r �
<br /> ( BTATE OF NF8RA6SA, Count� of ........................................................:
<br /> Filed for record and entered in Nnmerical Indez NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY
<br /> oa.........................._..............................._.at ................ o'clock ................ M., STAMP TAX
<br /> sad recorded in Deed Bseord ............................... Page ..............................
<br /> .................... DEC 81977
<br /> ......................_.................................... By ................:.......................
<br /> Couaty Clerk or Deputy County Clert or � .��.. y�� /�
<br /> r Register o!Deeda Deputy $egiater of Deede iaG..7:.�._.BY �-+'
<br /> 77-. QU7078 W�ggANTY DEED STq7EFv1Ef�T ATTACFd��
<br /> George R. Allamby and Sally J. Allamby, Husband and Wife,each in Hia and Her
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other , herein called the graator whether ona or avse�
<br /> in coasideratioa oi Twenty-three Thousand , Five Hundred and No/100 ($23, 500.00) Doliars
<br /> recelved from grantee, dcea grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br /> Royce L. Ruhe
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, tbe following described real prnperty ia
<br /> ....................Hall..._..................................... County, Nebraska:
<br /> The Northexiy Sixty-six feet (N66') of Lot Four (4),
<br /> in Block Nine (9), in Wiebe's Addition to the City
<br /> of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraeka.
<br /> To have and to hold the above dee�cribed premises together with all tenements, hereditameats
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And the grnutor does hereby eovenant with the grantee and with grantee'e� heirs and arcigns
<br /> that grantor ie lawfully seiaed o! said premises; that they are free from encumbrance
<br /> except easements aad restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good riglit and law£ul authority Lo convey the same; and that grantor warrants snd wil!
<br /> detend the title to said premiees against the Ixwful cluims of all persons �vhomaoever.
<br /> Dated ,�.4c,�,,,�s„� ,yT 19 7�
<br /> ........ .......... .... ............. ............... . ....... � ..�.-..,��...,,����.............
<br /> C �� ge R. Allamb,
<br /> _ � ,
<br /> ................................................................................._ �...��'.�:-.�..:...C�...�.�.,5�-.-.��.-
<br /> ...'. .� . ..............
<br /> Sally � ' llamby
<br /> �1'ATF. OF NEBRASKA. County of ............HALL..............................
<br /> I3efore �ne, a notary puhlir yuxlifird Por saiii county, peraonally came
<br /> George R. Allamby and Sally J. Allamby, Husband and Wife
<br /> each in Hie and Her own right and as spouse of each other i
<br /> know•n to me to be tiie identicnl pereon ur persone who aigned the .3+
<br /> foregoing instrument and acknowledged the ezecution thereof to be his, �'
<br /> 6er or their voluntary act sad deed. I „
<br /> � Witae� my hand and aotarial seal on ..f1...�.i.�.�'.�..-xw.r�S.t.:er.....,P..".�.,�...i9.�I...�...... ' "
<br /> M>R£RT J.I.ESMO �,�i' _�L � _
<br /> -r' ,
<br /> Wi.r.:�.;amrv SYat-ot Neti� ............./.,L� .ir.•.^v',�. _a�-�y....... .... Notary Public
<br /> .
<br /> MY Cemmiszion EaRM�Y 4 ,,� :.
<br /> �y,rd a4. 157A ��• �ommiroioa ezp�res ...� �� .... is 7.2.....
<br /> Tora� E3 Approved bv Nebe�aska State Har Aa�octatian rwo.�wwr p,,.u..,�.,iv.a.
<br /> �
<br />