseo by I.�ader Not a Waiver. Any torbearance by I.ender in exercising nny right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or otherwise afforded by �pplicable law , shall not be u �rai��er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance w• Hie � �ss��menc of tssxes or other ]iens or charges by Lender
<br /> ahall nat be a wuiver of Lender'S right co accelerate tl�e maturity of the indeb#edness secured by this 3Sortgage.
<br /> 12. 8�msdi�s Cumulative. All reinedies pro��ide�i in t6is \lortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> right or remedy under this \Iortgage or afford��i hy In�� ur c•quit }• . and nui�• bc� exercised concvrrently , independ-
<br /> ently or succeaeively .
<br /> 13. Sueeeason and Assigas Bouad; Joiat and Several Liability; Captiona. 'I'he coven:ints and agreements
<br /> herein contained shall bind , �ind the rights I �ereunder �hall ini � r� � ro, thc re,�iec�tivc ,uccessore ;md sssigns of Lender
<br /> and Borrower, subject to the provisionn ot � i:sru�ra��li 17 h��reof . All co�•enaut , an� i agrecments of Borrower ehall
<br /> be joint und se��eral . The ca��tion , and lii�ading� ni tlie � i.sr�i�;rn� �h. oi thi� Vurt �;u��� are for c•on ��enience only and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret m• define ti �e � �rovi�iun.: LereoC.
<br /> 14. Notieo. An}' noticu tu Borro�� .•r �� ro ��idi•� i tor in tlu- Vurt �;uR� >luill I �i� �;i �•� �u I �y� wailing �uch notice bp
<br /> certified uiail addressod to [3urro�ver at the Yrupert}� A �idre.� -t.�te� f hrlu�c . .�xc.•�rt iur urrv notire requirecl under
<br /> pnrugraph 18 hereof to bc givcn to Burro�a .�r in tlie ivann�• r � �n•.crilm� l h�� a� �E �licut�l�• Ia�r . An�• uotice ��rovided
<br /> forin this �IortKagc .hall h�• dc,eu �ed [o La��c t �ei�n �; � � en to Rurru�� cv �� li��n �i � eii in tln� manner � iesignat�rd herein .
<br /> 15. Uaiform Mortgage: Goveraing Law; Severability. "1'lii� ioriu ul' iuortga�;c eombines unifor�n co��enants
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenunts wit6 limite� i �•aria2iun� In� juri�dictiou to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrument coveriug real property . '1'hi, \lortgnge ahull L�• �;o��ernui hy the la�� of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located. In the ecent that uny � �rovision ur �� Inuee oi tl, i� \lort �;uge or tlie Note conflicta with
<br /> applicable law�, suc6 conHict shall not uffect otLer � ,ro� isiun- oi tlii.. \ lortgage m• the ATote which can be given
<br /> e8ect without tl�e oonflictiug proviaiou , snd to thi� end the � >ro��isions of tlie AIortgagu and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisl� e<i a ��onfm•med c•opy of this �lortgage at the time of ezecu-
<br /> tion or after recordation liereoi.
<br /> 17. Tzanst�r of the Propsrty; Acaumption. Ii :�tl or rn}� � �art of thc Property a• an interest therein is eold
<br /> ortraneferred by Borrower without Lender's � �rioi• «�ritten conseut , exoluding � a 1 the creation ot a lien or encum-
<br /> brence subordinatc to tl�is illortgsge, i h i the creation of a { wrclia.e �uoney security intere�+t for household appli-
<br /> ancee, ( c ) a transfer by devise , descent or by operation ut Ia ��� upon the deatli ot u joi��t tenant or ( d ) the grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of thrce ��esrs a• le�� not cont �iniug uu o� �tiou to purcliase , Lendei• may . ut Lender's option ,
<br /> declare sll the sums eecured bv thi; 1lortgage tu be iu �uwdiairh• � iuc :xu� ! � �uyaC� le. Leuder shull have w�sived e�uch
<br /> option to accelerate i1, prior to tlie aule or trensier, I.endcr ;uxi iLv � ,crwn to wlwni thc Yruperty is to be sold or `�
<br /> transferred reacli agreemen� iu �rriting t6at the eredic uC .ucli l �er�on i� �utisfactoi•�� to I.end�•i• :and that the interest �
<br /> payable on the ,urns secured bV thi� \fortgag�• .hall I�e at �uc�l i reuc u� Lrnder .hxll reyuest . If I.ender has waived �
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in this paragrapl� 1 i snd ii �iorru��•ei• 's surcessor iu interest lias executed a writ- �
<br /> ten asaumption agreement accepted in w�riting by l ,ender, Le�n<�ler .httll release Aurrower f rom all obligations under �
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note. �
<br /> If Lender exercises sucL optiou tu uccelerate, Lendcr shu: l � uait }3orrower noticc o1 acceleration in accordanee 0
<br /> witl� j�aragraph 14 hercof . �ucL naticc ,luzil pru� idc u � �eriui! ui uot Ic�. thun 3V du}•s fron� thi� d�ttc tt�e notice is �
<br /> mailed K'1LI117! whicl� Borrower uiay- pa}• tlie �wn. di�clurrd � iu�•. li' }3urru�� cr lail, to � �:iy .�uch , un �. prior to the W
<br /> expiration of �uch period , l.ender muy� . �� nl �out furtlicr nutic�� • nr � le�uaud uu ]iinro�ser, in ��oko an}' mmedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 I�ereof.
