<br /> r �
<br /> F i R ST SHORT FORM 35029 1 '-' S0
<br /> LINCOLN -----e,���h-----TYoa
<br /> � FORM No.2„ (Rcv 8-72)
<br /> �7-�����,� KNOW ALL MEN BY THE3E PRE3ENTS
<br /> THAT..........Dflv,�d..{J....$cheffler._and_.Marilyn.,Olds._,Scheffle_rx..husband and vife�_.jointly_.and each
<br /> in their own right
<br /> hereinafter called MorLgagora,in consideration of the sum of.1WD_HUHDRED..Tl3IRTY.iQINE.AND..36l.1A_0..
<br /> ................._......._._.............__.........._.........----.........................._._........_....._......._. .____....._.........._.............. . ......
<br /> �a 239.36 ) �LLARS, the rec.�eipt of which ia hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br /> and CONVEY an abeolute title, including all the righta of homestead and inheritance, unto FIIi3T
<br /> Mostgagee, its aucceeeors and seeigna, the following deecribed teal eatate, Situated in.._..... 11a11
<br /> . _.. .... _. ._.....
<br /> County,�tate of NEBRA3KA, to-wit:
<br /> Lot 1t�elve (12) and the East Thirty-five Feet (E35')
<br /> of Lot Eleven (11), Block Seven (7), Original Town of
<br /> Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> TU HAVE AND TO HOLD the real egtste above deecribed, with ell appurtenancee thereunto
<br /> belonging unto the said Mortgagee, forever, provided alwaya, and thie mortgage is upon the ezprees oon-
<br /> dition thst if the aforeeaid Mortgagore, their heirs, executors,adminiatraton or asei�s ahall pay or caure
<br /> to be paid to the eaid Mortqagee, its succa�ssors or aesigns, the principal sutn hereinabove set forth, all
<br /> according W the tenor and effect of a certain inatalltnent note of eaid :�Iortgagora bearing even date �vith
<br /> this mort6age, and shall pay taxes and aaaessmeats levied upon eaid real eetate,and all other tues,}evies
<br /> and aseeesmenta levied upon this mortgage or the note which thie mortgage is given to eecvre, before the
<br /> asme or any inetallment thereof becomee delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwiee to remain
<br /> in full force.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the eaid Mortgagot shall fail to pay such tazes, the
<br /> Mo gag may pay the seme and the sum ao advanced with intereet shall be paid by ssid Mortgaaota,
<br /> andrtthis mortgage shall stand ae aecurity for the same. (2) That Mortgagora covensnt w�th the Mortgaaee
<br /> that they are lawfully seized of eaid real estate and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate
<br /> against the lawful claim� of all pereone whomecever. (3) That in cae�e of a foreclosure of this mortgage,
<br /> the plainti$in auch proceedings ehall be entitled to take poeeesaion of the premisee, protect t.he same and
<br /> collect the rents, iasues and profib thareot. (4) That a failure to pay any of said money or any install-
<br /> ment thereof when the aan�e becomes due, or a failute to comply with anY of the foregoing agreemenb,
<br /> shall quee the whole eum of money herein eecured to become due and collectible at once at the optwn of
<br /> the Mort�agee.
<br /> �Tid '�e C c'mb r=r 77
<br /> Si`ned this.......... ....day of.. _ . . _ _.. _ _......_ _ ,., .__ _. . _ ;:_.. , 19...
<br /> ,t �.:�l�."L� !�. ��:.�.�. �_7� --_ .. . _.
<br /> � David W�.:Sc�ff �1 �_
<br /> �/ ' !j ��.��rf,•+<f`.
<br /> 1�_:..�•t.4ti.z.-L�rFti.: w.�G-...�. ..,.: . . i-t ..... ... __..
<br /> STATE OF NEBRAeKA Ma"rilyn Olds Scheffler
<br /> Sa11.................Couner. ��
<br /> _................-
<br /> O� l6i�......�rid..._--_dy,ol._UE C..:_..............._., 1977.. bdore me.tlae uedeesi[�.a Nofary Pubiic.in�sd tw � '.� � � :.
<br /> ria oomh�. vs*b��.ur � ..Davrid.�i.-..8cheffler..-aud...Ma.rilya_.Olda...sc.tseffler....lwabaad.�and_..�z1.�e, �x 2
<br /> L O+�m�IIY�eow��b me to be flie ideelicd pea�e�r�vbor�mes aia adeed be tl�e ebove aed fore�oin� ia�hvmeat, r ,
<br /> meeip�oe�, aM eael��ckiawledsed�sid imlrumeet 6e 6e 6i�or l�er MaeY �nd dnsd. �,
<br /> W'slner mY liaed�fd nofarid seal at. ..w U u ii ^i v t i ,,,///
<br /> eW d�ts la�t�bsw wrifrsa _ // �
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<br /> Mr,...;,� �W.if�lp! �
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