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�;,,, <br /> � � <br /> STATE OF NEBR.ASS.A, County of ............................ ......................: <br /> Filed !or record on ................................. 19........ at._..................._...._ o'�lock ........ ............. llI. <br /> and reoorded in the Deed $ecord ................................. Yage ............................. <br /> f .................................$e ieter of Deede................. By ..............11e},ut.`..L'eg1,;;.........._.............._......... ..... , <br /> B� �er oY lleed� <br /> ��_ uo7oss <br /> SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY I3EED <br /> LEONA A. O'ERIEN, <br /> A Sing12 PErSOn , hernin called the grantur whe'.;:�--r ��n�� ur rni=,rv,, <br /> in consideration of ONE-DOLLAR ($1.00) , AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSZDERATION, <br /> received lrom grantees, does grant, bargain, sell con�ry and confirrn untu STANLEY K. O'BRIEN <br /> and DONNIE I. O'BRIEN <br /> as joint tenanta with right of eurvivorship, und uot as tenuut_� it� �orr�mu�i, ti�� foltuwing ;l�scril;ed �rnl <br /> property in ........HALL............................................ fuunty,\e6ranka <br /> A Part of Lot One (1) of the County Subdivision of the Northwest Quarter <br /> (NW�) , and the West Half of the l7ortheast Quarter (W�NE�t) of Section Five <br /> (5) , in Township Ten (10) , North, Range Ten (10) , West of the 6th P. M. , <br /> more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a Point on the <br /> Southwest Corner of Lot One (1) in the County Subdivision of the Northwest <br /> Quarter (NW�) and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W�NE�t) of Section <br /> Five (5) in Township Ten (10) , North of Range Ten (10) , West of the 6th P.M. , <br /> Thence running in an Easterly Direction along the Northerly Line of the U.F. <br /> Railroad Company's Right-of-Way �igtiteen (18) Rods; thence running in a <br /> Northwesterly Direction Twenty-Three (23) Rods & One Foot, Thence in a <br /> Southwesterly Direction Four (4) Rods & Eight Feet to the Easterly Line of <br /> the East Street in Powell 's Addition to the Village of Alda, Nebraska, Thence <br /> South to the Place of Beginning, Containing One and Half Acres, More or <br /> Less, According to Measurement. <br /> To have and to hold the above descrihed premiseti tn�;e•ther w•ith till tene�nent,, herrditniuenta <br /> and ippurtenaaces Lhereto belonging unto the grantees and to t�eir assigns, ur to il�e heirn and ns.i�na <br /> 04 the survivor oP them forever. <br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their aesigue and with the heirs <br /> and ae�¢gni of the Yurvivor o4 thetn that grsntor is lawfully =ritie�l of'sxid Y�reniises; that they ssre fr��e from <br /> enenmbrance; the Grantor herein does reserve herself, a LIFE ESTATE and <br /> use of the conveyed property and the Grantees accept the conveyed property <br /> subject to the LIFE ESTATE herein created; <br /> th8t Stantor h8e good right and lnwful xuthority to cu�iee}' tl�e �a:i��•; �n�l tliat �;rautor �carra�it, u,id «i;t <br /> de4end xhe title to saii3 pre�r�ises against the lawful eluims of :�lf p�•rsoua �,ci;uiuso�•��cr <br /> It is the intention of all partiea hereto that in the ereiit of' the �leatL nti either of ti�e�:, <br /> ttie entire fee t,itle to thia real proE��•rty �rhall c��.,t in tLe aurvi��ii��; gruutrr. <br /> Dated �� � 19 7 7. � <br /> .�' �• /') � <br /> / Z /T <br /> .................................................................................... �..�.,G�i�a..4.1..... ...,,._..�.��!!�-�.tlw.�.�� <br /> LEON A. O'BRIEN <br /> .................................................................................... .................................. .............._..............._.._ . _... <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ........, (,ount ot HA��.......................... <br /> ........................... .. .............. y ................. ....... <br /> Before me, a notury publie quulified for eai3 cuw�ty, E,ersmially �•a,iie LEUNA A. O'BRIEN, <br /> A Single Person, <br /> kaowa to me to be the identical perewn �740i1fim0 who siKned the foreRoinK iustrnment snd aeknuwle3grd t" J <br /> � the eseeution thereof to be]f�her�pc'bip[a[voluntary net and deed. � �;. <br /> ' ' Lhsn_ d�sa=tarial �eai on .. �" <br /> . ...�....... ........ 19....��."..... <br /> � JOHN A.WAOOtYER , � � <br /> � � GLYEkAI NOTARY ....�,•••:..... .. • . •. ... . .. . ..��G-�t'.i'�rai7 :'„„�,c .».: <br /> State oI Nebra� <br /> MYCom�ySs�onExplra � commir�eion ezpires ......_.... ........, 19............ <br /> Oeto6s�6,�� ........................... <br /> Form 42 To be x ro �«��.,e wdr e:�.. ��m+o.Kre�. <br /> pp te 13ar.,yqOCl7iffOA <br /> � <br />-{a <br />