<br /> r -�
<br /> ��- U07045 MORTGAGE
<br /> _��. ��s-���
<br /> Thielndenture,titadrt,vand�t�+��� KENNETH B. KNOX AND DAVID E. PHILIPPI, AS TENANTS IN COMMON
<br /> "----'--------"----'------------'-----^------.— whethrr nro mo erein fter fereeciw mortQn�or
<br /> �a THE OVERLAND NATIONAL BANK OF GRAND ISLAND, Grand Is�an�, Ne ras�Ca, �iere�na�ter
<br /> � referred to as Bank g6 000.00 �
<br /> The Mort�agor for sind in conaideration of I$ . ' i
<br /> ----------------------------------------------
<br /> NINETY-SIX THOUSAND AND NU/100---------------------------------------
<br /> _ .
<br /> r�t.�.nx.s.c�d ey ct��.
<br /> the receipt whereof ie herehy acknuwledged, hae KrantHd, barK�tined. H��I�1 and amveyed, and by Lhe preaenfe, doee Qrant,
<br /> bargain,xell and convey,unU�eaid bnnk,the followin�,drncrihHcl rea1 pmpr•rty eituatvd w chu�(_'�.�unty of Hd��
<br /> and State of Nebraeka,urwiC
<br /> A tract of land with 240 feet fronting on the East side of South Locust Street in Grand
<br /> Island. Nebraska, and extending East 433 feet, more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at a point 408.77 feet south of the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> of Section 27, Township 11 North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., Hatt County, Nebraska,
<br /> also known as Part of Lot 4 Island, thence running east and parallel to the North
<br /> line of the said Southwest Quarter a distance of 433 feet, thence south and parallel to
<br /> the West line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 240 fPet, thence West and
<br /> para17e1 to the North line of said Southwest Quarter• for a distance of 433 feet, thence
<br /> North along the East line of South Locust Street for a distance of 240 feet to the ptace
<br /> of beginnin�g all in Grand Island, Hall Count�y; Nebraska
<br /> Logether with a] t�r tru��nu�nts, horrditum��nts :nd appwt��uau.�r.- �� L6� ,:,mr tud�a��-in�;, und all Lhe rntate, tiUe,clainls and
<br /> demands whxtsurver ��f thN m��rt�a�ur of, in �n�tu said ���mmis�•� ��r an�� pxi;, ihi•muf; an�1 said mnrtt;eRor doet� hereby rov-
<br /> enant, that thu mort�at��n� i� I:IN'�LII}' ��'I/.e�I ��f sai�: pn�n�i���.,thai ,.u�i premi.,��, ar<� frer from ineumbrance and mortgaqor
<br /> will warrnnt xnd �.fefend thr titlo to aai,l ��r„mis�•s a�:,in�t thrrlaim= �ind d��mz�nd= „f all prrs��ns whumsuevrr.
<br /> PROVIDF:II A1.WA]'S, und !hi�s�� pres�•nt.s arr up���n tht�se cnnditr,u.v�
<br /> WHEREAS, thr mortKa�;nr l�as rz����u��•d :�rJ del�����n�d i�� tn�� Hxnk d CEY'tdl ft .._ promissory note
<br /> dated October 25, 1977, for $96,000.00 at 9.75o interest, to mature April 24, 1978.
<br /> and has agreed to mainLaSn Cir��, winAst��rm an�� � . .r��io�i ��n rnyrv� �r,sar.,n��� „r�. sei�i pn•miv�=s in aro��unts required xnd in
<br /> companies approvrd by th�• hank and �.�(�h =txn��ar��i�:.��rt�;us��•��I.a„s��- ��ni�-h F�.�li���.-s -h:i11 tH� drliei•rrd to thr bank, and haa
<br /> a([reed to pay ell Laxes and x.<:sessments Icci���f u�;am�t ,aid prrnils�•.s I�,��i„r�- th�� samu kx•ro�n.• �lelinyurnt and [o maintain said
<br /> premises.
<br /> Now, thereforr, if the �nort�;a�*oi• sh:ill ���,mp�iy µ;tn ali nf cho i�r��ci.iurs �,f �:ud n��te and t,he provisionn hereof, then
<br /> these presrnts shall be null xnd void.
<br /> However, if thr abuve nute and intere.t rh�•r����r �, � .i.i:p p:�ym��nts ��a11�•d fur th�•rr��n are not �aid when due ar if any
<br /> of the covenanta of this inatrument xrr not ����n�pli�•J wit!r. th��I��xnk. ,,r th�� h�.�ld,�r l���rr��!. a! its optiun maY drelare the re-
<br /> mYining bxlance of said indehtedrrss duu and �+:��ui,ir :n�i r :�p u:aintnic : . .n�ti�,r: et law� .� in ryuity tu rrcovrr r❑ rmounts
<br /> due and enforcr the provisi„ns hereul. in th�� � .�ni ��i •6�- tuuw��� ��i n���rt�u����r , ivaintafm t.iu� prunu.rn, ur to mamtain
<br /> insurance aa ia abovr pruvided tur, ur t�� pxp tax,-. „r u., ;:sm��nt,, tl,�� f�„1�li�r hrr��uf nixy acivanrr the swn or auma neceBsary
<br /> to obtain compliance and such amuunts nhull Ix• addrd t�� ihe��ne��unt Jur on t.hr alr,ve mentf�ned note and bear intereat at
<br /> the hiQheet legal rate.
