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�-. <br /> � � <br /> uot extend or �iostpone the iiue datr oi the uiontlil�� iux � :illnu�n �. ri�ii�rre� l tu iu � ntr•:i�;rapl» i alnd 2 l�ereof or <br /> chsnge the aniount of sueL installme��ts . <br /> 10. Sorrower Not Roloasad. Lxtensiou of thc tiu�e ior � �;���n�<�nt or uioditicution �i ainortiaation of tlie �utns <br /> secured by this \lortgssge granced 1,�� Lender to ana .� ucces.ur iu iuterear of Bon�o�ver .:hsll not operate to release , <br /> in ssny �nariner, the liability of tlie original ISorro��•ei• un.i f3orro�vi�:• '� ,ucce�sar,; in inture�t . I.ender shall not be <br /> � required to coinmence proceedinq, ssgainet ,uch su�•ceseor ur r�•ius.• to extr:nd tin�c fw• payinent or ottierwise modif,y <br /> atnortization ot the sums secured by tl� i� \ [ortgaKe L�� reasu� i oi :im• deinami mu�1e b� the originat Borrower and <br /> Borrower's successors in interest. <br /> I1. Fosb�arance by Iwnder Not a Waiver. Auy lorbeuraucc l,y Lender iu exercising un�� right or remedy <br /> hereunder, or otherwise afforded b�• applicr�ble lei�c , shull not be :i �v �tiver of or preclude tlie exercise of any right <br /> or remedy hereunder. 'The �>rocurement of insuranee or tlie � ,;���mcut ut taxes or other ]ier�s or charges b,v Lender <br /> � ehall not Ue a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the in�ttm•ity of [ he indebkednes� secured hy this Mortgage. <br /> � 12. R�modi�aCuaaalative. All re�nedie� proaided in fi � i. \tortgu�;e sre distinct and cu�nulative to any other <br /> right or remedy under thi. \ lortgaqr or afiordc�� 1 � �� lu�c ur �•yuii }� . :in� i uia�� h�� vx�•r��ised �•aicurrently , independ- <br /> entiy orauccessively. <br /> 13. Sucee�ors �d 1lseiqsss Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captiona. 7'lu• cu���•n�tnts and agreecnents <br /> herein contained shall biud , aud tLc rights {iereun� icr �hull inuro w , thc re,per•ti ��o sueceasorti nud assigns of I.ender <br /> and Borrower, subject to thc pro��i�ion� oi � ru;«ra� �h I ; fier� •ui. :111 coc�•naut.: :in� l :s�;reem��uts of I3orrow�er ahall <br /> be joint und ae��eral . 7'he ea� nir.��n., an� l fioaciinR.. ��� i tlu• � iaraRr,i � �h.. oi tlii.• Alort �;a�;o ;u•o for �•un ��enieni�e onlv and <br /> are notto be used to interprer ur de(iu�� tli�• � �rovi•�uu., Irereui. � <br /> 14. Notice. An}� nutico t �, 13urro�� �•r � �roci� (��� ! iur iu [ Li� \ lurt �u�;o � iiall I �o �;i � �•u b�• w:iiling � uch uuticc b�� <br /> i•ertified � uail :addrrssed to 13urru�ci•r a� tli�� 1'ru� u� rtc .l � i� in�.. ,t :u � �� l lu•lu�c . �•xc�•� �t iur .ui�� noti��r reyuired under <br /> p:3ragruph 18 hereof tu I�c �;i ��rii tu ]iurro«��•r iu [ ho manz �cr � �ro.�• r� he� l I ��� :i � �� � liruhl�• la ��� . Any notiei• � �rovided <br /> forin thia Jlor6gage �hall bi� �1c� •mc� i to h:i�•�• h� o❑ �;i� cu tu B�nru�� ��r �chou Ri � in in tlu• wunner ili•xiKn:it��d herein . <br /> 15. Uailossa Mortgage; Govemiag Law; SeverabiGty. "l'hi� iurn � uti niort �;u�;e combine. uniforin co�•enunts <br /> for national use and non-uniform covenaut. witli ) iuiitc� l � :u�istion. In ,� urisdictimi to constitnte a uniform seeu- <br /> rity instru�uent covering real � �ropertc . '1'hi� Vurcga�;c shall I �o �;o��ern��� l by th�� la«� of the jurisdiction in which <br /> the Property is IocAted . In thc c�•cut tliat :Ln}� pi•o�•ision ur i•lausu oi this �lortgage or tl�e� Note conflicts witl� <br /> applicable law , sucl� conHict �h:�il ❑ot ;�ffe� t otLer �,ru�� isiou� ui tLi � Alortg:�ge or thu Note which aan be given <br /> effect without tLe conHicti�ig � �ro��isiou , :� u�i to thi� cnd the � �ru��isiai� uj ihe \lortgugc and the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. SorroweirCopy. Borrower ..hall h�• iurni.he� l ;� � nnfornx��! �•o���• uf this � IortRaKe xt the time of execu- <br /> tioa or after recordatior: l�ereof'. <br /> 17. Trans[er oi the Property; Assumption. I C all or su}• � �urt � , i thc Yropert�� or au interest tl�erein ie sold <br /> or transferred by Borrower �vithout Leuder'.� prior �� rittcn oun,ent , rxcludin�; ial tLc rreation uf u lien or encum- <br /> brance subordinate to this \lortgag�� . ib � thc ercutiun ut u � n� r,•ha .i� inoue�� .ecurity interest for household appli- <br /> ances, (c) a transter by devihe, ��e,cent or b}� upi•r.ition us L•i�� u� ,on tiu• deatli oi a joint tenvnt ur � d ) the grant of <br /> any leasehold interest of three years or lc•s. not <•unrtin �u�; :su u� ,tiuu tu ��urcluis�• , I,endi� r iux�� . at Lender's option, <br /> declare all the sums secured b�� thi, �fortguge w l ,i� iuw�cdiatel} � tu�• :unl � ,uyubl��. Leu�3er aLttll liu��c �� uived euch <br /> option to ucceler3te if , prior to t4e sale or tran,ier . l.ei�der au�i � li �� � x�r�un to wl�o�n the Yroperty in to be sold or <br /> trnnsferred reacl� agree�nen� in w•i•iting tli :�c cl�e rr�•� li� ui �u�• 1� � �er,un i. .,:iti�l .il'COI')' CU I,eudri• and that the int.erest <br /> payable on the sums srcw•ed b,y this J1ortKaqe •liall Ix• ut .• uol � rntc� ct� Lc•nder �hall myuest . ! f Lender ha� wai�•ed <br /> the option to accelerate provided in this � �aragrapli 17 and iS 13urro�ver'.� �u�•ce,cur iu interest has executed � writ- <br /> ten aesumption agreement accepted in �vi•iting b�• Len�irr, L��n�1er . hal1 r�•lease BurivH��rr lran all obligations under <br /> thie Mortgage and the ATote. V <br /> If Lender exercises sucL option tu sccelerute. I,ender shull uiuil }3orrower uotici: oi acceleratiou in accordsnce <br /> wit6paragraph 14 kiereol. �ucl� tiotic� .fu�ll F �ruci� l � :i � ��•riu� l ui nu� Ir» iluui 30 � Is��� iroui tlu� dat�� the notice is . ►± <br /> tusiled witLin wliich Borrowcr inaty � �x�- tlic smu. doc�lare�i �tu�•. li liunu�� ��r Lul� tu � �av .•ucli ..uiu, prior to the � <br /> expiration of such period , I.ender ma�� , ��� iUiout furtl�er notir�• or � { i•in:wd uu liurro�eer . in �•ok�� ain� remediee per- a <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 ►�ereof. G� <br /> � <br /> \ ox -l ' xtFuxM � �OVF: NA !2TF. HOI' YbR'Pr � tid Le���ier ftn•tli�• r �•uv�•� i:int atid a�;�r�•�• a. t'ollu ���, : O <br /> 18. Aee�l�ratioa: Remedisa Lsc•c�� ,t a� � � ro �'i� l�•� I in � �:u�uFi:i � � li li IureoL u� �un }iorru�� c� r '.• bres�•h of am� � <br /> covenant or agreement of Borro�+ �•r in ihi= \lorty;u �;v . iu��lu� linK tlic �•oe��uant � tu ��a�� ��� hi�u � 1u�• sn }• •um. �ecured <br /> by this '1lortgage. Lend�• r ��rior to no<•��leriution . liatll n �:til nut �rr r �� liurru���or :i. � ,ro� i� l �•d in � �arti�;r��� �l � 14 hrreof <br /> specifyinq : I1 ) ihr brr:ich ; � 2 � Uic :iruun rcquin•� I tu rur�• .urli I �ra�iirh : i31 r� �1atc . uot Ic.. tl �un thirty risyr <br /> from the datc [ lic notic�� i- � uail�•d to Hurru�� i�r. I ��� n hirl � .� u l � I �ro:. rl � iuu.t b�• o� no� l . xnd i41 th:u f'silun• tu ��iu•i� <br /> nuch breach on or bcPore tLr dat�� .