r -�
<br /> BTATE OF NEB$AB�SA, Count� 01 ........................................................:
<br /> Fikd for record and entared in Numerical Indez
<br /> on ............................................................ at ................ o'clock ................ M., NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY
<br /> aad recorded in Deed Seooid ............................... Page ........................_..... STAMP TAX
<br /> - ,
<br /> ......................_.................................... By ............................................................ DEG 6 1 7
<br /> � Couaty Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or
<br /> $e�ister of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds $ �7 i`1�,
<br /> ����_.BY
<br /> 77� U U 7 0 4 4 WARRANTY DEED �Are"'E"7 r�rT,�,_,,�„
<br /> RAYMOND E:. RUSS and BEULAH C. ROS$, HusbancJ and Wife, each in his and
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each uttier
<br /> , herein aalled the Qraator whether oae or fivr�,
<br /> in conrideration o! SIX '1'HOU9ANL ;JINE Ii1�NDl2'r.L I IF"PY t.tiD NO/lUJ'j`HS tJULLARS
<br /> (,�Ei,!)50.C�0�
<br /> recelved from grantee, doea grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto I20(3ER A. GADE
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real prnperty in
<br /> ..........................#�a.l.l...................._.............. County, Nebraska:
<br /> Lo t 'fwen ty '1'wu (22� , ft c;: i3 Subdivi�ion, in
<br /> Hall County. Nebraska.
<br /> To have and to hold the above deucribed premises together with sll tenemente, heredita.ments
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heira and aseigns forever.
<br /> And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heire aad a�ti�
<br /> that grantor i� lawfuily eeised of eaid premises; that they are free Prom encumbrance except for
<br /> easements and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey ttie same; and that grantor warraab aad will
<br /> defend the title to said premisea against the lawYul claima of all pereona whomsoever.
<br /> Dat,ed %'Ui-i,►'(-{���.(. �' �y 19��
<br /> ............................................................. .� ,�rT:<x7u�C .� r
<br /> ....................... a. ..............................t.'.�.�.a�ti......................
<br /> Raymond E. l2oss
<br /> ��.4.K-o�..k
<br /> � ��
<br /> .................................................................................... .........:.................1............................................._.......
<br /> ijeulaki C. FtoSs
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,County o! ...................k�.a 11,.,,.,....,,_,.,,,,,,_,..,.:
<br /> Before me. x nntary ��ubli�• ��ualified for said couuty, prrsonallp eflme
<br /> RAYMO'�D E, ROSS anri HEULAH C. KOSS� tivaband
<br /> and Wife, each in his and ber own right and
<br /> as spouse of each other
<br /> known to me to be the identicul person or persone who aigned the " 1 " {;
<br /> foregoing iflstrument and acknowledged the ezecution thereof to be his, «r"'
<br /> her er their voluatary aet aud deed_ K=
<br /> � Witnees my hand and n ial eeal on ...." �4'�.`.Z:�L''`'�` / � J 7 7� �*
<br /> �M�iE1;KNt � ......... .......................�.�.
<br /> .. ........
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<br /> M�• Commiroion ezpi�er .. . ..�,1��:'�... /v ��I� ..•.
<br /> ..`............. 19 ..J-........
<br /> i'oe�e !.t AODe�oved M /iebraata t4tat� I�� Aaax�lwci�n IWM�!MN1(fa..�JwaJw.N�br.
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