<br /> IT IS FURTIIEk AGRF:F.D, this murt�-ay;r -.}:n!1 ����m�.t�tu!.� �:��ti���� h��m��i, tha� thi, m��rt�aKe is 5f•CU[']C}' for not only
<br /> the amount advanced concurrently with the rz�•cuti��u h«�r,•��P I�ut xll fuwre uJ��xu„�< Hhi��h map 6e made xt. tAe upti�,�n of L6e
<br /> perties or their assigns up Lo the tutal xniuunt �tu����i in thi. :uur�y�-x��•, �n th�� ,urn.� �=xt.-nt ae advan��es oriqinaliy made here-
<br /> under. Further nutiee is hereby y;iven thnt th�� t��nur -,f�•a�•h \1��rci.:utc�� \„t�� ir��-lulin� tk,� incrr���t rat.•, payment, maturity,
<br /> penalties. and other terrns yha❑ roururrvntly upor. .��t�cutinn h.�r�.,n�.,� ss ��nrt ��f itiis ru�itY�;sagr.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGHF;F.11, that. ihr .sui�i !11�,rt�^n¢��ir �l�a;; :;nd wili ��ny aii tas�-.s !rcird upuu this murtgaRe or the debt
<br /> recutwd thereLy, t,oKether with anp �.,th<•r tnsrs ��r a. s=r:u�ne;a4::;rh �.,ay ��r i.-vii•d ur.�irr chr I.x.ws ��f tir6raske, aKa.inat the
<br /> said Mortgagee or the le�al holder ��f th��.aid ���r(n��y�al i�,.c.�:� ��.�.�,�„unc ,�. �_h3. ir.�l�-Lt���ir,.::„.
<br /> IT IS FURTF{ER AGREF:I'1, if at uny tim��, H�t:il�� thr �nnrt��itie• ia in ��ffr•ct und thr uute for whirh this mort.RaQe ls
<br /> given as aecurity, or any part,th��rruf'. rcmaui. �iripa,d. tn�� uud��t.:«:n��-� ?1 .r,::�i;���e �,.ii, r��r:c�•c ,.e� cuntru�-t t�. .rll thr reul
<br /> esfrte herein described, or any part thoreu(, ur thr M��rtEe����rs d�, r+��t La.��- ��r ,���x.�� i,� ��.svr iR«� t�� .xid rral e.tatr or any
<br /> pert Lhereof, then and in any surh rvent�, [hc 'N�,�t�;�xy��;.• mey,at it= ��pii�ui, �ir��lan� rh,• ;uipa�d prin��ipal bxlancr, and interest,
<br /> of the note eecured hereby innnrdiateJy dur and y�a��ahle. L� �h��ov�,et r��.ut [h��se pr��ni�s�-. n �� not nuu�, ��r st:uuld hrreafter,not
<br /> r
<br /> be occupied Ay mortRaKnr thrn!hi< in.trumenc .har ,�,.•i=t"ut��x,. ;>...-i�•nrn��n• ��!- �,�cte,'> ar:d �c"-�� uf a ru3;y th�re�:�f upon the
<br /> oceUpant ahall be xufficient to rryuirr all puymunt f��r n�utul „r ti=.� �.�t rh., prrni�x��� a!'tcr��ibt<� uf sui�h sercire Lu made to
<br /> mortgagee.
<br /> 8igned cnu._..__25th__.._�8y „r . October . . ,ly 77
<br /> In presrni�e of ✓ ti""'t' ���� � �..���
<br /> K t . - Marilyn^ . nox �`
<br /> _......._ ..__ __ '
<br /> �a i . i ��t �I<<Naomi �.�.%h ;p�
<br /> _..__......._ _._.__ ._
<br /> �pp�
<br /> 3TATE OF __NEB�SKA <<u t� �r ��� penn t B. a�n� Ma i 1 n �I Knox and
<br /> Beforr me, a nutary v�Fl � aua;f� i ' �� > i . a�cv �.. i y � .rr,� Rd V� � p j 'Y P 7�7pp 1
<br /> know4 Lo me to be the identiial p�r�on o� i��,<r , vt,.. -�.� .<<1 r6o .�e-„r.y.KrRtru�ie it:������k��w�•�i�.�f th,. ��z�>r�fiTro t.hNre-
<br /> of to be h�s,her or theu�voluntrry ac: nnd derd.
<br /> arial seal un �Ct04@Y 2�J � �y ]7 _
<br /> �KAIIlN M.N�{LT � y�, ;..�
<br /> �s+�o� '�1 �.� /-%" '% J-
<br /> 1�'�.. . . ':v �C% �tl t-f r., . . .,;r<<'-�.t`'a/�.Pi„tary Yubl�c. .
<br /> L___
<br /> 3TATE OF . .-._. ..._ . r Fr.t.•rr�+ on •ium i ui ;ndrx and filud f���r rerord t'� �-
<br /> L _ se � �
<br /> Cotu�ty _... . ... ._ . 1 n th<�He�wcer�.1 Ur��ds Gffirr�,f sxid C'uunty Lhe �,,
<br /> _.....�...._._...._...diy of.. ._ .. ... .. . 1`.+ . xc ��'r:�,�..k .ina �nuwt��s M.. �?^�:'..;
<br /> aed recorded in Boolc ��f .� ,.,.,.
<br /> � ReK. of Deede •�
<br /> gy. �P���.
<br /> �
<br />