<br /> �Iozr• - l ' xcFox�ni CovMxenTr. tiurroti-i• r � nd Len�ier t'urth�• r eu�-�� nt� nt :u�d aK•rei� x � follo�v �; :
<br /> 18. Aee�brattioa; R�medise_ ISsc•e� �t :i.- � � ru�� i� le� l in � �: iruRr:i � �li 17 liereol . u� �uu Borro�cer '. brruel� of an�•
<br /> covennnt or agreement of Horru�� er iu thi.. \lurt �;.i�;c . in��lu� i � uy; tlu co����nant � tu ��:i}� �clu•n �iu�� uny �umn ..crw•ed
<br /> by tl�is \lurtgage, I.rnder � , riur to ace�•lerutioi � ,lixll ucul iiuticr tu 13urru�� i� r :i� � iru � �d�•�i in � �:ir�sgruph 14 liereof
<br /> vpecifying : I11 the t�reaeh : � 21 t6r uotion rcyuire� l Iu rwr �ucl� I �rcacl � : 131 a de�tr , not Ie.. tLan thi�tt� daV=
<br /> 2rou � the riate the noticr i� �nxile�i to liurru�� �•r , h} �� hicli ,iii• i � I � re:u•li u �u.t li�• i� ur��d : anii i41 rh :xt fail � u•�� tu �•ure•
<br /> �uch brexeh on or before tlie datr s��ec� ified in th�� nutice ivay� result in aceeleratiuu af tln• .w :�- tieeure�l bv this
<br /> �9ortgs6u und sale of the Yroperty- . 1 ! thc brcucl � is uut cw�e•.i � �u or betorc� tlii• � i:it �• .Exr� iti��il iu tlir uuti��e , Lender
<br /> ut Le.nder's optian inay dcclurc :tll of thc .wu. .ei•un•d I ��• rlu� �lort�;a�;c to tu� inunediat ��h� �iue and payable
<br /> w�itliout furt.her de�nand an�i n�ia}� foreelo�e� tlii- Vortku��� h}� .iu� iici.� l proeredinu. Len�irr .hxll be entitlr�l [o coilert
<br /> in +uch proceedinR sll rxpensr� u1' ioreclo,un• . ini�lu� lin� . Inii uut liiuit �vl to . ru..t . u( ducunit�ut �tr�• eaidi�nce.
<br /> abntraets and title reporte. �
<br /> 19. Doieow�i• Aiqkt to R�indat�. Votw�itL�tun� im�; Lender '. ac�•eleratiou uf ttn• ,wi�� .ecurrd by thie
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right tu hx��r any� �vuceedin�;� beKun h�� L��micr tu �•nfor�c thi. �lortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judKiuent i•n(oreinK thi� � Iort �;ak�• if � in � Borrow��•r � �xy, I .ender all
<br /> �ums which would be then due under thi� \longu�:e , thc lote :uid nutr. srcuriuR Futurc :ldcauce� , if an}• , had no
<br /> aecel6ratioa occurred ; Ihi Borrower i•ur�n all 6renrh�•. ut :tn �• uthi�r ru� �•n�uit , or n ¢mc•in�•nt. ��f Rorrow��r i•on-
<br /> tained �n this 9lorGgage ; Ic1 Borrower paye all n•ss�unubl�� �•a � u-u,e. in�•urn•� I fn• I ,cndrr in i�n (or�•in {� thr coernantn
<br /> snd agree�sente of Borrower contsined iu thi. �lurtKu�;e and > >i euforc��nK L�•n� ior'. rrmedier xr � rrovideci in pars-
<br /> �laplt IB hereof, including, but not limited to . rra�unxhlr ;ttttirne�• '= fc•e� , uml i �1 i Rorrower ixk��h �ueh setion xr
<br /> Leader msy reseonsbly require to assure that the lien ot thi� \1ortKa{;c . Lri �der'n inter��rt iu ti�e Yro��eny snd
<br /> Borrow�er's obligation to µay the sums securcd by thi� �IortKa�;�• .<hxll �•untinuc uniw��airi��i . [ '��un ..uch pxyinent : �
<br /> and cute by Borrower, this '.biortgage und tl�e obli�;atiou� �eeurrd h��reb� .hall rcn�niu in f ull forv•r an�i i•ti�•ct as if
<br /> no aeeeleration had oecurred. �r
<br /> � !. � eE B�sh: App�at af R�e:�iv�r: I.ead�r ia Poys�sion. A, ndditional �rcurity hem- -"
<br /> uoder, Bureow�er ttereby aeeigna to I.ender the rentr of the Pro��rt �� . � ����•i�jc•ii that Bnrro��•er shatl . Prior to acceler- � , 8
<br /> rtioa undee par�raph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Yroi�rty . ha�•c thc ri�ht to rollect and retain euch rents
<br /> is t,M�r beeemr due u+d �ayablP
<br /> UFwn aeoeleration uhder �u�rrgr��li IR i�F•rrw,f or xhxn.ionm�nt nf * hr F'm��Prrv , l .ernl�r. in �•er�on . h� sgent
<br /> � by judieiiily appointed receiver ehaU be entitlyd to enter upon , take ��on�e��ion uf and mnna�e ttia� Ym�xrty �
<br /> a4d to oallaet the rents of the Pro�perty , includinK tMoee ��ast due. .111 rcotn rollt•et�r1 In� T.i�n�ler or the rrcei �•rr
<br /> ahsll be applietl 6rat to psyment of the coato o[ �nunagemrnt of tl�e Yror,erty aiid collection uf rrnt � , includinK, liul
<br /> tWL I�auted to, recerver'R fees, �iret[Lums on mceiver',: Iwnd� a��d rexsonxfile attorr�ev 'o- A�c�� xnd theu to tl�r nutn
<br /> �seoured by this Mortgaqe. I,endtr �nd the rnoeiver Flisll hc• liable to n�•�ount unh� for thorr rrut � arxu;ilh� ro�,�•i� e•d
<br /> �
<br />