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<br /> 77- 00708 .?, M O R T G A G E
<br /> LONNIE D. IaAVIS, AND JANETH C. DAVIS, Husband and Wife, as joint tenants
<br /> each contracting in his own right and as spouse of the other,
<br /> hereiaait�r caIIed the aaortgagor, in conaidarati� of the sum of ----------------------------
<br /> FIFTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED A1VD NO/100--------($15,600.00)------�pLLAIiB
<br /> in hand paid, receipt ot which is hereby aclawwledged,do herebY Srant,bargain,sell and convey uato:
<br /> ib a:ccessors and assigns, hereinafter called the mortgagee, the following deacribed real estate situated in
<br /> Ha 11 County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> All of the easterly Tt-iirty-one and seven tenths (31.7) feet
<br /> of the southerly Eighty-seven (87) feet of Lot Eight (8) ,
<br /> in Block Seven (7), of Kernohan and Decker's Addition to the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebrask�.
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<br /> th all buildiap. imDrovemea4. E�ctures or a�purtenaaoaa now or hereattez erected t6areo4 lacludict+�+PD�-
<br /> atus, eQufpa►ent, Sztures or articles whether in sintle uaits or centrally coatrolled, nsad to suyply heat, ps, air-capdi-
<br /> limin�.�vater.liiht,pcwer.refriQeration, veatllation or other services. aad any other thin` now or hereatter therein or
<br /> th�sem, the lurnithlne of wktich by lawn to lessees 9s cuatomary or appropriate, includinY screem, wiadow rhadas,
<br /> �ana doon�nd�vindows. 11oor coverings.screen doors.in-a-door beds. awninse. etovn and water h�ten (all o! which
<br /> ase declared to be a part ot said real estate whether physically attached thereto or not); and also all rents, Issuee snd
<br /> proIIb of s�id premises wbich ate hereby pledEed,assiyned,transierred and set over unto the mortQagee.
<br /> All rents and income from said real estste received by the mort¢aQee hereln,after payment oi such espensee�s mort-
<br /> �aace a6a11 coosid� aece.sary or proper to iacur for the D�servatioa, uperation, maintenance or repair o! said real
<br /> ertate,shall be aDDlied uDoa the indebtedness securod by this mort¢a¢e, includin� taxes md insurance, but in na evmt
<br /> shail morfsaQee be reQuired to apply upon aald ladebtedners ur to account for more than the rents and incoau actuall�
<br /> re�:eived by it lrom eaid real estste, lees sucl�expenses.
<br /> Upon re4uest o!the mort�agor the mort;egee may hereatter, at its option, at any time before lull Dayment o! this
<br /> mort{aee, make further advaacea to tde mortgagor and the ssme, with interest, ehall be secured by this mortya$e;
<br /> provided, huwever, that tkse amount of principal secured by this mortBa¢e and remeining unpaid, ahall not at the tune
<br /> o!and iacludinF any such advance exceed the ori�inal princiyal sum secured hereby; and providic�p turther that if the
<br /> mott�aLee, at ib option, ahall tnake a further advance ar advaaces as aforesaid, tl�e mort$aQor a�reec to execute and
<br /> deliver to the mortgapee a note to evideace the eame, Dayable on or before the maturity of thia morteaQe s=►d bearin�
<br /> euch other terms as the mortQs�ee shall require. The mortgagor does cuvenaat and aeree to and with the mortgsaee
<br /> to tepay all ach lurther advances aude as atordaid with laterest; that such further advances and eacL note evidencin`
<br /> !he same shall be sxusod by this moet�ase; and that all of the covenants and a�reements in this mortgaQe contained
<br /> dull apply to sueh luetY�e dsuoe� es well ae to the original priaciDal sum hereia recited.
<br /> pROVIDIED, however, that tLese prorents are on the following conditioos:
<br /> 1'hat the utd mortea�ors hare executed and delivered to said mortaayee a promissory note to repay the sum of
<br /> money above mentioned. �rith interent thereon in payments as set torth in eaid note, and have also agreed to kcep the
<br /> buildinss on�aid e^eal e�t�te iowred a�ainst 11re. toiaado and 2�ai1 svith loss payable to the mortgagee as ite interest
<br /> maT�DD�'.ead pay all faxa.s�eCi�l aese�smenb and ineurance yremiums on said premises before the same become
<br /> dNi6quant.
<br /> Now tha�dore, if the asld mortjryors, their grantces aad aaaigns,shall yay or cause to be paid the satd sums o!mone�
<br /> vhen due as ret laeth ln said aote aad ia thfs awrtSaLe, then thne presenb s6all be aull and void; othrswise to be aed
<br /> remaia in tull lorce and ellset aad this morfs�e �hall stand as aectuity for all aasounb mentioned in said prominor�
<br /> �eM�sd !ar�!1 amouab �dweeed b7 t� moeti+�!» Li�ereunder. aod a failure to pay a�LY o! the asnouab so �ecured
<br /> ar!o empl� �h rq ot tl�e �eemmfs oontaiaed 1n s�id note or in this mort�aee shall esu�e t6e mtire am h�a�efa .
<br /> relOri!o il�ea��dY�a�d celLetlbi!aR aaee at tbe option Ot tlfe moe'tsa�ee. ""� "r'
<br /> a� �; :
<br /> � � D.ui�. 8th �s oe December •u 77 . w�rt ,
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<br /> eth C. Davis
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