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<br /> � �
<br /> �7. UU7�'75
<br /> �� � MORTGAGE LOAN NO.L 22�924
<br /> KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS-That Raymond L. Shriner and Joyce A. Shriner, each 1►1 f115
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> _-_Mort or,whether one ur more,in wnsideration oC the sum uf
<br /> 888
<br /> Fiftv Five Thousand Six Nundred and ;�0/100---- ----------------------------- �LLARs
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Fquitable Building and Loan Asux:iatiun of Crand Isiand,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 556 shares of stock�f
<br /> wid ASSOCIATION,Certificate No. L 22 92Q. ,du hereby grxnt, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOC'1AT10N the following
<br /> deccribed real estate,situated in Hall founty,�lebrxska:
<br /> WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.
<br /> together with ell the tenrments, hered�taments anJ appurtenances therruntu belongmg, including attached tluor cuvenngs,all winduw screena,
<br /> window shndes,blinds,swnn winduwr,awnings, f�reting,u�r condihuning,and plumb�ng and water eyuipment and atceswrits thereto,pump:,stoves,
<br /> refrigerators,and other fixtures and rquipment nuw or hereaf�er attached[o or used m cunnectiun with seid rcal estate.
<br /> And wherees tht said mor�gagur has agreo3 and does hereby agree that the m��n�;agur shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this murtgagr anS the bunJ securcd thereby betbre the same shall become delinyuent;to(urnith approved
<br /> insurance upun the buildings on said premisrs siwated in thc sum of SS5 600.OO payable w snid ASSO('IATION and to deliver to said
<br /> ASSOC'IATION the policies(or uid msurance:and nut tu comm�t or permi't any waste un ur•ebuut said premises;
<br /> In cau uf deCault in the perfbrmance uf any o1 the rerms and cundiGons uf'this murtgage ur tha bund securcd hereby,the mortyagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be enciiled to immrdiate possession uf the mortgxged premises and the murtgagur hereby assigns, [ransfers and scu uver to [he
<br /> murtg�gee all the rrnts,revenues and income to be derived(rom the murtgaged prcmises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the power ro appuint any agent or agents it may desire fur the purpuu of repairing said prcmisrs and rcnting
<br /> the same and coikcting the rents,revenurs and inwme,and it may pay uut of said incume all expensas of repa�ring said premises and neassary
<br /> commissions and rxpenses mcurred in ren�ing and managing the samr and ot collecting rentals themfrom: the balance remaining, if rny,w be
<br /> applied toward the dlscharge of said mortgage indebtedness;these rights uf the murtgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence of such
<br /> defrult,irrespectivr o(eny trmpurary waiver of the same.
<br /> These Presents,however,are upun the Cundition,Thrt�f the said Murtgagur shall repay said loan on m be(orc the ma[urity uf sa�d shares by
<br /> payment;pay munthly to said ASSOC'IATIQN uf�hr sum specified in the Hond secured hereby as incerest and pnncipal un said loan,on or befure
<br /> the Twrntieth�y u(each and every month,until said luan is(ully peid;pxy all txxns nnd assessments fevied against wid premises xnd on this Mortgxge
<br /> and the Bond secured thercby,befu�e delinyuency;fLmish app�oved insurance upun ehe buildings thereon in the sum uf'$ 5S.6��.0� payablr
<br /> to�id ASSOCIATIONt repay tu said ASSIX'IATION upon demand all munry by it pe�d (ur such texes,assessments and insurance with interest at
<br /> !he mazimum Ingel rate thereon frum date of payment all uf which Mortgagur heroby agrees to pay;permit no waste on said premises;keep and cumply
<br /> with all the agreements and conditions of the Bond ior 5 55.6Q�.Q0 this day given by the seid Mor[gagor to said ASSOC'IAT10N,and comply
<br /> with all the requirements uf the Constitution and By-Laws of said AS$OCIATION;then these presents shall become null and void,otherwise they
<br /> shall remain in full furcr and may br forecluxd at the uptiun u(the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months w make any of said
<br /> pryments or br three munths m nrrears in making w�d monthly paymrnts,ur w keep xnd compiy with the agreemems and cunditiuna of srid Bond;
<br /> and Mvrtgagur agrees tu have a receiver rpp�in[ed furthwith in such fureclusure pruceedmgs.
<br /> Ifthere is eny chxnge in uwnrrship o(thr realesute murtgaged herein, by sale ur u[herwiu, [hen [he entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured shall,xt the uption of The F.quitable Building and Loan Aswciation oFGrand Island,Nebraska,becume immediately due andpayable without
<br /> further notice, and the amount remaining due under said bond,and any uther bund tbr any additional advanc;es made thercunder,shall,from the
<br /> Jate of exttcise o(said option,berr interrst at the rtwximum legal rate,and this mortgage may then br Corcdused tu sstisfy the amuunt due on stid
<br /> bond,ynd any other bond(or sdditionsl aJvances,together with all sums paid by sxid The Equitable Building and Luan Association uC Grand Idand,
<br /> Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abslracting extension chargas, with interest ihereon, from date uf pxyment at the maximum
<br /> legal nte.
<br /> As provided in Ihe Bond secured hereby,while this mortgxge romains ln effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums tu[he
<br /> mrkers u(said Bnnd,their awigm ur sua;eswrs in�nterest,which sums shall be within the security oC this mortgagn the same as the funds originally
<br /> aecured thereby,the total amount uf principal debi not to exceed at any time the original amount of this murtgagr.
<br /> �,ced�n,s 7th. d,y„f December n ��,�v 77
<br /> _1
<br /> �2.....:t_ '�,_ ��� .� �.� -..=%t < i.,��
<br /> R nwnd L Shri ner 7�oyce . Shri ner
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. �. On this �th. day of December 19�� ,bef'om me. � ,„'�'`
<br /> r the underaigned,a Notary Public in and f'or oaid County,persc�nally came ._'+,�;,
<br /> � Ra;ywond L. Shriner and Joyce A. Shriner. each in his and her own ri�qht and as spouse of
<br /> CaC�! Ot�l'. w o a�..e perwnally{cnown tu "�'������
<br /> ms w bC Ure aieflU�al per�rm S WMne ntme 5 dT8 8ttixe4 to the above lnsirument as muregfgor 5 and they �,�r���Y
<br /> adceow�bd/ed tAe»id inarument to be thel P voluntary act and deed. t� ) � `
<br /> •'I7NESS my hand and Notantl Seal the date aforesaid. / � �,/
<br /> My Coem�urwn ezpiree .;' /i^ _7 ��/ r-� ,
<br /> _ ,. _._�_ / Gr1 ✓
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