��r��ified in tlu� notic�• � u:iy m.ult in x�•celc• ratiun u( tlu� .uin� ��•curcd 1 .�� tlii� <br /> '�lortgage and sale uf the Yro� �crt�y . lf the brracli is nut cur.•d „r ur I �elurr tli�� � 1:it �• .� x�ci}ie� 3 in tlu• uotice , Leoder <br /> at l,under 's option way declan• all uf [ Lr .uui.. �� •rUPI•tI I � �' liil. \lur� �;a�,i� t � � ht� �uuuc�dt:stol�' dur aud � �ayable <br /> without further �lemnnd ssnd u �a�• iureclos�• tl � i. \Iurt �;:1Ro b}� iu�lii iul � �ro���•��din�;. Lia�dcr �liull bi, � �ntiUc�� to colle�t <br /> in tiuch prureeding iill expe•nse. uf for��clo..uro . inclu� liu�; , hut uu[ liiuit�•d t � , . rust ., �il � iuc� unu�ntur�� <�v�drncc . <br /> ab�;tracts and tiUe report�. � <br /> lY. Eorrevr�is Rigk� co R•ia.tae•. � oewirh.,taniiiu�, Lrndav�'� uer.�l�•r:itiou o1 che suni� .��curi�d b�� thi. <br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to have illl�' � Il'OCPE'1I171k!.. hequu h�• L�•nde•r tu �vifurc�� � lii� \1on �;s�e dis- <br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judKn�ent ��nf'oTcin�; thi- � lurtku�e i ( : ixi �3urroNi�r ��a}�n I .ender all <br /> aums which would be then due under thi. Vortqa �;�• . tho \ote :uui nnte� .rcurSu�; H'utur�• A� i �•ancer , if an}• , had nu <br /> accelerstion occurred ; ibl Borrower curc. all t,r�•u� lu�, ui :�u . utl �cr �•u� � • n:ini . ur :.p �•.•u��•t�c. uf Borrow�er ron- <br /> tained in thie !biortRaRe ; Icl Borrower �,av. sll rv•:i�un:� hl� • � •� n��ii.� �< in .•urrv �� i h�• 1 rn � {�� r in , nfr,rrSn� nc �. �o��rr�:u�t � <br /> and agreements of Borrower contained in thi. \tort �;a�i� :in� l in ��uiur�•in� Lrn � l�•r', rr•niedie, u. � �rm� i�l�v1 in ��xru- <br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to , rruson:il �lr ;itturne}• '� it•c. , ;ui� 1 i � U };orcoH�i�r txke� nur•h action as <br /> Lender msy reaeonablV require to xssure thul thc lirn of ttii.� \iurt �a�;r L�•n� 1��r'.� im � • ri�.t in th� � Yru� ri•rty :�n�1 <br /> Botrower'e obligation to pay the sums secured bp thi.• \1ort �aiR�• � luill �•ontinu�� unim��aiir��� 1 [ '� ,un .u�h � ,xyment <br /> and cui^e by Bonower, thie !liortgage and the obligatious .eeured I�ere•b}• ,hall rewain in full forcc an� i i�ffrct }is it '*`'. <br /> no soceleratioe had occurred. ,• " s� <br /> 2A. Jtsi�at o! Sw4: ''� <br /> Aypolatmsat oi S�csivsr; Leader in Powrsion An additiunal .ccuritp hen�- <br /> � under, $arrower hereby aesigna to Lender the rent� of tl�e Propett �• . pro��i�te�1 that Horrower �hall , priur to �cceler- r�� <br /> sEion �der patsgrsph 18 hereof or absndonment of thc Yroperty , h:i �-�� r6i� riKht to rullert and retain �uch rnnte� <br /> :� �e <br /> is tl+ey beww�t�e due snd psyable. <br /> [Tpon aeeelerstion under para�tapl� 18 hcrcof or s6undonu�� rt � : tL. Pu, } . L.�i��i�v . iu � ��vnuu . Ly dKrui <br /> or by jitd��isliy at+Twinted receiver shall be entitlyd to cntcr upoc: . t :ikc � ��» � uf � n�: i � ,:.i..��;� tL� 1 'r.,},� rt } <br /> iod W Collect the rente of the Praperty, incltulinK those �iatst duc. All rcnt � c�olle�•te. i I �} Lcndi•r or the mc•ri�•��r � <br /> sbsil be applied Srat to {�yment of the coeta of managemrnt of thc Yropeny� an� i �•olle�•tiun oi r�•nt > . � n�• Iud �nK . Inrt <br /> 110L �1IDl� t0� 1'P.CC1V0r�R ffC6, �)I'CRIlUtT1A OO tt`CE'IVBI'�r �1OIN�� rifH� M}i50i1HfIIP ;4ftflt'OPY �t fra�n eUu � t ��Pn t �� tfi✓ �un�� <br /> eetured by thu Mortgaqe. I.ender and the re�+eiver �hxll be Iiable to aecrount oni �� fo7 thu�c r��nt � artu;illa r� •�•e•i� ��ii . <br /> � <br />