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<br /> 7���'7U46
<br /> � MORTGACF.LOAN NO.1 22,919
<br /> KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Eugene M. Essink and Sharon K. Essink. each tfl f115 d11d
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or more,in considention of the fum of
<br /> Forty Seven Thousand Two Hundred and No/100-------------------------------------�LLw�s
<br /> buwd to said rtwrtgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon ¢�2 sharea of stocJc of
<br /> taid ASSOCIATION, Certificate No.L22�919 ,do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the followine
<br /> described real estate, situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> NE6RASKA.
<br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belunging,including attached ilour wverings, all window sr.reens,
<br /> window shades,bGnds,storm winduws,awnings,hea[ing,air cunditioning,and plumbing and wa[er equipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigerawrs,and other fixwros and eyuipment nuw ur herealirr attached tu or useJ in cunnecuon with said real estate.
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agrezd xnd dues hereby agroe that the mongagor shall and will pay aA taxes and asseasrttents levied or
<br /> acsessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond securod thereby betore the same shall become delinquent to fumish approved
<br /> insurance upcm�hr bu�ldings on said premises situated in the sum uf$Q,��200.�Q Payable w said ASSO('1AT10N and to deliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION ihe policies for said insurance;and not ro commit ur permll any waste un ur about wid premises:
<br /> !n cast of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of'this murtgage or the bond secured hereby,the martgagee shall,
<br /> on demand, be enGtled to immediate possesa�on of the murtgaged premises and the mortgxgor hereby assigns, transfers and xts over tu the
<br /> mort�agee all the rents,rovenues ar�d incomr w be derived(rom the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpxid:and the mortgagee shall have the puwer w appoint any xgent ur agents i� may desire for the purpuse of ropairing said premises and ren[ing
<br /> the same and colkcting the rents,rcvenurs xnd inwme,and it may pay ou[ of said incume xll expenses uf repairing said premius and necess�ry
<br /> commissiuns and expenses incurred in renting�nd managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom: the balance remaining, if any,to be
<br /> +�pplied toward the discharge of said mortgyge indeb[edness;these rights uf the mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existena of such
<br /> defyult,irrrspective uf any tempexary waiver uf the same.
<br /> Thesr Prrsents,however,are upon the Cunditiun,l'hai i(the wid Mortgngor shall r�pay said loan on or beforo the mxturiry o(said shares by
<br /> payment;pay munthly to said ASSOC'IATION uf the aum specified in the Bund secured hereby xs interost and principal un said loan,on ur bafore
<br /> the Twrntieth day uf each and every munth,unnl�id lonn is fully paid;pay ull taxes and asxssmrms levied against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br /> rnd the Bond secured thereby,before delinquency;turnish appcuved insurance upi..n the buillings thereun in the sum af 5d7 Z�� �� Payable
<br /> to sYid ASSOCIATION:rrpyy w said ASSOCIATION upon demand all muney by it paid for such[axes,assessments and inDurance wuh interest yt
<br /> the mazimum legal rate thereun f�rom�iate of paymrnt all uf which Mur[gagor hereby egrees to pay;permit nu was[e on said premises;keep and comply
<br /> with all the sigreemrnts and umdiUuns uf the Bond ibr 5 47 200.OO ��s day given by the said Murtgagur w said ASSO('IATION,and comply
<br /> with all the requuements of the Constitution and By-Laws uf said ASSO('IATION;then these preunts shall become null and vuid,otherwixe they
<br /> shall remain in (ull (urce and may be(oreclused at the option o1 the said ASSO('IATIUN after failure for three munths to make any of said
<br /> payments ur be three mun�hs in arrearn in inxking said monthly paymenu,ur to keep and cumply with the agreements and cunditions of said Bund;
<br /> rnd Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such furedusurr pruceedings.
<br /> 1(tlure is yny ctuu�ge in uwne�ship uf the real estatr mortgag�d herein, by sale ur otherwise, then the entirc remaining lndebtedness hereby
<br /> . recurcd ehall,at the uption of The F,yuitable Building and Loan Associatiun o((:rund Island,Nebras{ca,become immrdutely due and payabk without
<br /> fur[her notice,and thr amuunt remrining due under sald bond,and any other bond for any additional advances rtude thweunder,shaU,from the
<br /> date of exercise of seid option,bexr interest at the muximum legal rate,and this mortga�e may then be(oreclused to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> boad,and any o[her bond for addi[ionrl advancex,together wi[h all sums paid by said The Equitabin Building and Luan pswciation of Grynd lsland,
<br /> Nebraalca for incurance,taxes and asYessments,and abstracting extensiun charges, with interrst thereon, f'rom date uf payment a[ the meximum
<br /> le�al nte.
<br /> As provided in the Bund secured hereby,while this mortgage remains in effect the murtgagee may hercafter advanae additiunal sums to the
<br /> mdeers uf s�id Bond,their eseigns or sua;ess�xs in interest,which sums shall be within the xcurity vf this mortgage the same as the funds originYlly
<br /> oecured thereby,the total amount o(principal debt noi�o exceed at any time the original amoun�of this murtgage.
<br /> ua�eacn�� 5th. dayof December n.n.,iv77 �,
<br /> � -,
<br /> -�-o.�_ m_ � ..,�=s� ' ,`-`��,n�. /l /- �Q.���'
<br /> Eu e N. Essink Sharon K. Essink —��
<br /> srsr�o��erw�s+u,� .;.
<br /> K' �. o�t� 5 th. a.Y ar De cembe r i 9 7 7 .�ro«�.
<br /> c�ouNr�r oF Euta, �;�'��� �
<br /> the under' d,a Notery Public in and for said County,personally came
<br /> 1 Euqene M. Essink and Sharon K. Essink, each in his an�her own right and as spouse of each I
<br /> ot�ler, Wh� a�.,e pera,�wy Icnown�o
<br /> se to be the ideptipl perfos Yrho�e n�qfp S d1"C �}Tixed to the above instrument as m�tgagor S and they ����y '
<br /> ��h.w�a�necruemi w be the i r ..�ury.ci ana aaed.
<br /> M"17 AttSS my baed and Nota[iU Seal tl+e date atoreeaid. ••�
<br /> My Co�ninion e�tpire� �� �`
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